Thanks, I needed. Been like a crack addict all week.
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Thanks, I needed. Been like a crack addict all week.
I always knew Suzaku was an asshole, but this episode proved it for the 1000th time over.
I'm a bit disappointed that C.C. still refuses to tell anyone her true goal.
I would wonder if we'll see Cornelia team up with the Black Knights, but Zero did make Euphie go crazy and then shot her in the chest. Even if he is her long lost brother (since she might not remember it was him after that mind melt of a Geass he gave her), that's kind of a huge thing for Cornelia.
We've also got Ougi and Viletta setting up a meeting, with Diethard and our new favorite ninja-maid waiting in the wings to possibly assassinate them both. Lelouch might benefit by telling his subordinates more info (like Viletta is working for him). Maybe not Diethard, but certainly the maid that knows his real identity and the fact that he is royalty.
But I was really hoping that Lelouch would kill Rollo. He's just a whiny little bitch now anyway. On the plus side, we now know why Rollo counts off while his Geass is activated. Quite the weakness there.
...and that brings me to Suzaku. Sure, Lelouch has his troops kill not-so-innocent civilians, but he's no Suzaku. First off, Suzaku instantly assumes that Lelouch killed Shirley. We know that Lelouch was trying his damnedest to keep her uninvolved. Does Suzaku even think of that? Nope. He immediately impresses upon her tragic death the concept that because Euphie was brainwashed by Geass to her death, Shirley was Geassed into her suicide. He even said it himself. "All the evidence and testimonies say Lelouch is innocent." Experiencing a bit of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder it seems. He wants to kill (but in his mind, "bring justice to") Lelouch so badly for killing Euphiema that he's seeing evidence everywhere it isn't, and missing all the evidence where it actually exists. So what's he going to do? Drug (and rape?) Kallen.
I'm not sure what he intends to accomplish with Refrain. The threat will certainly work with Kallen, she has a huge emotional weak spot against it. But is he merely going to confirm that she knows Lelouch is Zero? All of her happy memories are from the past before she ever joined the Black Knights. That's what Kallen's mother was using it for, and that's what Lelouch was tempted to use it for a few episodes ago. Unless it works differently now, it certainly won't brainwash her into telling him exactly what he is after.
Justice indeed. Preventing tragedies by any means necessary. Becoming everything you've ever hated. If Euphie was still alive she would turn away from Suzaku in an instant.
What delicious character development.
Aye. Suzaku seems to be hating Lelouch pretty badly by now.
Maybe it's partly because Suzaku is quite a direct fighter and he can't grasp how Lelouch fights and has to fight. So, he first needs to convince himself of the fact Lelouch is really back to being Zero before he can do anything. Too bad for Kallen. Maybe Nunnally will see to her treatment. Or maybe Suzaku will see to it himself since he needs to always feel so good and righteous about what he has done. He probably thinks he's doing Kallen a favour by allowing her to talk...
At the same time Lelouch is getting bolder and bolder. No doubt the brutality of this operation was fueled by the rage he feels after Shirley's death, but I wonder if he realises how the formerly oppressed regular Japanese in his ranks feel about such indiscriminate massacres. This could mean some trouble. Especially seeing how secretive Lelouch is.
The big question now is, though, of course, what old man Charles is up to by suddenly bringing Lelouch to his secret place.
Well ... Ryl pretty much sumed things up with that post.
But THE thing about Ep14 is Suzaku's Assholeness reaching a godly level. Which makes him, the guy depicted as an angel, looking like the perfect evil char that you can hate without even trying. And making our rebelious son of the emperor looking like the hero, the good guy doing the good thing.
And believe me, that show is a step up for me for that reason alone, having the one called terrorist being the good guy is something that requires balls nowadays.
More love for Lelouch&Jeremiah&Cornelia, more hate Suzaku&VV&Rolo.
Extra cookies for Ep14 for showing a "Remote possibility of heterosexuality" in a Clamp-ish anime with the Ogi x Villeta mini char developement. It deserves it at it is almost as rare as a wet t-shirt inside the fucking sun.
