Youtube link for Battle of Delusions is up.
Battle of Delusions - Part 1
Battle of Delusions - Part 2
Edited version in mediafire:
Battle of Delusions
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Youtube link for Battle of Delusions is up.
Battle of Delusions - Part 1
Battle of Delusions - Part 2
Edited version in mediafire:
Battle of Delusions
Edited version? What was changed?
Good job again btw.
Just some minor tweaks in the images. Nothing major :D
Thanks a lot, shinta.
Lelouch seems to have setup these situations on purpose for Ougi and Viletta to meet. I can't imagine that Lelouch would do this without a specific reason or plan.
My question is what kind of doctor rules it death by suicide when there is a bullet wound just below the sternum?
A Geassed doctor?Quote:
Originally Posted by boilerph
Right on the spot. Too bad Rolo didn't die with V2. Did the emperor used his geass at the last part of the episode? Maybe he can use it more than once? Or is it the "Gate" that made Lelouch warp in somplace? hmmQuote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
PS: I hope there is a refrain in real life.. Or there is?:D
Code Geass R2 15 MKV @ ggkthx
At last, I think we can trust that link. Downloading as of yet. Will update if anything strange happens with that one too.
Sorry for inconvenience.
Last Edit: We have subs! Have fun!
Oh, so they go that far in twisting everything.
Nina really made it to give Britania such an incredible power.
C.C and Lelouch changes are incredible.
Can't say more at this point of course, enjoy!
Wow... this episode was pure win from beginning to end...
Karen slapped the bastard, who like always ended as a coward.
Nunally distrusts the coward.
CC's backstory was awesome, and her change at the end was unexpected (for me).
Lelouch killed his father finally.... too bad he became immortal.
VV is dead! Wohoo!!! Now we need to kill Rollo and Suzaku.
Ougi saved Viletta and she jumped after him.
Damn... words can't describe... pure win.
Eclipse subs:
V.V. is not dead yet, he still speaks and breaths... so we don't know for sure.
Lelouch becoming a Geass "Master" and exchanging places with C.C. in a way, that's pure win. And I loved every word C.C. spoke after the change, as the medieval maid she probably was. That gives room for more beetween her and Lelouch, eventhough all of their relationship has been wiped from her (in fact everything from the moment she became a Geass witch to the change...) I guess the next step would be Lelouch giving her a geass. I don't know if he would let her endure the same path again, but in a way he needs to protect her. His new power is giving geass power and being immortal, which does not give him that many options to protect people.
The problem with giving geass to C.C. again, is that she may well repeat the exact same mistakes for the exact same reasons... she was a abandonned child and craves for true love...
Now Lelouch new position gives him the opportunity to give geass power to Karen!
But please, do not do that with Suzaku (arrrrggghhh, just thinking about it makes me puke...)
So basically we have Charles and Lelouch at the same level, fighting with the same power.
This series sure spares no paths... C.C. was easily one of the most prominent characters in building the whole plot, and now her memory is wiped. Maybe it will predict a change in the intimacy between her and Lelouch, like you said, David. In any case her role had been diminishing through this second season, which might have been an indication of this situation (though I doubt anybody predicted this happening). I always thought she was the saddest of all the characters so maybe this will give her what she wanted. Though if it's going to be with Lelouch... Uhhuh. A megalomaniacal business-first siscon. If nothing else, it should be fun if Lelouch really accepts the responsibility.
I highly doubt Lelouch will give C.C. a geass. That would be too cruel and also unwise, knowing her personality - and that Lelouch now indeed knows. She was always highly capricious, and that's not something a control freak like Lelouch wants to deal with if he can help it. Sure, it made his life more interesting in the past but not by his choice.
Suzaku had some decency and lingering emotions left? He still has a long way to go... We haven't seen nearly as much development in his direction as in Lelouch's.
V.V. is dead. He died in that scene with C.C. I believe.
I always thought that C.C.'s goal was to die, but I never really knew how she would go about doing it. The process is not nearly as difficult as I thought though.
@Kraco - You make Lelouch sound like Light from deathnote. I think that if for any reason, he would not give C.C. a geass because he cares for her and that's that. He still doesn't know how much and why, since he could not even put it into words (she's my x3) but that would be the reason to refrain from repeating the cycle. Of course, he may just as well give her geass, but with another plan in mind which excludes simple power.
I of course hope that C.C. will somehow regain her memory, since that is a big part of what made me a fanatic.
Suzaku does not have any decency at all. The only reason he did not shoot kallen up with refrain is because he did not want to become like the person he hates. It is extremely personal and not a matter of principle.
The most classic goal of all true immortals is to die. You never know with a series like this if it's the truth, though. If somebody claims this series hasn't surprised him once, you've found a liar.Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
The process is not difficult on paper, the problem is to find the right one!Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
And it seems like C.C had to wait like 2 or 3 centuries before she finds Lelouch.
Mao was the only one nearing Lelouch, but he got mad due to his mind reading geass that was uncontrollable and overflowing his own thoughts.
Now regarding the fact that immortals want to die, I guess it's classical only because mortal people think about it and create stories around that idea. Since all of our cultures are constructed with the idea that eventually everyone dies, it's no wonder the turn all of those stories take.
Nobody knows what it is to be immortal, I think that the mind, way of reasonning of an immortal would be so different than those of mortals, that we can't predict how they would react, and particularly if they would want to die in the end. Plus there's always individual reactions, some may want to at some point, some other would never even think about it. Who knows?
Hmmm.... I'm kind of confused. Did Lelouch really take over CC's position? All I saw was CC losing her memories and perhaps her power as well.
You fail to notice we aren't talking about some separate immortal species but humans that became immortal for one reason or another. So, they are still products of an evolution, society, and culture of "everybody dies sooner or later" but suddenly pushed aside from that stream. So, we are indeed somewhat qualified to ponder the issue.Quote:
Originally Posted by David75
So what I'm wondering from C.C.'s little reversion to being a medieval slave girl is...will Lelouch tell her what her real name is (if she doesn't know it), or will she in the process of introducing herself to Lelouch say what her real name is. Either way, I'm hoping this time we get to hear it! Though now I wonder how we will learn of Marianne and C.C.'s relationship. I guess this proves that Marianne was not one of the witches though.
Damn cliffhanger with the Ougi/Viletta/Sayoko plotline...
...and what the hell do Nina and those two bastards intend to do with the nukes they've finally developed? Glass the whole world that isn't Britannia? I suppose coming from that racist lesbian bitch, that is precisely what she intends. I'm still hoping Milly beats the shit out of her while inserting some sense along the way.
Lastly, Nunnally gets a lot of credit for figuring out Suzaku's bullshit.
Nunnally gets little to no credit for me. It took her much too long to realize that Suzaku is lying to her. She is too trusting, and while that is in her character, it seems a little too dense for Lelouch's (the kid closest in thinking to the emperor) sister.
The nukes are probably going to be used as leverage. Its destructive power is absolutely absurd to be used in actual battle.
@Kraco - Exactly. And not only that, we can more or less imagine what it would be like to be immortal. Some writers never experience what they write about, yet they are able to simulate it well enough. No one can conclusively say what exactly an immortal thought process would be like (just because it can't be proven), but that doesn't make an educated guess any less valid.