what's the deal with Japan and missing fathers?
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what's the deal with Japan and missing fathers?
Japan? I thought the most famous one still is, and likely will be for a while, Darth Vader.
Quite a traditional turn in this huge battle, with such pairings. Although the Face situation was a surprise. But considering the idiotic magic council, I guess it makes sense that things will always be worse than they seemed.
Those two should be of some use. They weren't weak back in the tournament and now they are likely to fight still better since it's not such a fucked up situation as it was back then for Sabertooth. This also means Fairy Tail won't be fighting alone against threats to the world peace like they usually have, which is a welcome dose of realism.
But damn, Wendy! I liked her long hair. Now she will look like a boy if Mashima isn't careful with every panel. I have nothing against tomboyish girls, but still.
What is this King of Hades anyway? Is he the same as the rest of the so called demons we have seen: a product from Zeref's book? It's a bit strange the Spirit King recognized him immediately if he was nothing but that. That gave an impression he's something more similar to the Spirit King. However, why is he freely walking the mortal world in that case? We had never heard of him before so it's a bit hard to believe he would be a constant element that has been present forever and affected things a lot, to be so well known (unless I just quote Archie and say the writing sucks). If he's nothing but a creature from the book, a person transmutated into a demon, then I don't see why the Spirit King would be even aware of his measly existence.
But then again, if he truly is one of Zeref's demons, then there's no reason why Rogue and Sting working together wouldn't be able to kick his sorry ass back to his precious book. If fact they should steal the book he's hugging all the time like the greatest treasure. That ought to piss him off.
So, if it was going to be inevitably an "I'm your father" scene, why bother trying to make it any different from the most famous of them all? At least he didn't ask Gray to join his cause. Too bad Ultear isn't really in the business anymore so the demon couldn't add that if Gray doesn't stop him, she's going to fall next...
The leader of the demons needs to die first. He's so bloody annoying with his "You can never beat me. You are only miserable humans. Know your place." attitude. I can't help but wonder if another guild is allowed to defeat such a central villain. Perhaps he will only escape when all the other demons have been defeated, to be dealt with for good by Fairy Tail later.
I actually liked this 'Your fathers' body corrupted' bit. much better than the usual ones.
Agreed, but wasn't Deloria still encased in ice when they went to that Island? Didn't he break down there? That was 7 years ago. Not 10! And it doesn't even make sense he uses ice as well. Why am I even trying to apply logic to it all?
So, according to ANN, Fairy Tail will get two spinoff manga, one them being a shoujo manga to boot. Should be interesting...
Damn, this week's chapter may have been the first time I've ever been surprised reading this manga.
I guess Gray is now a full magus that he inherited the magic crest from his father - just like in Nasu's Fate universe! FT maintains admirably the glorious tradition of having zilch originality.
At last Juvia got to show some combat prowess, even if it was exceedingly foreseeable and no twist at all.
Bout time Gray got his power-up. Then again he was already amongst the strongest of FT without it.
Gray will probably get made fun of by natsu for trying to copy him haha
Idk I realized that I take certain series too seriously and it kinda just added too much cynicism to simply reading manga that it almost spoiled it. I'm actually enjoying FT's lack of direction and structure
well, time to shonen up the power of love.
this should have been Gray & Juvia, though.
I thought for sure that Gajeel was going to eat the "shadows" that were in the water and gain a power-up that way. That would have been fun.
I'm not sure if he can. He, like Natsu, can use a second element. But I've never seen them eat it to regain strength.
Ch 397 is out.
Well it seems someone gave Gajeel as Steel Coat and traded him.
399 is out.
First chapter in a while that actually had me hype for the next one. Dragon fight? Dragon fight. You killed my father power - up coming soon for natsu