But that scene on the roof was a very good conclusion to Ed losing his powers. There are indeed things that only become visible when you lose something you take for granted. Change is not always negative, or a hindrance to obtaining happiness.
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But that scene on the roof was a very good conclusion to Ed losing his powers. There are indeed things that only become visible when you lose something you take for granted. Change is not always negative, or a hindrance to obtaining happiness.
Holy shit, did I just watch an anime that actually had a happy ending?
Will wonders never cease.
Truly a wonderful show. I'll miss seeing it every week but I couldn't ask for a better ending.
That's the point. They always relied on Alchemy as a crutch to do everything, only to have it always destroy you. That's why "truth" said that he was beaten. Truth is, that we're all weak and need to realize that we're only human and can do so much.
Also the "back door" with Al is because they were tied together when they tried human transmutation.
Am i the only one that got tears in his eyes from watching this awesome serie end
nope, I did not get emotional. It ended happily ever after.
Honestly, besides maybe Berserk, I have not seen a better anime. Anyone have recommendations?
Finally completed watching it, twas teh awesome.
All those deaths of all those great characters left the ending with a bittersweet taste, but to me that's exactly how one should feel when reminiscing on a really great series. One emotion wouldn't cut it, i demand to be both confused and amazed.
Only regret? Lack of results in the romance department, i wish we could have gotten to see more than just a photo with implied children from the Elric brothers and a pedostache from Mustang and Riza.
Started watching this anime today. Never really gave it a try, because I didnīt like the artstyle many, many years back. Some girl Iīm chatting about anime strongly recommended it, so after finishing Beelzebub, Iīm not up to episode 4 of FMA. Episode 4 was really dark, didnīt expect the permanent crossing of the little girl and the dog. And then both getting killed. I expected some sort of happy end, but nope :>
Iīm really excited how this anime will go on. I canīt see it beating HXH 2011, yet FMA is higher on most "best anime" top lists, so maybe it is possible.
Won't beat HxH in terms of fights and originality, but as a whole story, it delivers a fuller package, especially because it's over.
Just saw episode 17. Wow, Roy Mustang is the biggest asshole ever.
roy is a war veteran, a hero! he deserves our respect!
cant really remember what happens when so ill shut before spoiling anything....
the series itself is one of the best, if not the best interpretation of a manga series...
the manga even ended 1 month before this series ended, when the series started the manga was still ongoing but i believe already had all the material to wrap it out.
pretty much the 10~13 first episodes were rush out because it was old material already present in the first FMA...
Iīm at episode 30 now. Still enjoying it a lot.
At the same time, I donīt think this will beat out some of my existing favorite shows, like HXH or Fantastic Children.
What I like a bout FMA is that the entire anime is one continuous story. I guess you could glue together all episodes and turn it into one many hours long movie and it wouldnīt require any additional editing. Thatīs usually a thin in US live action-series or in more mature anime like "Monster". Thatīs what makes FMA kinda special. Itīs setting is like that of a typical fighting shounen, yet its structure and presentation style are that of a more grounded series.
One of the best things about FMA:B (as opposed to FMA) was the subtle progression of time. From start to finish you actually witness Ed and Winry maturing into adults from teens, physically, mentally and emotionally. If you're around episode 30, you should have seen the difference at least once.
It's masterfully done. Most often, it's Winry looking at Ed or Ed being more aware of Winry. But the way they do it is flawless.
Except that he does. You're thinking that he doesn't grow taller. Which is correct.