What about our CC ? Well she stills has a lot to explain, that char was deep, and it looks like it's even deeper than we thought. Sexy, mysterious, can ride knightmares, has superpowers, loves pizzas, got charisma, ... the list goes on. As we go further in R2, CC is closing on the Anime Pantheon, just between Spike Spiegel(Cowboy Bebop) and Kuze(GITS SAC).
Aye, Lelouch did not really weigh the impact killing "civilians" will have on his troops.
But I've felt for a long time that Lelouch isn"t that different from charles in the way he does thinks, the means he uses to go to the top.
I have to say that the last two eps were a let down, I wasn't as excited as before. A bit of magic is dissapearing, replaced by usual violence and war action.
Oh and Suzaku isn't forced to use refrain. Psychologists will probably tell you that Suzaku will only use the fear Karen has for the refrain injection. Its that fear that may be powerful enough for her to resign and tell the truth. Refrain in itself does not seem to be useful as a truth drug.
Lelouch is pretty much the biggest secret the Black Knights have. I think Kallen's character is of the type who would rather die than betray her side. A danger of being drugged might be one of her worst nightmares but on the other hand she's not afraid of even death so she might be horrified of getting injected but it doesn't mean she would spill all her secrets.
And yeah, Lelouch is probably pretty similar to his old man. It remains to be seen whether Charles considers that a good thing or a bad. But for Lelouch's own troops such a detail of course isn't generally a good thing since great many of the ordinary soldiers there need to feel they are fighting for the good cause against the bad one, not just replacing one bad with another.
I found the most interesting part of this episode the exchange between V.V. and Charles. Thing is V.V. has been acting entirely on his own with the actions against Lelouch. All of the assassination attempts and Rollo have been done without the Emperors Knowledge.It really seems like the Emperor is just trying to groom a proper replacement for himself and his pick is Lelouch.
Great episode, and at the same time it made me mad several times.
Everybody already pointed it out, so I will keep it short...
Just how THE FUCK does that imbecile Suzaku thinks he is better than Lelouch by trying to manipulate Kallen via Refrain? Seriously... after this ep I no longer care about VV, since Suzaku reached a new high for idiocy.
And damn it... Lelouch should have pressed the button and killed of Rollo anyways... idiot.
I wonder how Cornelia shall react to Jeremiah saving her... and he being an ally of Zero. And finally that fat ass from the first episodes died. Guh... Im mad damn it... fucking Suzaku...
It seemed like Charles really has high plans for Lelouch, and was pissed at V.V for what he did.
But Charles also know that if Lelouch would have been killed in such a way, he wouldn't have hold to Charles hopes.
I can really see why Charles would be able to choose Lelouch over Schneizel.
Schneizel seems like an incredible son to him, but I guess Charles know perfectly well he can't manipulate him into trampling is own values of justice.
On the other hand, Lelouch goes as far as it's necessary to achieve his goals. Lelouch only needs to mature and get experience, which is exactly what is happening.
Lelouch could very well be the son Charles is waiting for, the one succeeding him, or even the one capable of killing the Gods...
Regarding Kallen and her fear for refrain?
Well human brain isn't always very rationnal. It's for some people preferable to die, rather than being humiliated. From that very single example, you understand that fear can lead you to act in very strange ways.
When you're depressed, sometimes suicide seems like a shortcut to solving your problems, rather than facing them which you're incapable of due to your state. When you get back to your senses after a long and hard work, you find that the situations and problems you were facing while on the verge of committing it were so silly that you ROFL. So I guess it will take Kallen an incredible amount of courage and willpower to overcome her greatest weakness in such a short time.
Damn, I wanted Rolo to die already. And like everyone, I too hate Suzaku so much more. I wonder if Nunnally is going to be finding out that Lelouch is Zero too since Suzaku is pretty much going force Kallen into spilling it infront of her.
This episode got me even more excited, but then it made me mad at the same time. Probably because everything is so close to being revealed, but then it isn't. This is what sucks about weekly eps.. lol.
