Does Accelerator not learn? No wonder you have to kill a few thousand sisters. Just throw shit at him like you did with Touma ffs. Index2 is a lot better with him in it though, so i can only complain so much.
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Does Accelerator not learn? No wonder you have to kill a few thousand sisters. Just throw shit at him like you did with Touma ffs. Index2 is a lot better with him in it though, so i can only complain so much.
Accelerator really makes this season far better, no question of that. He lost too easily this fight but I'm sure we'll get better performance in the following eps. He was hilarious already when dealing with the grunts earlier.
Touma might face problems with the hounds, however. There's nothing imaginative about their guns for him to break.
Edit: Not to forget the Index hate enterily: Index lecturing Touma how he's so inconsiderate when she's a freeloader doing nothing but leeching him every day, while Touma is risking his life for every unknown person in trouble... Damn, I would really like an episode where all of Index's fell personality traits would return to her all at once to open her eyes.
The explanation that the guy was stopping his fist before he hit was kinda silly. Even if he stopped his fist, the "vectors" or whatever intertial force there is, is stagnant. So how would that end in him hitting himself?
Yeah. Despite what's coming out of his mouth, he looked far from bored.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
This episode suggested that he may be susceptible to sneak attacks though. It looked like he had to flip the switch on his transmitter to use even Reflect properly.
Totally. The only way that would work is if Reflect acts in a field around him, in which case pulling back a punch would drive it into him, but that doesn't seem to be the case.Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
The wind/whistle thing.. maybe.. but it's still pretty stretched. If a tiny gust puts out the thing, Accel would have to be as good as the Tree Diagram in predicting weather to account for every gust of wind out there.
In fact it only works if there's latency and said latency is in the same range as the time needed to finish punching.
That's pure bullshit though, as Accel can reflect bullets that are several orders of magnitude faster than a punch, meaning the latency in the system is extremely short.
One could argue that the sister network might have added some latency, but it has not been made clear what are the disadvantages of said network. More importantly, the guy speaks of Accel's power HE developped, meaning his counters are based on Accel's powers prior to his gun lobectomy.
Significant additional latency is unlikely. Accel still stopped a car from ramming him.Quote:
Originally Posted by David
Oh god, I hate it when awesome/strong characters turn into shitty ones for no real reason.
There is so much stuff he could have done with his ability.
I guess the Author made Accelerator too strong which is way he/she made him do a lousy performance and came up with a very unbelievable and stupid explanation about how that guy could defeat him.
At leasts its going somewhere now.
S2 sure is weak compared to the first one
Doesn't make sense to meQuote:
Totally. The only way that would work is if Reflect acts in a field around him, in which case pulling back a punch would drive it into him, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
-->| A *ping*
---|-->A *bang*
-> = fist, | = shield, A= Accel
why should he stop his punch when he breached his "deflect-shield" ...
but this is all nonesense in the first place, its not like he can only deflect and "reverses" attacks. He can control where and how it happens, so even if he pulls back, Accel would normaly just add vectors to the direction he wants things to move.
And lets not forget that he has to *touch* things so he can reverse / redirect things because his body is surrounded by a thin coat of AIM fields, so unless that Kihara guy kan see that thin coat it should be impossible to stop at the exact moment (well even if he can see it, it should be impossible)
The way it would work is if it satisfies both these conditions:Quote:
Originally Posted by KrayZ33
1) Reflect works in a field, not on contact.
2) Refect isn't "always on", and Accel only flicks it on when an attack enters the region (and the "flicking on" has a latency).
So in other words:
-Guy's punch enters region
-Accel wants to Reflect (add -ve to the vector)
-Guy pulls back before Reflect kicks in
-Accel adds a -ve to the already pulling-back vector, driving it into him
Accel changes vectors (adds operations to them, manipulates them).Quote:
but this is all nonesense in the first place, its not like he can only deflect and "reverses" attacks. He can control where and how it happens, so even if he pulls back, Accel would normaly just add vectors to the direction he wants things to move.
Reflect is the easiest form of it, as he just has to turn everything around. Anything that's coming towards him should never hit him.
Controlling the vector would require manipulation with knowledge of what it's based on, and isn't something he defaults on, or is effective since it's easily countered.
For example, last season the Sisters changed the wind pattern and stuffed up hisspiritplasma bomb. The same thing happened here.
EDIT: Actually, it COULD "work", even using the whole contact thing, if Accel was reflecting the force vector.
-Kihara throws a punch, applying a force of 10N (numbers for illustration purposes only)
-Fist accelerates
-Kihara stops applying force
-Kihara tries to slow punch down using opposite muscles at 5N
-Punch slows down, but still hits Accel
The inertia carries the fist forward, but the immediate force vector being applied at contact is a reverse one. If Accel is reflecting the force vector and not the velocity vector, then it makes this "work".
I say "work", because while it makes sense using theoretical physics, it shouldn't happen. If it does, the force applied to stop the punch would have to be pretty damn small (or the Kihara has godly timing), and Accel would have to be adding a multiplier to his Reflect output.
The heavy gloves would actually help this work out.
Most of the time Accellerator undoubtly relies on an automatic field surrounding him (whether it actually requires touching or not). You can't actively deflect bullets. From a human perspective, a bullet hits you the same moment it's shot - there's no time to actively reverse its vectors. The speed is high enough for that. Even assuming Kihara has godly precision to use that autamatic deflection like that to his own ends, the weakness of the fight lay in the fact Accelerator did nothing at all to actively counter the strategy.
That is for Lobectomy accelerator, but before he only had his brains do the work and I think I remember him deflecting bullets.
More than reflecting bullets, the fucker reflected sniper fire all the way back to the gun who shot it with almost pinpoint accouracy
that guy created plasma by calculating wind vectors, and he did all the goddamn calculations in his head in matter of seconds, but now thanks to brain damage he is not so badass anymore :(
@Index ep20 - No torrent yet for some reason even though Ayako has it available in irc
Accelerator is pretty impressive even with limited use of his abilities, that was some hitman assassination shit right there
Also lolVentus, if that idiot had left it alone those guys would have done a much better job of killing Touma than whatever the hell she's doing now. That was some seriously unimpressive stuff from the so called "ultimate weapon".
Yeah, well that's hitman pride for ya.
Discounting the Alchemist fellow, Stiyl's the closest magician to take out Touma from memory. His sustained fire damage kept Touma busy at least. Weird thing was that Touma didn't figure out how those attack directions worked until some time afterwards, yet none of the earlier attacks hit anyway.
I'm just glad people are finally dying in Index (aside from the sisters). Leave it to Accel to do that for us. My pity goes to Hound Dog. For all their advanced scent scanners (which seem to be no more effective than real dogs anyway), they don't even carry a pair of night vision goggles.
Her name is Vento. Not Ventus.
Both words mean wind... but Vento's name is in Italian and not in Latin.
Accelerator was awesome this episode. And I loled at Vento saving Accelerator and Index unknowningly.
What did Last Order drop anyway?
I keep wishing to see Saten whenever Uiharu appears =/