Maybe thats why ppl like it so much.
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Maybe thats why ppl like it so much.
you mean the cylinder that's horizontal as opposed to the PLANT's vertical "state"?Quote:
Originally posted by: Marcis
I will try but to do that i have to rewatch episodes 30-38...Quote:
Originally posted by: splash
any specific image of this cylindrical object cause there are alot of them and its hard to pinpoint which one you are talking about
It was there somewhere... cyllindrical object next to PLANT
Shown very briefly while Dullindal was talking about something...
i believe that the subtitle that explains locations (such as Onogoro and so on)
said that it was PLANT's military headquarters/tactical center, that would be logical since it was Yakin Due in Seed and that got utterly destroyed
so i too doubt it is Dullindal's "doomsday device"
Okay, i am trying to summarize from which Gundam shows they borrowed ideas and what exactly:
UC timeline first:
1. Gundam (aka First Gundam aka Mobile Suit Gundam) - well, whole Gundam idea, obvious, plus entire SEED setup follows Gundam. Mobile armors, asteroid fortresses, colony drops, etc...
2. Gundam 0083 - METEOR
3. Zeta Gundam - transforming, plane-like Gundam (AEGIS, Saviour), desert warfare, colony laser, Psyco Gundam (Destroy in GSD), Hyaku Shiki (as Akatsuki)
4. Double Zeta - combining Gundam (Impulse)
5. Char's Counterattack - final SEED battle possibly
6. Gundam F91 - beam shields, religious organizations wanting to "purify" Earth
7. V Gundam - beam shields, triple-block Gundam, see above
G Gundam:
Destiny's "shining finger" attack
Wing Gundam:
Lots of "polished" Gundams, previous shows had 3 Gundams max, except for G, total commercialization, story aimed only to sell more models. Too much pretty boys. Heavy abuse of stock animation.
Gundam X:
Obvious - Freedom's design is ripped off Gundam Double X
Shows they did not rip off so far:
Gundam 0080 (best personal story and best looking female Gundam pilot!)
Turn A (story is very good) um wait... Loran like Kira has "no kill" policy, that counts as ripping? guess so
8th MS Team (story about grunt pilots and no kid geniuses piloting Gundams, all heroes are in their mid-20s)
lamest Gundam product so far, TV movie with nothing interesting.
New things SEED introduced so far:
Sex scene (woohoo! fanservice r teh l33t!!!)
full God Mode characters (even Heero Yui had some scars and so)
Bringing characters back from dead just to please the audience, abusing stock animation and recap episodes even more.
Filling episodes with constant flashbacks just to drag the series to fill 50 eps (Fukuda should'nt be held responsible for that, Naruto creators started it and they should be drawn and quartered for introducing this trend!!!)
feel free to add
That was also used in the first Gundam, and if you go by the model kits it was in 0083 as well.Quote:
Originally posted by: Marcis
4. Double Zeta - combining Gundam (Impulse)
there was another gundam series where a Side stole gundams from the other side just like how they stole the GAT gundams
not sure tho
Originally posted by: Curium
That was also used in the first Gundam, and if you go by the model kits it was in 0083 as well.Quote:
Originally posted by: Marcis
4. Double Zeta - combining Gundam (Impulse)
Victory Gundam did it better than the others because of the mass produced parts it had. Victory also had complete control over all the parts in a certain area.
haha nice must have taken you a while to find all those details but on a more serious matter you have to keep in mind that Gundam is still Gundam (or so we would hope) so its only natural to find some aspects of previous gundams and combine them.Quote:
Originally posted by: Marcis
Okay, i am trying to summarize from which Gundam shows they borrowed ideas and what exactly:
UC timeline first:
1. Gundam (aka First Gundam aka Mobile Suit Gundam) - well, whole Gundam idea, obvious, plus entire SEED setup follows Gundam. Mobile armors, asteroid fortresses, colony drops, etc...
