ya it makes sense but its still ironical that they conquered half of the world (and with that most of europe) but not that small isle where they actually came from ^^
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ya it makes sense but its still ironical that they conquered half of the world (and with that most of europe) but not that small isle where they actually came from ^^
Arthur is already named in the anime, and he's a neko!
Perhaps suzaku will betray his cat!Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
I thought this episode was good in it's own ways.
One thing that struck me when I watched this ep (around 5mins ago), then read these comments, is regarding Orange-kun's call.
All we saw was Jeremiah call Guilford.
Most people suspected Orange's betrayal, from just that one scene. Yet we've seen just how true Lord Jeremiah's loyalty to Britannia was.
He regretted his impotence in protecting Marianne. He would die to know someone still fights for Marianne. He would respect someone for their loyalty regardless of how they mutilated his body.
In this episode, he'd rather hand Cornelia over than simply "let her go", even though she too is of loyalty. That's Jeremiah.
Knowing that, and seeing Guildford's dumbstruck face in the parade afterwards (15:05) makes me think otherwise:
Jeremiah is trying to recruit the Glaston Knights.
Edit: regarding Viletta, it looked like she could have taken a direct hit on those rocks last ep.
And about Anya's memories, the writers introduced an interesting nutcase full of mysteries this season, and they've also provided the key that is the Geass Canceler.
You forgot more screen time for Kallen in that dress^^.Quote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
Of course the episode was win just for the Karen scene (I can take or leave the C.C. stuff), but Ive noticed that I actually respect what the writers have done with Nina..like even though she's fictional, I seethe when she's onscreen. I mean, even though I'm no Suzaku fan, she has some nerve to suggest that to Lloyd, while Suzaku is standing right there, and then say it with a totally straight face, and of course bring up Euphy in the process. Lloyd shoulda back handed her instead of just threatened her.Quote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
I agree with everything you said about Nina. I didn't like Euphie, but using her name like that os just low... Its too bad Nunnally is not there to expose her table-screwing hobby and shame her forever... Well, after seeing her expose her insanity and ugly crazy face from time to time, I guess having a table fetish is not such a big deal...
.....wait, THAT"S what the table was for.....:confused:Quote:
Originally Posted by staffcc
I just rewatched the episode and I wondered why Lelouch's Geass has no effect on C.C.
Is she still immortal and a geass master?
we know now that Lelouch isn't immortal because he still has his geass... so the only thing that changed is that C.C. has lost her memories?
Just wanted to respeak this point, because it was one of the questions we (or probably just me?) had in the last episode.
and does C.C. has a new VA now? If not, then she does a great job.. for me C.C. sounds totally different now... I like the new sound of her voice more than the old one
It slipped my mind, but yes, that very question crossed my mind too. It's not very CodeGeass-like to leave plot holes wide open. Has it ever been established whether Geass simply do not work on the one who gave it to you, or to all Immortals in general? We've never seen a match between C.C.- Rolo, nor V.V. - Lelouch. If all immortals are indeed immune to any Geass, we could attribute that to certain bodily changes that occur when they acquired immortality. Becoming a mortal may not completely reverse the change.Quote:
Originally Posted by KrayZ33
Well I don't recall him giving her an order besides STOP when she wanted to take of her clothes. And then he said that before looking her in the eye =\Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Oh and I love Suzaku's face on this one
well but the geassed target normally gets the "red eyes".
take the scene where he tested his geass with the teacher.
he called the teachers name who looked into his eyes then and became influenced by it. and _after_ that he gave the order, if I remember it correctly
I'm pretty sure she is still immune against geasses.
why should she become back to normal, when Lelouch still has his geass and he did not take her code because it would be visible on his forehead then... well ok his hair is probably hiding it.. but it would be strange if he has the code and the geass.
I bet everything that happened is the destruction of the cyberworld they were fighting last episode, which caused the amnesia
I believe that too, but that then leads us to another question. Why was it only C.C's memories that were erased, if say it had nothing to do with semi-removing her code? Both Charles and Lelouch were there too, and neither lose their memories. If you thought it's 'cause C.C. was immortal, well so was Charles.Quote:
Originally Posted by KrayZ33
True. The logical conclusion would be to point at the incomplete ritual as the cause.
C.C. still seems to be immune to geass, but maybe that's because the ritual was not completed as well. She is definitely not immortal though, since the cut on her finger bled like crazy and did not seem to heal up.
But we don't really see if it the wound closed or not, since the blood was covering it, so it's not sure...
Wasn't Charles already immortal when Lelouch geassed him to kill himself?Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
I mean... he was, because he survided... duh...
So my guess is that Rollo could well use his Geass to stop CC... or Lelouch could have made VV do something. Dunno. Like order him to stay underwater forever... how will an immortal react to that? (this one of VV of course before giving his immortality to Charles)
It didn't work. The emperor just pretended to be affected, which is why Lelouch failed when he tried again and again after that.
That means all immortals in the show are immune to all forms of geass.
true(!), now I understand why Lelouch was so concerned about C.C. just because she bleed a "little", I think he knows that she isn't immortal anymore... and that is the reason why they showed us that C.C. got a band-aid on her finger.. because it didn't heal automatically like all her wounds beforeQuote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
my bad for missing that. but it makes perfect sense now
then its all the more confusing why Lelouch still has the geass etc... well, but as you said, its probably because of the ritual which was not done correctly
I forgot about the band aid too! I guess its already a sure thing that C.C. is human now, but the reason why she is immune to geass is still a mystery... Maybe like buffalobiian said, once you become immune you become immune forever, like vaccination...
Isn't it funny how geass sounds almost like guess? which is pretty much all we are doing all the time... :)
He did not pretend. He did get the characteristic red eyes of a Geass'ed person.Quote:
Originally Posted by staffcc