Tell me if this is better than my current sig
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Tell me if this is better than my current sig
how about these?
they weren't suppose to be blended, you clown.
They're nice, except you should fix the blending at the right. The edges of the right pictures are really obvious.
i made a quick sig, its nothing special. the picture of naruto is from the manga and i colored it.
BOC, you should try making sigs of your own country
i like the one that had vicous and julia together mut
I like the oil sig BoC, but it's not as if Canada is without its share of dumb politicians.
Thanks. I never really thought about it, but I guess you're right.Quote:
Originally posted by: Deblas
nice sig. looks like you like to make kind of dark pictures
Ok, it looks like you guys are begging me to make a Canadian one. I'll work on it tomorrow.
It's not a huge deal. We Americans can just be a bit odd about this type of thing. We don't mind making fun of our own country, but we get defensive if someone else makes fun of the U.S. In a sense, The United States is like one big dysfuntinal family. We don't mind talking about drunk Uncle Louie or cousin Joe in jail, but if someone from outside the family gives one of our family members a hard time....we're going to declare another war.
Don't get me wrong. I love this screwed-up country. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else for very long. I love it despite all the idiosyncrasies.
Getting back on topic, I look forward to seeing your new sig. One showing the recent, pointless publicity stuff between Bush and Paul Martin would be funny.
its just as you said earlier, samsonlonghair
"its not as if Canada is without its share of dumb politicians"
to mock your own country is satire, but to repeatedly mock someone else's is more along the lines of arrogance
and that sentence wouldnt change much if you replace the word country with other categorical words, such as race, gender, or religion
sampson, that is a great description of the US. well any ways, since I just discovered the wonders of paintshop pro, im going to be posting a ton of sigs, just for practice.
samson, we think alike. Paul Martin will be the next candidate.
Ok here it is
True, but the difference with Bush is that is foreign policity was widely regarded as arrogant, unilateral and unjustified. This is especially frustrating since his decision had (bad) repercussions on the entire world. I think that this fact alone give ppl living outside U.S. the desire to express theses frustrations. We feel concerned by the warmaking decisions of this person you chose a your leader.Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
its just as you said earlier, samsonlonghair
"its not as if Canada is without its share of dumb politicians"
to mock your own country is satire, but to repeatedly mock someone else's is more along the lines of arrogance
and that sentence wouldnt change much if you replace the word country with other categorical words, such as race, gender, or religion
People like BoC are not criticizing to U.S, they are criticizing Bush himself ; U.S. citizens should not be offended, unless they are Bush supporters.
(This is not a political thread so i won't expand further on my point of view)
Speaking of Bush, I read this joke once:
The second dumbest thing America did was elect Bush. The dumbest thing was when they did it again.
Ok let's end the Bush talk right there.
well i just finally downloaded a usable version of photoshop 8, it was in polish but i got it to english. so does anyone know where to find some good tutorials? should i start with the tutorials given by photoshop? id like to learn how to color my drawings, and make sigs and shit. thanks for the help.
Good tutorialsQuote:
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
well i just finally downloaded a usable version of photoshop 8, it was in polish but i got it to english. so does anyone know where to find some good tutorials? should i start with the tutorials given by photoshop? id like to learn how to color my drawings, and make sigs and shit. thanks for the help.
this is my first sig
feedback and comments please.
on how to fix it up or whatever.
I'd also have to recommend Good-Tutorials. They got loads of stuff, plus all the links lead you to other tutorial sites, so you can find even more great sources.
The black dosen't work good with it kAi. Maybe make a cloud effect in the back and then blend in that pic to the far right would make it better. Just a suggestion, still not bad for a first though.
Good-Tutorials is a vary good place to start on learning photoshop, decent site i use it all the time to see what kind of effects i could add to my own stuff.
Well I wouldn't really say the black doesn't work well, I think the Ichigo's color scheme doesn't fit. Try making the Ichigo B&W. Also, add some texture to the black background because right now it just seems way too plain.