2. Gundam 0083 - METEOR
3. Zeta Gundam - transforming, plane-like Gundam (AEGIS, Saviour), desert warfare, colony laser, Psyco Gundam (Destroy in GSD), Hyaku Shiki (as Akatsuki)
4. Double Zeta - combining Gundam (Impulse)
5. Char's Counterattack - final SEED battle possibly
6. Gundam F91 - beam shields, religious organizations wanting to "purify" Earth
7. V Gundam - beam shields, triple-block Gundam, see above
G Gundam:
Destiny's "shining finger" attack
Wing Gundam:
Lots of "polished" Gundams, previous shows had 3 Gundams max, except for G, total commercialization, story aimed only to sell more models. Too much pretty boys. Heavy abuse of stock animation.
Gundam X:
Obvious - Freedom's design is ripped off Gundam Double X
Shows they did not rip off so far:
Gundam 0080 (best personal story and best looking female Gundam pilot!)
Turn A (story is very good) um wait... Loran like Kira has "no kill" policy, that counts as ripping? guess so
8th MS Team (story about grunt pilots and no kid geniuses piloting Gundams, all heroes are in their mid-20s)
lamest Gundam product so far, TV movie with nothing interesting.
New things SEED introduced so far:
Sex scene (woohoo! fanservice r teh l33t!!!)
full God Mode characters (even Heero Yui had some scars and so)
Bringing characters back from dead just to please the audience, abusing stock animation and recap episodes even more.
Filling episodes with constant flashbacks just to drag the series to fill 50 eps (Fukuda should'nt be held responsible for that, Naruto creators started it and they should be drawn and quartered for introducing this trend!!!)
feel free to add
I agree fully that they use to much things from past series, this is kinda getting like overkill... and the flashback abuse is, well annoying though on an anime like Naruto it does'nt matter that much because in the end the story will follow the manga. On GSD the problem is we KNOW there's only 50 episodes so less and less space for good stuff.
It seems gundam is getting worse everytime (more or less) they trade good content for nice visual graphics. I just damn hope the next serie will be better and pray they fire Fukuda
In 0083 GP02 was stolen, in Zeta the MK II Gundams were stolen repeatedly in the beginning.Quote:
Originally posted by: aznimperialx
there was another gundam series where a Side stole gundams from the other side just like how they stole the GAT gundams
not sure tho
I had heard once that Gundam SEED had been created to sort of update the original Gundam for the 21st century audiance. The whole familiarity thing is for that reason.Quote:
Originally posted by: pash241
I agree fully that they use to much things from past series, this is kinda getting like overkill...
I wish I could argue against that point, but I can't.Quote:
and the flashback abuse is, well annoying
There is a new hope and it's called MS Igloo. Also second Zeta movie is coming out this year.
At least story is interesting, centering on very beginnings of One Year War - Battle of Loum where Char earned his "Red Comet" nickname.
every Gundam show borrows from its predecessors...that`s why they`re called GUNDAM...they`re all war dramas taken from different angles or having different plot twists...Fukuda is not the first to borrow and he definitely won`t be the last...Quote:
Originally posted by: Marcis
Okay, i am trying to summarize from which Gundam shows they borrowed ideas and what exactly:
UC timeline first:
1. Gundam (aka First Gundam aka Mobile Suit Gundam) - well, whole Gundam idea, obvious, plus entire SEED setup follows Gundam. Mobile armors, asteroid fortresses, colony drops, etc...
2. Gundam 0083 - METEOR
3. Zeta Gundam - transforming, plane-like Gundam (AEGIS, Saviour), desert warfare, colony laser, Psyco Gundam (Destroy in GSD), Hyaku Shiki (as Akatsuki)
4. Double Zeta - combining Gundam (Impulse)
5. Char's Counterattack - final SEED battle possibly
6. Gundam F91 - beam shields, religious organizations wanting to "purify" Earth
7. V Gundam - beam shields, triple-block Gundam, see above
G Gundam:
Destiny's "shining finger" attack
Wing Gundam:
Lots of "polished" Gundams, previous shows had 3 Gundams max, except for G, total commercialization, story aimed only to sell more models. Too much pretty boys. Heavy abuse of stock animation.
Gundam X:
Obvious - Freedom's design is ripped off Gundam Double X
Shows they did not rip off so far:
Gundam 0080 (best personal story and best looking female Gundam pilot!)
