mwu should get a new ms or strike..
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mwu should get a new ms or strike..
Mwu should fucking stay dead.'s turning into another sweet happy ending where every1 stays alive...they should kill off 1 or 2 big names...make it more dramatic...its about war..right?? =p
And they should bring back Heine and make him the main character of Gundam Seed part 3, alongside Yzak of course.
haha! good idea terra.. deaths doesn't mean much in seed,[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
but the wierdest for me is how orb rebuild a whole country in a span of 2 years.. wow..
Oya,only Onogoro Island was imploded in SEED,not the whole country,do u think Uzumi was stupid enough to blow the entire country and citizens of ORB alongside him?
Anyone know which side Yzak and Dearka are confirmed on?The OP and ED changed from ep41 onwards,clearly Yzak's Gouf is not normal ZAFT military colors as is Dearka's Gunner ZAKU Warrior that was originally both are gray or silver colour.
One thing that's being bugging me...If ZAKU Phantoms are better than Warriors and can mount Wizard Packs,when every Squadron leader got Goufs,why didnt Dearka get a Phantom?Its faster and more agile
Another thing I must add after seeing ep 42:
<3 Hilda
lol the part wear he throws his guns in the air catches destinys sword shoots destiny then catches his guns again, i happend to be drinking at that moment and i spit up on myself. that was some of the best looking bullshit i ever seen.
if i was shinn i would have been like " FUCK YOU FUKUDA!!! "
lol,NeoBear...same here,same here,gives Fukuda a toast for giving us such an excellent Shinn-bashing episode
omfg lol fuck u Shinn you suk cuz you lost against plot device main charatcter roflzfz flaming bash!!11Quote:
Originally posted by: Chris_Xion
for giving us such an excellent Shinn-bashing episode
well i didnt mean to sound like a shinn basher but come on man the catch the sword in yur hands move (while throwing your twin rifels and shooting a mofo in the face) is bullshit, any game and or movie wear i have ever seen it has been bs, man i own a sword and please dont ask why but its not even real sharp and i would never ever try to catch the shit in my hands, i mean and then after he does the shit shinn even says WTFPWNME?????? i lost all respect for that mofo lol
YESSS!!!.....Heine for main char in season 3!!!!...Hell Yeh!...Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
And they should bring back Heine and make him the main character of Gundam Seed part 3, alongside Yzak of course.
...sorry for backstepping a little...but that would be great, yeh?? =p
man the way heine went out was pure suck
when i first saw him i was like who the hell is this toon but he was pimp and the way they droped him that quick i mean he went out dirty, meanwhile the pink haired bitch has never got so much as a slap in the face, wutever im not even gonna get worked up
and i hope to god we dont get a season 3 but i hope even more that the next msg main clown is not some 10 yr old in a invincibull god type gs who was born with the ability to cry/breakdown on comand
and of course survive a piont blank nuke
i love GS and GSD i just fell like there is alot of wasted time i wonder if you took every sceen with people crying and or self doubting how much total time would have been wasted
You r right, lets kill Shinn and Dullindal at the end. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] .LOL.Quote:
Originally posted by: Deckz's turning into another sweet happy ending where every1 stays alive...they should kill off 1 or 2 big names...make it more dramatic...its about war..right?? =p
This is getting really pointless... that guy is really out of imagination. I bet Fukuda is like "hoho i bet they gonna love this" kinda like Jona style then gets punched in the face by his own staff... "wtf i thought u loved me!!"
that i would'nt mind seeing haha
on unrelated subject though i've been wondering... what is there are more DOM troopers? like... they where made in a factory after all... meaning mass production is possible. If that's the case, those three are probably the first and the best but who knows... we might get nameless DOM troopers acting like squads. that would be nice... just imagine.. a dozen of DOM troopers group owning entire Zaft army... + Strike-Freedom + Infinite-Justice... Total pwnage o_0' ok that would be bad but i do like the "non hero" aspect of DOM troopers... they're just soldiers (ok damn good ones and that three attack thing is kinda exagerated) but what I mean is its nice to have people that actually LOOK like soldiers... I know that Gundam is alsow about psycologie of kids pilot and that stuff but man... now even the bad guys are frikkin kids... WTF man REY is like becomming captain of Minerva and he's a freaking kid with no experience (compared to others)... EVEN the goddam mechanics of Minerva are kids... where the hell is this serie going.
Anyways... I'm looking foward for some DOM action in upcomming episodes... of course I alsow want to see Yzak pissed off and just kill anyone who gets in his way when he realises Dullindal is trying to manipulate him. What i'm wondering is what's gonna happen in the last episodes... jesus im pretty much expecting a disapointment considering the latest episodes... but who knows... some new guy might come and kick Fukuda out then take his place and make a GOOD ending.
Take a look at SFs hands... they are golden, kinda reminding Akatsuki's. Probably some reflecting coating allowing him to catch/block beam swords with SFs hands.Quote:
Originally posted by: NeoBear
well i didnt mean to sound like a shinn basher but come on man the catch the sword in yur hands move (while throwing your twin rifels and shooting a mofo in the face) is bullshit, any game and or movie wear i have ever seen it has been bs, man i own a sword and please dont ask why but its not even real sharp and i would never ever try to catch the shit in my hands, i mean and then after he does the shit shinn even says WTFPWNME?????? i lost all respect for that mofo lol
Mwu is the greatest Gundam character ever. I normally don't like it when dead people come back to life, but in this case, I'll allow it.
That's because Heine isn't worshipped to death by horny male japanese teenagers with Tanaka Rie (Lacus' voice actress) on their walls.Quote:
Originally posted by: NeoBear
man the way heine went out was pure suck
when i first saw him i was like who the hell is this toon but he was pimp and the way they droped him that quick i mean he went out dirty, meanwhile the pink haired bitch has never got so much as a slap in the face, wutever im not even gonna get worked up
Originally posted by: Marcis
Take a look at SFs hands... they are golden, kinda reminding Akatsuki's. Probably some reflecting coating allowing him to catch/block beam swords with SFs hands.
No.. he activated both of his beam shields in order to protect himself.