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TMD-Raze Fullmetal Alchemist Ep 63
Eclipse ain't out yet so TMD-Raze would have to do for now. Enjoy
Is there an .avi format?
I can always wait for Eclipse.
That scene with Ed and Al was portrayed like many romantic rescues were - it's funny. :)
I loved Hohenheim's conclusion, and that was the third time they've used "Rain" somewhere other than the OP - it's just that awesome.
The full song doesn't quite have that effect though.
So awesome T___T
This ep kinda felt like the finale :P
This episode can be consider as a finale. Still looking forward for the next episode.
Did anybody know what the new series awaiting us? Is it worth to watch and awesome like Fullmetal?
Alchemist can perform human transmutation and save 1 single person's life and return unharmed just by trading their alchemist skills.(trading of their Truth Gate)
Not a bad trade.
With Ed saying that it was "his truth" and he could to what he wanted with it i just got the impression that the whole human transmutation that he did only works for people that have actually "seen the truth" :P
Al didn't die. His entire body was taken to the other side of the gate as payment for learning about the Truth.
Ed decides to give up his gate, together with all the alchemy skills he has, and gets everything back (Al and Ed's lower leg).
As for why Ed gets to trade Al back along with his leg, I guess it's because his Gate contains all the alchemy he knows, along with his normal potential, which wasn't given by the Truth to begin with - and hence paying for Al's share too.
@depthcharge: Once Ed made the trade his gate disappeared meaning he couldn't go back, they had to use Al's gate to leave. The sacrifice your ability to use alchemy to get whatever you want trick would only work if you had someone who was also stuck inside the void that could use their gate to pull you back after you made the deal. I suppose you could also get what you wanted and then just stay inside the empty place though.
As for Ed's leg I don't think he got it back or if he did I don't think it's fair. He lost it as his payment for opening his gate just as Al lost his body for opening his. It seems unbalanced for Ed to be able to get back what both he and Al lost by opening their respective gates by sacrificing only his own ability to use alchemy. If everyone has their own gate then everyone should be responsible for their own 'pride' in opening it so 'buying back' Ed's leg should cost at least as much as 'buying back' Al's body.
Ed's leg didn't come back because there was no transmutation circle on it. Remember, Mae only threw daggers at his arm.
That was only because Al reversed the transmutation and exchanged his soul for Ed's arm.
Eastern Alchemy was necessary because Al was doing it at a distance, and an arm sitting a few metres away from Ed wouldn't have done him any good.
To me, the Truth's words "Take it all" along with his actual disappearance means Ed got "Everything" back. It does sound unfair as it means Al got his Truth without sacrificing anything, but that's all the sense I can make of it.
From what I understand, everyone has their own gate - and everyone has the potential for alchemy more or less. The price they gave up was for opening it. If Ed decided to destroy the entire thing, it makes sense that he gets a bit extra.
Maybe Truth isn't such a greedy and spiteful merchant after all. Ed being a longtime customer, one leg would have been fair for all the loyalty, especially considering they won't be trading ever again. With no alchemy, Ed couldn't even chase for a method to get it back by other means. I think it's extemely fair.
What if the first human transmutation that the alchemist attempt is solely for the purpose of seeing the Truth gate.
You try to sacrifice your own life, to be reborn. Since it is a equivalent trade, you dont lose anything and gain the Truth gate.
Then proceed to sacrifice your Truth gate for another life.
As far as the Gates are concerned, are they simply information stores, or a doorway between 2 places?
Truth Gate seems to store transmutation information.
However as Yukimura mentioned, you need a Gate to go back to real world?