Turn A (story is very good) um wait... Loran like Kira has "no kill" policy, that counts as ripping? guess so
8th MS Team (story about grunt pilots and no kid geniuses piloting Gundams, all heroes are in their mid-20s)
lamest Gundam product so far, TV movie with nothing interesting.
New things SEED introduced so far:
Sex scene (woohoo! fanservice r teh l33t!!!)
full God Mode characters (even Heero Yui had some scars and so)
Bringing characters back from dead just to please the audience, abusing stock animation and recap episodes even more.
Filling episodes with constant flashbacks just to drag the series to fill 50 eps (Fukuda should'nt be held responsible for that, Naruto creators started it and they should be drawn and quartered for introducing this trend!!!)
feel free to add
the next show will borrow from another set of GUNDAM shows...
the fact that they are all called GUNDAM should make it obvious that they will borrow from one another...
as for your Heero Yui statement...of course Heero had some scars...all he did was jump out of high rise buildings and basically throw himself all over the earth with little regard for his life...
and how come u don`t have a problem with Gundam X being a total Neon Genesis Evangelion rip off??
and Naruto did not start anime flashbacks...flashbacks have always been constantly used in Anime...
Eva, Technoman, Dragon ball series, Kenshin, and the list goes on and on and`s a very good story telling device...
obviously SEED offers something new otherwise you wouldn`t go out of your way to download it every week...i think u`re missing the point of the story big time...
I know that every Gundam show has to borrow something from previous, at least the Gundam name and title mecha. But it would not hurt anobody to throw in fresh ideas once in a while.Quote:
Originally posted by: fox_t
every Gundam show borrows from its predecessors...that`s why they`re called GUNDAM...they`re all war dramas taken from different angles or having different plot twists...Fukuda is not the first to borrow and he definitely won`t be the last...Quote:
Originally posted by: Marcis
Okay, i am trying to summarize from which Gundam shows they borrowed ideas and what exactly:
UC timeline first:
1. Gundam (aka First Gundam aka Mobile Suit Gundam) - well, whole Gundam idea, obvious, plus entire SEED setup follows Gundam. Mobile armors, asteroid fortresses, colony drops, etc...
2. Gundam 0083 - METEOR
3. Zeta Gundam - transforming, plane-like Gundam (AEGIS, Saviour), desert warfare, colony laser, Psyco Gundam (Destroy in GSD), Hyaku Shiki (as Akatsuki)
4. Double Zeta - combining Gundam (Impulse)
5. Char's Counterattack - final SEED battle possibly
6. Gundam F91 - beam shields, religious organizations wanting to "purify" Earth
7. V Gundam - beam shields, triple-block Gundam, see above
G Gundam:
Destiny's "shining finger" attack
Wing Gundam:
Lots of "polished" Gundams, previous shows had 3 Gundams max, except for G, total commercialization, story aimed only to sell more models. Too much pretty boys. Heavy abuse of stock animation.
Gundam X:
Obvious - Freedom's design is ripped off Gundam Double X
Shows they did not rip off so far:
Gundam 0080 (best personal story and best looking female Gundam pilot!)
Turn A (story is very good) um wait... Loran like Kira has "no kill" policy, that counts as ripping? guess so
8th MS Team (story about grunt pilots and no kid geniuses piloting Gundams, all heroes are in their mid-20s)
lamest Gundam product so far, TV movie with nothing interesting.
New things SEED introduced so far:
Sex scene (woohoo! fanservice r teh l33t!!!)
full God Mode characters (even Heero Yui had some scars and so)
Bringing characters back from dead just to please the audience, abusing stock animation and recap episodes even more.
Filling episodes with constant flashbacks just to drag the series to fill 50 eps (Fukuda should'nt be held responsible for that, Naruto creators started it and they should be drawn and quartered for introducing this trend!!!)
feel free to add
the next show will borrow from another set of GUNDAM shows...
the fact that they are all called GUNDAM should make it obvious that they will borrow from one another...
as for your Heero Yui statement...of course Heero had some scars...all he did was jump out of high rise buildings and basically throw himself all over the earth with little regard for his life...
and how come u don`t have a problem with Gundam X being a total Neon Genesis Evangelion rip off??
and Naruto did not start anime flashbacks...flashbacks have always been constantly used in Anime...
