Actually, both translations stated above aren't exact (well, avenge is just plain wrong). The most accurate translation would be "Therefore, I respect you". Translating it to "revere" is a bit of an exaggeration.
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Actually, both translations stated above aren't exact (well, avenge is just plain wrong). The most accurate translation would be "Therefore, I respect you". Translating it to "revere" is a bit of an exaggeration.
I'm kinda of disappointed with this show. A lot of everything so far has been about which side can pull out the most powerful gizmo/mecha. Sure the first season had some of that, but not to this kind of level.
This episode finally answered the origins of C.C., but leaves us with a new series of problems as she conveniently forgets and delays the mystery behind Marianne's death. I understand why C.C.'s has partial amnesia (its cute that she wants to be loved), but if they don't wrap it up by next episode they're just unnecessarily elongating the situation.
I disagree. So having more than one episode based around developing C.C. who has been the biggest mystery for 2 seasons and her past means they're unnecessarily elongating the situation? Go watch something else.Quote:
Originally Posted by Everon
Originally Posted by animus
I think this is the perfect direction for Code Geass. C.C. was destroyed by her own geass and her immortality. It made her cynical and bitter, which makes it so much harder for her to achieve the one thing that she really wants. This puts her back to being the person she really is and should be (although I really loved he as a cynical person as well :P).
I really hope we finally get to here her name said by Lelouch with much affection and love :D
Calm down. I've been bored up to this point because of the mecha escalation foolery. This last episode was half-decent, but the amnesia twist at the end was pure bullshit. Its an overused technique to prolong soap opera mysteries. They're holding back on what happened to Marriane for much later in the show.
Its fine if they use this amnesia for one episode to reveal personality, but stretching it longer will be boring. Nobody wants to see Lelouch raise a child from the 18th century. I've already seen encino man -- it sucks.
That is not necessarily the case. I can think of several situations where raising a slave child from the 18th century is worth the trouble.
Here is an example:
(Slight Nudity)
C.C. in captivity
[Nightspeed] Code Geass - Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 - 16 [H 264 1280x720 AAC][6A394616] mkv 351Mb@mininova
I have checked the intro and it seems these really are fansubs.
Will update later, by then gg will be ready I guess.
Edit GG:
Woot thanks! I hope its the real one.
This is for everyone to enjoy
Warning, do not click until after you have watched the episode: Click
Yup, those subs were quite good for my level of understanding.Quote:
Originally Posted by oyabin
Others will wait for GG I guess, not out as of yet.
Yes most anticipated scene, but there's one that you forgot, that's unforgivable.Quote:
Originally Posted by Dark Dragon
Hint: Cheese!
Oh heck... for a moment I thought the Emperor was going to call Zero 'My Son'
How did Ougi survive? Sayoko was also there with Rolo.
What about Cornelia? And Orange's call?
Kallen owned the episode :D Awesome gif too.
Exactly, CHEESE!!!
That was pure rapture on her face. And her cuteness does not disappoint. It made me not mind the loss of the previous dry and sarcastic C.C., and that is saying a lot. I loved the scene about the cut and the cold. This sweet and innocent C.C. is definitely better than I expected.
I'm not sure how I like this meeting with Suzaku though... I don't hate him as much as I did before, but the two of them teaming up is kind of lame. I do hope the issue about Euphy gets cleared up though. There is nothing like Suzaku realizing he sold out his best friend over an accident and a misunderstanding.
EDIT: 2 midsection blows, 2 uppercuts, 2 backhands and a slap (in a more combo friendly order of course)? Suzaku must be made of steel, that freak.
Yeah, pure win I tell you.Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
I got the premonition that would happen, and there we get that pure pizzzalovervirgin first time :o
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
Well, the guy stopped that highly sharp blade thrown at him in mid air with one hand, so basically it's almost impossible for him to die yet.Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
I could watch that gif all day long without getting tired...
Aside from the C.C. Slave version fanservice and Kallen's Divine Wrath, quite frankly this episode sucked.
It seemed far more filler than anything else. Well, "set up" if you want to get technical.
- Lelouch never called her by name, so we still don't know that.
- The Emperor apparently has super-l33t haxorz that can overpower Diethard's distribution (the one that was always able to leak videos in before and no one could stop)
- Cornelia's coversation: cut-off and ignored
- What happened to Viletta? Ogi's fine, Sayoko's fine. Not a word about her though.
- Lelouch calls Suzaku of all people? Sure, C.C. is out of the question for now, and Kallen obviously isn't going to be given a phone, but that's just stupid.
- Nina being a smartass to Lloyd and Cecile. Just because Schneizel gives her money to build her racism-by-Numbers Bomb, suddenly she's better than an Earl who developed anti-gravity and more advanced technology than she'll ever make.
- Introduce stereotypical asshole elitist Knight, the only saving grace was Gino pretty much calling him just that.
- Giving us another goddamned mystery (now about Anya's memories) while they still haven't told us a damn thing about Marianne.
- Orange calls Guilford, why? I'm guessing concerning Cornelia, but oh wait, time to cut to another mystery.
What did this episode resolve?
Well, while I do understand your concern, it is as you said, a setup episode. They just introduced a new set of mysteries since several were answered (or complicated?) last time. For me, that means that the succeeding episodes are just that much worth looking forward to and watching.
I think the part about Anya is going to lead to Marianne in some way, so I don't really mind it.
I do agree with the rest of your complaints though.
EDIT: But this blew them all away...
Girl meets Pizza
Eclipse is out:
Jeez this episode introduced added far more questions then it answered. Does this series even intend to be completed by the end of this season? Not that im complaining, I would welcome a 3rd season, if the show maintained its awesomeness. But ya, Kallen beating the crap outta Suzaku was awesome, it was my highlight of the episode at least.
Way out there speculation, but if Anya has had her head messed with as extensively as she seems to believe it has:
- Why does she seem to have fond memories of Lelouch (princely version)?
- If there is a connection to Marianne, is it through her piloting abilities.
- Is it possible...however unlikely, that Lelouch has more than one direct sister?
Again, only in my wildest, fever-ridden dreams would this be true, but for now I can't seem to think of any other reasons that the Emperor would poke around in Anya's head so frequently like that.
She's been another character that they keep making events concerning her a big deal, but they haven't said anything about her. We don't know if she's old family nobility (like the new asshole or the Ashfords), the real significance of the Britannian Crest tattooed on her arm, or even if she has any hobbies other than her camera diary. The series as of late has kept jerking the audience around, piling on mystery after mystery without making any progress. C.C.'s identity was first brought up halfway through season one!
lol at perverts.