Although, C.C looked pretty emotional when she was in there doing all the things that were done. Especially with the "Therefore, the genealogy of Geass shall end here. That's perhaps... Lelouch and my..." There is a couple of things that could be put here "true goal" "thing in common" etc.
I'm also thinking what Marianne did to get on the bad side of things. V.V seems to hate that family with things like. "Even you... shall utter that name?!" When Vincent said "For Empress Marianne's sake" and also things at Lelouch "cursed Prince!" Possible that Marianne found something out and was trying to take it apart, but was too late and V.V took her out.
V.V. and Charles' pact was to kill all the gods? What kind of stupid abstract pact is that?
Fucking Suzaku..... Pretty much everything has been said but OMG fucking Suzaku. At least admit that you are just as much of a psychotic bastard as you THINK Lelouch is. But really this isn't new for Suzaku. He killed his own father because he thought it would be better for Japan to surrender. He went ape shit on Lelouch because he thought Lelouch willfully ordered Euphy to go Yandare. He doesn't believe in any sort of fair system of judgment based on gathering facts, for him the world is simply I think therefore I punish.
There were a lot of dangling threads in this ep and I would be okay with that if notfor the fact that it seems none of them will be addressed next episode. What will happen with Viletta and Ougi (the maid does know about her btw), what will happen with Cornelia, what will happen with V.V. while Lelouch is getting schooled by dear old dad. So many interesting mysteries and instead of resolving some they just add another on :(
I'm sure it has something to do wit the opening scene that took place 20 years ago. Marianne and C.C. side by side sitting in a field after riding horses, and Charuru and V.V. standing off to the side moaning how much the world with Gods sucks. Perhaps Marianne had a direct hand in C.C.'s betrayal of the Cultists, and V.V. took revenge upon them both, killing Marianne and losing C.C. somewhere in China (where she met Mao).Quote:
Originally Posted by kAi
There's also the possibility that Marianne was C.C.'s contractor back then, gaining a Geass that allowed her to ascend to such heights of martial talents as the Flash of Lightning (I think that was her nickname). Maybe it was because they had a contract that Marianne can still talk to C.C.
Ah, I forgot. Sayoko has been down in the intelligence HQ at Ashford since she came back from China. But that doesn't mean she still won't try to kill Viletta and Ougi because she thinks they are a security breach.
I thought the missing word was "punishment". Her and Lelouch's punishment.Quote:
Originally Posted by kAi
I'm partly lost this ep. Firstly, what the Emperor meant when he said V.V. was lying again, since everything seemed truthful to me. Perhaps V.V. didn't send Jeremiah? I doubt it.
Secondly, the door to the Sword of Akasha, It opens at different places around the world or something?
And Villeta? "Now that even Lord Jeremiah has been taken in by Lelouch, I need Ougi Kaname?"
I'm quite happy that the story's moving forward this episode, despite my rising fears that Kallen will join Britannia, whether it's her wish or not.
Mmmm more Cornelia.
Villetta intends to betray Lelouch, I gather. I wonder if Ougi will fall for that trick again and get stabbed.
Then why warn Lelouch about Jeremiah? Unless she was either putting on a show for Rolo, or knew before hand that Jeremiah was wanting to serve Zero, it wouldn't make sense.Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
Often enough the scenes in this series make things look one way yet the next scene (next episode) reveals it wasn't the case at all. It's true it looks like Villetta is still looking for a way to get back to the Britannic side but it's another question whether she really deep down intends to take that route if it ever appears. I also find it a bit hard to believe she would again hurt Ougi just to try to redeem herself. It would be easier to believe she would make an extra attempt to avoid him if she intends to switch sides now. After all, I can't really believe she would ever believe Ougi would betray the cause and obviously she has some feelings for him.
Maybe she will try to convince Ougi that Zero/Lelouch does not have the best interest of Japan at heart (and she would be right too). This has almost caused mutiny several times in the series, and one of those times included Ougi.