Eva, Technoman, Dragon ball series, Kenshin, and the list goes on and on and`s a very good story telling device...
obviously SEED offers something new otherwise you wouldn`t go out of your way to download it every week...i think u`re missing the point of the story big time...
Zeta Gundam succeeded on that, same for Turn A, Gundam X, Gundam 0080, 8th MS Team, on some degree Doule Zeta, 0083 and Char's Counterattack. G Gundam brought alot onboard although in funny-cheesy way but newetheless it was "fresh blood" in Gundam world. And that made those shows interesting to watch.
Gundam Wing brought bascially nothing, while Endless Waltz movie tried to create something out of mess series made.
As for your statement that Gundam X is a rip-off of Evangelion - can you please explaing what you mean, because i really fail to see where it rips off EVA, escpecially when G X was released in the same year as EVA [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img]
If you want to see Evangelion rip-off look closely at last SEED and first GSD openings - does'nt Freedom's shadowy pose remind you of certain Evangelion unit?
You failed to understand what i meant with Heero Yui - what is mean is, that even sort of "invincible" Heero had problems unlike our 100% God-Mode Kira.
Well i do not watch each and every anime in existence so i can't point precisely which anime started that trend. In my opinion Naruto brought flashback usage to the very extreme making show practically unwatchable. Well actually i don't watch Naruto, dropped after barely making through that 10-episode long battle on bridge and i don't think i miss alot ^_^
Flashback is NOT the story telling device, it is just the tool to fill in screen time, tricking you into thinking "whoa! he had so much problems in past and now he is going to make it right!"
If you sit down and recall your past you are not evolving, you are just recalling things past. Nothing else.
To develop you must "extract" your lesson out of your past, get over with it and move on. Flashback is cheap and lazy character development lookalike. Nothing else.
I don't miss the SEED story "big time" as you put it. I am annoyed by lack of creativity and laziness from this show's creators. Fukuda must be laid off and never allowed to make any Gundam show ever again.
Actually Eva was published in 1995, the same year as Gundam Wing.
Gundam X was published in 1996.
Eva is about stopping a second apocalypse.
Gundam X is about stopping a second apocalypse.
Sorry I don`t have time to outline anymore I need to touch on your other points and it`s lunch time and i`m i`ll quic
BTW, 08th Team is just a different angle, it plays out more like an OVA...a nod to all the grunt soldiers out there...and a very introspective look between team dynamics and how even the lowest of soldiers can face a moral dilemna on the battle fied.
Considering that SEED was an updated take on the original I still don`t see how you can complain about the elements it has borrowed. The reason it has so much in common with other Gundams is because it is a remake of the oringal and those other Gundam shows borrow from the original.
A flashback is a very powerful story-telling`s used`s not just Fukuda trying to "fill space" as you claim it is.
Honestly, it doesn`t seem like you are enjoying the series all that much. Why do you constantly download it every week if you`re so disappointed???
Edit (Gundam X and Eva comparison): I realize that reasoning is pretty weak...but i`m at work...and don`t have time to remember all the similarities.
Marcis I can't really agree about Kira being more God mode than Heero was. The amount of insane things Heero did without getting so much as a few scratches are just silly. Kira might be one hell of a lucky guy when it comes to surviving explosions, but he hasn't really endured anything outside of the Gundam in the same way Heero has. Also both of them have survived explosions, so in the end I'd give the God mode title to the Wing folks.
Also about flashbacks, I agree that it feels like they are sometimes shoved in the show to fill out screentime. On the other hand, when used correctly, it is indeed a great way of telling the story. A good example of this is when Shinn kills Todoka, having Shinn flashback to when he first met the captain at that shelter (or whatever it was) greatly enhanced the entire scene.
