I'm so frightened! What's going to happen to all my poor pics? KitKat has turned evil!
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I'm so frightened! What's going to happen to all my poor pics? KitKat has turned evil!
Today I learned how awesome Thunderhorse sounds on piano: clickety-clickety.
Whoa, that kid is fucking awesome!! I LOVE Thunderhorse.
Today i learned that FF VII works on 10:16 pc monitor without problems.
Today I learned that spiders can eat birds.
Holy. Shit.
Edit: Not as amazing, but still:
Coffee shrinks breasts but reduces cancer risk
FYI, Hormone Replacement Therapy may increase breast size, and also increases the risk of breast cancer. Link between breast size and cancer rates? Or rather, increasing breast size from your individual norm vs cancer rate?
God I hate spiders.
today I learned that from the time I was 7 until I was 9 I was willing to give a lap dance to anybody fast enough to grab my wrist.
btw, this is an even better idea than the 'stop light frat parties' we had...
ouch. old stuff is old. but it made me lol.
Today I learnt how auditors work. In detail.
Today I learned my university has no idea when I graduated.
I was a December grad (as opposed to the typical May for all those with a different higher education system) because I needed one more class in my major to graduate.
Today, I got a yearbook in the mail. A yearbook that, I didn't order, didn't pay for, and full of people I most certainly did not spend four years of school with. Sure, I recognize a few faces here and there, but I went to classes with for all intents and purposes, none of these people.
"Bewildered" is the only word that can aptly describe how I felt when I opened the box it came in.
Did you know that a can of V (250mL) contains 29% of your recommended daily sugar intake? (that's 27g)
I learned that when you jump off a building, it's better that as soon as you hit the ground (with your legs), you should roll to prevent any impact damage. Thought that was pretty neat how they demonstrated. :D
Yeah? I always thought of bobbing down slowly like suspensions. Guess rolling would be easier. Fall from high enough though, and you'll have enough trouble simply not landing on your head
Eww, that would not be a nice scene to endure.
I had a "whoaaaah" moment about 1 hour ago.
I saw a message on the ticker on some news channel which said "The media have etc..." which was weird because I always thought "the media" was a singular noun. Then I realized it's Latin:
Datum - Data
Medium - Media
My head asplode.
just like how ppl say forums instead of fora.
And antennas instead of antennae.
Today I learned that the sacred incantation that Ash messes up in Army of Darkness actually came from a sign posted on the cubicle of the programmer who created the Tron program in the movie. I saw it while watching Tron for the first time.
Actually, before that, it was used as a phrase in the classic '50s black-and-white sci-fi flick "The Day the Earth Stood Still".
Keanu Reeves is like the best person to play Klaatu. All he has to do is walk around blankly and react to everything quite woodenly.
Which is good because that's all he can do.
Yakuza (Japanese gangsters) literally means "8 9 3" and refers to a losing hand in a traditional Japanese card game.