Yeah, it's hard to find entry-level positions out there, except at job fairs. In some fields (like mine) they basically don't exist. I think the trick is to find your first job via networking, and go from there.
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Yeah, it's hard to find entry-level positions out there, except at job fairs. In some fields (like mine) they basically don't exist. I think the trick is to find your first job via networking, and go from there.
All we need is inexperienced DBAs. MS Access anyone? How's that song go, "what the world needs now... is another folk singer... like I need a hole in my head."
I think most employers will give you a shot even if you don't have the 3-5 years experience, as long as you impress them with your energy and eagerness in the interview or have other qualifications on your resume.
Social networking might be a little tough for a bunch of anti-social nutcases like most of the people here. So if you suck at socializing and have little job experience, what do you do?
Get a job as tech support, and wait until you're outsourced?
Start your own business?
Work as a contractor?
A lot of people end up not getting jobs because they have too high standards for themselves. Like, "I won't work for less than 50k" or "I won't work in field X that I'm qualified to work in".
Some people are justified in doing so. For example, me :p. I won't work in fast food, for example, because my skillset is in high enough demand that it'd be stupid to. But if you need to pay the bills, temporarily lowering your standards can satisfy that need while you look for something better.
A lot of people I know who have gotten good jobs spent 6 months to a year after college looking for them while working at really, really shitty places. Like stocking produce at a local Jewel/Osco. It's better than living in your parents' basement and doing the hikkikomori thing until you're 40.
my standards might not be as high as some people, but i have a rough plan and some direction. working at shitty places really does suck. But for people who have bachelor degrees and more, i dont really sympathise much if they cant find a job with their 5,6,7 years invested into college. I'm attending a 2 year college and just recently landed a good entry level position i found via MY resume i was working with was a quick 10 minute job i had made for a job fair, and then i added a few things in and bam... the day after i first posted on careerbuilder and monster i had people calling offering me jobs that were paying 4-7$ per hour more than what i was making.
Finding a job can suck, but really if you have a degree it should not take much to go find a job that pays very well. I am planning to make another pay jump at the beginning of 2008, and i will be making $20 or so per hour compared with my average 6.50 per hour i made during the whole year of 2006.
It's hard to accept going down in pay when you're used to a certain income level, but if you're new in the job market, you should expect to start out low on the pay scale and work your way up, and not have too high standards just because you have a degree. I chose experience over a degree, and started out in tech support and made my way up before the market got flooded with degreed IT "professionals". Of course, there are certain times of the year when it's easier to get a job, so working at some crap job for 6 months will help you survive until you get a break.
Jobs huh...
Speaking of them, which btw I had bitched here before... I got a new one.
Its still in the same company, but Im not on IT - Testing anymore. I moved to Process Implementation... so now I will be asking IT to develop things... LOL the irony...
Better payment and several other benefits where given me, which I didn't had before. Best of all... no more working at 3am Sundays :p
Its weird... I graduated college and spent 8 months looking for a job without luck. Now, almost 2 years later technically I've changed jobs 3 times, yet Im still in the same company. Began as external contractor, assigned here. IT hired me. Then I change again...
absurd beyond belief... I'm not even going to dignify that rambling, incoherence with further response. hopefully you'll one day be able to look back on those 'convictions' and laugh at yourself.
My bitching: The DMV. I fucking hate it. Fucking slowest, most time-consuming bureaucratic bullshit, like it comes out of the 1800's... They sent me a brand new driver's license that was valid only for three months, in order to counteract underage drinkng (it's a long story, but the old licenses were easy to tamper with). So I finally went to renew my license today, and it's literally just sitting on line, showing them some documents, and that's it. Why this can't be done another way is absurdly bamboozling
My mom and dad (separately) gave me a "life is hard and then you die" talk yesterday. I should make better grades next semester, to avoid those kind of encounters. I know they care, but I'm tired of hearing about how unhappy I'll be in life.
Also, this response to conquistaDan:
lol & quoted for truth. Taking into account all my musical preferences, I can only think of about 2 female singers that I actually consider worth listening to.Quote:
Similarly, how the hell would you make a reasonably convincing movie with no male actors? How can you claim that there's no value in male musicians? What the hell sort of music do you listen to?
I've split conquistaDan's post and follow-ups off into a new thread, here:
Back on topic...
I'm a little miffed that the company that said they were going to call me today didn't. I woke up earlier than normal to be ready for them to call... spent all afternoon sleepy because of it.
I'm mad there's this old guy at work who's lazy and doesn't do shit, but makes as much money as the rest of us. Management won't fire him but they constantly complain about how worthless he is and about all the mistakes he makes. To me it wouldn't be an issue if it was just a problem of perception, but he really is worthless. Plus, he's a crusty old "white is right" kind of relic from pre-civil rights days, but he and 2 or 3 other white guys in our department are the fattest, laziness sacks of crap you'll ever not want to meet. But somehow his race is still superior to the others, and he votes Republican and hates immigrants. What a piece of shit.
Almost sounds like Creed from 'the Office', y'know besides all the racism and such...Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
I hate Kanye West. I've never liked him but now I fucking hate him. He makes horrible music and he always sounds retarded when he "sings". But the worst part is that he has besmirched Daft Punk in his new song. And he doesn't even give any credit. Fucking asshole.
brought from the support section to the bitching section... i now am blaming myself for having firefox set to download and install updates automatically. Version updated... and then the next time i went to get on the computer, it doesn't work. I can't get on a web page. I have wasted about an hour all together messing with settings, following to a T the procedures listed on the mozilla forums to correct the problem but it does not work. i have un installed and re installed and even copied an old firefox dir from another computer to this one and it still doesnt work... This is total fucking bullshit
updates are meant to improve, not to cripple something. I'm so pissed that i am forced to use ie, its a shitty browser and i fucking hate it. rant rant rant rant rant, i willl now end it
You get what you pay for with open-source freeware, so don't take it too personal. Maybe you can call the Geek Squad and pay $100/hr for them to try to fix it.
And by fix it, he means download all your porn onto their external hard drives.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
Are you talking from personal experience?Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
I used to work at a Best Buy and the prices for tech services were outrageous. $45 to install RAM? $120 to upgrade your harddrive (with data migration). I felt bad for the suckers.
Nah, I was just messing with you by implying you'd rely on an overpriced, conceptually ridiculous service like Geek Squad in order to resolve your basic PC issues.
For some reason I figure anyone and everyone on these forums is also knowledgeable about computers to some degree.
edit: I just checked those links, good reads. The thing is, most people didn't pay for that porn anyway. Keeping dirty pictures of you and your friends on your PC is asking for trouble. That stuff always ends up on the internet.
You can't assume too much...
Too true, but assumptions are like stereotypes, they are all rooted in fact.