Marcis how is Destiny going to end? Just curious what you feel is gonna be the ending. Or do you suspect that it will have a unique ending? For a series that was meant to pay tribute to the ones generations before I think SEED and Destiny are doing quite well. The redesigns of the ZEON suits into ZAFT have all been pleasing for me. Not to mention I've been pretty happy with quite a few of the mechanical designs. Not everyone believed Mwu to be dead at the ending of SEED. After trying its hard to think of a gundam that can be original and not rip off a previous series while still remaining true to the Gundam theme.
about the length of the show
whats the deal? is it 50 or not?? Whats the scoop on that. I personally believe that it would be better if they added like 3-4 episodes above 50. Then they would have the time to explain alot of things making the series that much better
I agree with Terra on this one, Heero is by far in a greater category than Kira would be.
It`s projected to be 50.
But if Gundam F91 can go from a 50 episode series to a 2-hour movie. I'm sure if needed they would add some episodes.
Well Heero is supersoldier or something like that. He has no emotions and such, but he failed in his missions, his mobile suit got scrapped at least twice in series (i am talking about Wing Gundam here not Zero) until he got superGundam.Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Marcis I can't really agree about Kira being more God mode than Heero was. The amount of insane things Heero did without getting so much as a few scratches are just silly. Kira might be one hell of a lucky guy when it comes to surviving explosions, but he hasn't really endured anything outside of the Gundam in the same way Heero has. Also both of them have survived explosions, so in the end I'd give the God mode title to the Wing folks.
Also about flashbacks, I agree that it feels like they are sometimes shoved in the show to fill out screentime. On the other hand, when used correctly, it is indeed a great way of telling the story. A good example of this is when Shinn kills Todoka, having Shinn flashback to when he first met the captain at that shelter (or whatever it was) greatly enhanced the entire scene.
Kira outside of his mobile suit is just.. human. He cries, he has friends, he loves Lacus etc etc etc...
When he gets into Gundam he is almost invincible. I guess that is what annoys me. Okay he got his ass kicked by Shinn once, but the true reason behind this is so he could get shiny new SF.
Camille in Zeta never was so perfect, Amuro screwed up many times, they all are just human and make mistakes. Kira is just way too much "superhero" in his mobile suit. Just my opinion
Heero is "cold blooded" all the way. But he has soft spot for Relena, go figure...
And he also likes to team up with Duo
Some flashbacks are okay, but i dislike their constant abuse. Do they really think that viewers are SO stupid that they don't get it on 1st try that they are ramming lesson down our throats over and over again?
Oh well "repetition is a mother of knowledge" as my old teacher said...
I know how Nicoli died. Heck, i've seen him dying more in flashbacks than he was shown alive.
I know what Patrick Zala did, i know how Uzumi died, how many times i have to watch that?
I don't think i can add something that wasn't said before about GSD ending.Quote:
Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
Marcis how is Destiny going to end? Just curious what you feel is gonna be the ending. Or do you suspect that it will have a unique ending? For a series that was meant to pay tribute to the ones generations before I think SEED and Destiny are doing quite well. The redesigns of the ZEON suits into ZAFT have all been pleasing for me. Not to mention I've been pretty happy with quite a few of the mechanical designs. Not everyone believed Mwu to be dead at the ending of SEED. After trying its hard to think of a gundam that can be original and not rip off a previous series while still remaining true to the Gundam theme.
Athrun is grounded for episode or two because of his wounds. Meyrin has more time to care for him and develop more affection.
AA&Co is gonna leave Earth soon i think. Dullindal has another Gundam up his sleeve, and i guess Lacus will magically pull another Gundam out of her robe just for Neo/Mwu.
Probably Rey, Djibril and Dullindal will die leaving everyone else to live happily ever after. Or maybe not.
If they gonna follow Zeta then lots of people should die. Kira should be at least crippled. Most of main cast should die then.
How anything from the UC storyline is interesting is still beyond me. Rather then a new hope, I would call it new dead weight. That is just my opinion though. Since you shared yours I felt it was alright to share mine.Quote:
Originally posted by: Marcis
There is a new hope and it's called MS Igloo. Also second Zeta movie is coming out this year.
At least story is interesting, centering on very beginnings of One Year War - Battle of Loum where Char earned his "Red Comet" nickname.