How exactly are those similar..?
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How exactly are those similar..?
Colour I suppose. You'd think a blue-rimmed gold coin would be unique enough not to need a second glance. Or a really good first glance.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Blue-rimmed gold coin? Aren't those just standard bimetallic coins?
Yeah, just like the euro coins:
Okay, maybe dark grey. Then the consistent pattern around the edge? I guess bimetalic coins aren't as uncommon as I thought. (This is coming from a guy living in Australia, where coins come in small golden, big golden, big silver decagon (maybe dodecagon - I don't have one on me right now), medium circular silver, small circular silver and tiny circular silver)Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Never, EVER, think that there's only one path to life. I had to learn that the hard way when I decided that this path might be just for me, and me only. Being stubborn isn't a good thing, as you'll eventually lead yourself down a spiralling path of shame and hardship, represented by your ignorant self and wallow in your own pity. Take other paths and express yourself in the future, as you'll be gratefully embraced by those that can look up to you.
That's a life lesson that a lot of people I've known over the years took entirely too long to learn... minus the sappiness.
I don't know how many people I know who stuck with the wrong major in college for 3, 4 years longer than they should have, until they eventually failed out of the program entirely. But at least 5 come to mind, and they all ended up walking away from college for a while with tens of thousands of dollars worth of debt and nothing to show for it.
I was in that same boat, spent 5 years at 2 colleges, changed majors halfway through, ended up quitting school but with only about $7k in loan debt. Left for the work force and a paycheck. Soon I'm going back to school with a little more direction, more resolve, and money in the bank.
I'd say no matter what happens, going to school is good for you and you leave with something to show for your struggles: valuable life lessons.
Some of us just really screw ourselves over with the majors we choose. I have been going to college for 5 years, I tried to get my journalism degree but that was just personally a bad year, and I realized I hated journalism. When I flunked out 2 years after I moved to the state university, I took a couple years off and came back to major in CIT in January, having to pay out of pocket so I can get financial aid again next time around. I am enjoying it though; for a while I thought I just wasn't a college "type" but that's simply unacceptable when you have no skillset or job connections.. I'm not going to make a couple hundred a week slaving for the man like I did in my time off.
One of my roommates hates his current major. He's a 5th year senior and hates Chemistry so much, but has been sticking with it just to graduate. Although, he has got a pretty clear plan ahead of him after he graduates, so it seems he's fully aware of the lesson Nadouku described. Sometimes you just gotta do things to get them done.
I wish my future were a little more concrete. I guess I just take the message that "there's more than one path" to its logical extreme, to the point where I have no focus whatsoever.
The medicine that my doctor prescribed to me to see if I get better is Prednisone, and as helpful as it sounds, it contains a lot of other side-effects which includes but not limited to:
- increased blood sugar for diabetics
- weight gain
- facial swelling
- depression, mania, or other psychiatric symptoms
- unusual fatigue or weakness
- mental confusion / indecisiveness
- blurred vision
- rash
- increased appetite
- hyperactivity
- frequent urination
So far, I've only felt about a fraction of these symptoms, like increased appetite and hyperactivity. The doctor tells me to take these to help against my inflammatory disease, or the severe allergy that I'm going through right now. It's kind of helping, since they are slowly clearing away.
Today i learned how to change strings in Floyd Rose bridge hard way, damn i had guitar tuned perfectly and now surprise - i have to lower the springs of the bridge because tremolo would not work. Once again tuning, and surprise i have to move bridge a bit higher because strings when strummed would hit frets. Once again tuning.
With experimenting to find correct way to do this it took only 3h.
Next time I'm going to use the same strings so i will change them one by one and i won't have to rise/lower bridge and change springs tension.
If you want to do it and not waste much time just:
-remove and attach strings
-set up springs in such way that bridge is parallel to the body when there is tension on the strings
-move bridge up to prevent strings from hitting frets and make buzzing noise
-tune(EADGBe for standard tuning - and make sure to fine tune the bridge so on 12th fret you get same notes but octave higher)
- repeat tune until all strings are tuned perfectly
and remember to tune by ear and only then correct using tuner.
Yeah, those work slowly but surely. I've had that one before to get rid of my full body rash I got from a drink once.Quote:
Originally Posted by Nadouku
Drugs list LOTS of side effects, but it tells you nothing about how likely you are to get them. Before they're let onto the market they go through stringent testing, involving perhaps a thousandguinea pigssubjects or more in some cases. If any side effect is even evident, sometimes even if just reported, such as increased appetite, it goes on the list.
What you've got there are some of the more common ones. (I think common being 5% or more subjects reported that side effect?). There are scarier (but much rarer) ones too they didn't tell you about. :p
But I was on it, and I'm fine......sort of :rolleyes:
I'm so glad I don't ever have to change my bass strings. The more I play, the rounder and thumpier the sound gets. It's beautiful because what you described sounds like such a hassle.Quote:
Originally Posted by Xelbair
Also, I just learned a new Stones bass line. I put it on my youtube. Check it, y'all.
Eating pasta with a debit card isn't that bad. At least it wasn't spaghetti.
Perhaps a bit unsightly at first, but that's about it. :)
This was actually a while back, but it's good to keep an extra copy or two of anything. I tried to print my paper off, but the bloody thing didn't print at all. It just sat there, chilling, and constantly spamming error messages. So then I make changes to my paper, save it, and... my file disappears. I gacked, but remembered that I kept another one elsewhere and rushed back to retrieve. Would have been bad if I didn't turn that paper in on time.
Today I am learning about Torts and such in LGS 200 (Basic Legal Studies pretty much). And about how a girl can punch my face in if I pinch her butt in a bar and has the legal right to do so. There goes my weekend fun time :(. Also, I can't shoot someone who breaks into my house and tries to steal my stuff. I have to be "Fearful for my life," for me to have right to shoot him...
Got to love the law.
Today I learned that a "butt-load" used to be a legitimate unit of measurement.
450 Gallons. That sure is a buttload of liquid.
Shopping never became so educational before. I would always just throw anything that seems good into my cart and buy it all out. Now, I have to shop conservatively, and I've taken note of things that happen to be interesting:
A celery in the fresh isle section has more calories than say a packaged celery in the same section. However, this might be due to the nutritional values that it gets instead of the packaged one, where it just gets treated with... God knows what. Comparing alike things is the best way to save your money too because the packaged celery versus individual celery is not marginally big, but it's good enough to save about three dollars. (I.E. the 12-packed celery costs $5.99 while the individual celery costs $0.25). Not that it matters to me much since I buy the individual celery, but it makes me wonder why they would sell it at a higer price.
Is the packaged version washed? That's probably why. Otherwise I have no idea why it'd sell for 100% higher.Quote:
Originally Posted by Nado
Food in general has costed quite a lot. We get frozen broccoli now rather than fresh. It's washed, and tastes the same - maybe slightly softer, which isn't at all bad.