PSJ, i tihnk its time to change to ur new sig =D
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PSJ, i tihnk its time to change to ur new sig =D
Damn, PSJ you always exceed your bandwidth and I can't see your sig 90% of the time. Why don't you host it on Imageshack or something with more bandwidth.
yes sure just write the url and ill host them there insteadits wuite annoying when the bandwidth is exceeded every day..
This is my attempt to create a wallpaper. Most of the work isn't even mine. I just pasted a high quality sasuke picture from a calander on some cool GFX art I found with google and I added a lensflare.
Yup, I'm lazy (and I don't know how to make such a cool background)[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img].
Lens flares tend to look cheesy and cheap. The only time they are worth using is when you try to make an effect with filters, and they are one of the first steps.
Well besides the lensflare the wallpaper looks fine. The Sasuke pic is really high quality though.
that background is probably made out of a forest. thats what it looks like. btw can someone give me the url to imageshack?
thanks jing, okay so here is my new naruto sig again.
what do you guys think?
i like it, but i think you should remove that happy naruto at the right side.
okay, ill edit it tomorrow im quite tired now.
and as a special late night bonus just cause im so happy about it here it is:
an Iron Maiden signature.
Lol that's a great idea man.. we should print that sig out on shirts and have 'em on us when we go to the concert! \m/
that would rock, but we should make a bigger print for that, like putting more of the eddies in it. im gonna buy a maiden shirt this christmas, have you seen one of those red ones? the original maiden shirt fomr 79 its red with black iron maiden printed on the chest, they're awesome.
oops. sorry PSJ. I didn't see that. i edited out ok[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
man, you dont need to qoute the sig, thats my bandwidth you're using...... edit out the sig please. and you are free to comment on the sig if you want to.......
halloween sig
I would use it if I get to my CP >_<
FF7 AC sig
I know...the pictures are kinda rough. I can't really help that since there are no high quality pictures or videos for AC yet.
Heres a link to a wallpaper I made (its somewhat a spoiler so I made it a link instead)
Naruto Wallpaper
Tell me what you think
I guess that's what happens for the next few episodes.
LOL, great wallpaper there, laughing at sakura ... lol that still funny. Besides that, its awesome, the blending and the rasengen and chirdoi striking eachother is perfect.