New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
I guess that's what happens for the next few episodes.
Sorry man, I didn't mean to spoil it for you. But I did say that it may be a spoiler...And thanks for the comment Raposo! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
that wallpaper looks good exept for fucking sakura in the middle of it that ruins it totally. if you edit out sakura it will look a whole lot better an maybe try darken the background a bit, oh and get a pic of an angry naruto a kyuubi naruto pic.
New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
EDIT: Im sorry everyone, my original post was spoiling the anime a bit.
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
It's ok, no harm done. I went there because I knew it was a spoiler, it increases the excitement [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Originally posted by: NarutoMaster
EDIT: Im sorry everyone, my original post was spoiling the anime a bit.
now u gotta post another sorry again, cuz u said sorry two times
New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
U know if you move saukra to the left a bit more it will look like she's farting lightning lol ... maybe she watched braveheart ("shoots lightning from his arse")
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
just to give this thread a little something to comment on rather than just spamming im positng my newest creation.
as you can see its rey from gundam seed destiny.
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Rey is one cool ass mofo. Nice sig, i like them fontz
New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
PSJ, as always, badass sig [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img].
@Raposo: I decided to take Sakura out of the pic, PSJ was right, she seems out of place. Just letting people know that the wallpaper is a spoiler so please do not click it if you do not want to spoil it for yourself.
Thats how it is without Sakura. I think it looks a bit better without her.
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Okay, there are a few things about your wallpaper.
The feet of sasuke and naruto are cut off. Naruto's feet covered the big naruto's face and made it orange....
Find a better font. the wallpaper itself is abit messy.
Try applying ur wallpaper on ur desktop and ask yourself if its realy okay.
New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
What do you think of this?
Going to redo it later, note look in his eyes ... right now its a place holder until i get a better animation (one with rasengen being better powered up) and also having Sasuke prepairing to release chidory.
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
woah raposo thats crazy, i got surprised when the eyes moved. nice animation going on. id say maybe put a border around ur sig.
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
narutomaster, the wallie looks much better now.
looks nice raposo tho you cant use it on these forums once have decided what to have in his eyes....
New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
True enough PSJ, but still I always don't mind doing some practice, I'm going to place a better animation in the eyes of Sharingan (Naruto doing Rasegen alot better ... just need to find the correct scene), and then ofcourse, have Sasuke's chidori animated (that comes later) then i will deem it complete!
Also, NarutoMaster it does look better without Sakura, though I still think it would be funny with her shooting lightening out of her ass (Chidori-Rasengen-Ass-NoJutsu)
New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
really nice work one the ray sig mind if i use it?
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
the rey one? not at all. use it if you want to.
New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
looks good, i see you went back to the traditional shape. onlything i can comment on is the font, looks to small and thin...
New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
thats because pervernt sennin likes big fonts like he does with big boobs [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] *points to his abyss sig*
by the way i coloured this neji one, first time i tried colouring from a manga page.
New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Wow, nice work Jing, I really like that Naji sig.