/me adds that to must watch list.
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/me adds that to must watch list.
There. You have irc again. Dunno why the server got rebooted, but I'm gonna blame Ciber...
Good God woman, how slow are you that you ban me for what i said a whole day earlier? Were you processing the insults?
topic: [Arcness1] changes topic to 1[Welcome to #Gotwoot | New Rule: Sort out your own problems; if that doesnt work ignore each other; if that doesnt work both parties are banned for an increasing amount of time.
Arcness:who ever wants to fuck with this colouring can
Arcness:anyways no fucking rule, see topic
Arcness:ark can stay banned for now but at tomorrow he will be unbanned
Arcness:so new rule starting tomorrow
Arcness:End of discussion
^ happened while I was asleep, but there you have it.
I know, i was PMing everyone. Pretty much the same shit only i don't get DS being bitchy at random intervals.
Naruto spoilers
[00:08] <&Y> so uh
[00:08] <&Y> that Naruto chapter
[00:08] <&Y> did we really need like 5 fucking time loop diagrams?
[00:08] <&DS> http://bit.ly/9UAFUa
[00:09] <&DS> yes, because kids are stupid
[00:09] <&Y> that just confused the situation more
[00:10] <&Y> i think it's kinda interesting that it was developed as a teaching tool and not an attack, which explains why it sucks so bad
[00:10] <&DS> lol
[00:10] <&Y> also uh... is Itachi trying to fucking friendship jutsu Kabuto?
[00:10] <&DS> I don't think so
[00:10] <&Y> he's trying to make him a better person
[00:10] <&DS> I think what's going on in izanami is just an automatic thing
[00:11] <&DS> itachi said he's about to stop edo tensei now
[00:11] <&Y> either that or Itachi is so fucking smug he wants to make sure Kabuto realizes how wrong he was before he loses
[00:11] <&DS> if kabuto friendships then he breaks free
[00:11] <&DS> and itachi fails
[00:11] <%Ryllharu> Wasn't kabuto dead?
[00:11] <&DS> no?
[00:11] <&Y> the only way he can break out is if he gets friendshipped
[00:11] <&DS> that's what I said..
[00:11] <&Y> so he'll probably be like bluh bluh a bloo bloo i regret everything
[00:11] <&Y> and turn it off himself
[00:11] <%Ryllharu> oh, I thought you two discussed his off-frame death before or something
[00:11] <&DS> but he can't break free
[00:11] <&DS> otherwise itachi fails
[00:12] <&Y> nah
[00:12] <&Y> if he breaks free it's because he now agrees with Itachi
[00:12] <&Y> so he wins either way
[00:12] <&DS> I don't think so
[00:12] <&Y> the only way for him to escape is if he stops trying to jock orochimaru's legacy
[00:12] <&DS> especially because itachi said he'd stop edo tensei now, while the entire exchange inside kabuto's head was already underway
[00:12] <&Y> lol well
[00:12] <&Y> who can compare the timelines of a fake time trap jutsu
[00:12] <&Y> with the real world
[00:13] <&Y> maybe the loop has already happened a shitload of times
[00:13] <&DS> exactly
[00:13] <&DS> kabuto should have ample time already to break free
[00:13] <&DS> if itachi was already truly coercing him
[00:13] <&DS> but he isn't
[00:13] <&DS> it seems like an automatic thing
[00:14] <&Y> he can't break free because the whole point is breaking free would mean abandoning his goals anyway
[00:14] <&Y> and not trying to become like orochimaru or someone else to escape his identity issues
[00:14] <%Ryllharu> <3 Valmet is soooooo cool. <3
[00:14] <&Y> i don't think he would actually become a good guy, because seriously fuck that, but he might be shaken in his convictions or whatever
[00:15] <&Y> and realize that he needs to stop Tobi as well before he mind controls the entire planet
[00:15] <&DS> yes, but unless he -does- become a good guy, he isn't going to dispell edo tensei just like that
[00:15] <&Y> he might turn the resurrected guys on Tobi
[00:15] <&DS> oh well...oro was oro and I'm me, time to stop the war I guess..
[00:15] <&Y> or just turn them off
[00:15] <&DS> if kishi does that
[00:15] <&Y> well it's more like
[00:15] <&DS> it's worse than bleach
[00:15] <&DS> seriously
[00:15] <&Y> "what am I accomplishing here exactly"
[00:15] <&Y> what is he supposed to do if, let's say, the undead Madara kills everyone?
[00:15] <&Y> pat himself on the back and then get mind controlled by the moon eye plan?
[00:16] <&DS> not really
[00:16] <&Y> it seems like regardless of whether he gets friendshipped
[00:16] <&DS> he has madarazombie which madaratobi was shocked by seeing
[00:16] <&Y> he is going to have to stop tobi himself soon, if he's not taken out of the picture
[00:17] <&DS> I'm sure he could just crap all over madaratobi if everyone else was dead
[00:17] <&Y> i'm not
[00:17] <&Y> tobi has pretty much unlimited random cheating powers atm
[00:17] <&DS> madarazombie is clearly stronger than tobi
[00:17] <&Y> disagree
[00:18] <&DS> why
[00:18] <&Y> there's really no way to quantify either of their powers since they both have the same power: whatever the fuck the plot demands
[00:18] <&Y> tobi's ceramic mask or whatever didn't crack when ssj naruto headbutted him so apparently even his fucking mask has super powers
01[00:19] <Arkangel> This naruto chapter was a bunch of hogwash
[00:19] <&DS> and madara brought down 2 meteors from the sky like it was nothing
[00:19] <&Y> tobi has the rinnengan atm
[00:19] <&DS> and is currently playing aroudn with the 5 kage
[00:19] <&Y> i'm absolutely certain tobi could play around with them the same way
[00:19] <&Y> he is kind of invincible after all
[00:19] <&DS> I disagree
01[00:19] <Arkangel> Other than being afraid of naruto
01[00:19] <Arkangel> Oh no wait, it was the rain
[00:19] <&Y> well
[00:19] <&DS> he can phase out but he needs to become soild to attack again
01[00:19] <Arkangel> Riiiight
[00:20] <&Y> obv he should fear the main character
[00:20] <&DS> and the 4th shitted all over tobi
[00:20] <&Y> since there is a 100% chance he will lose
01[00:20] <Arkangel> Not shitted...
01[00:20] <Arkangel> But he did win
[00:20] <&DS> no way in hell is the 4th stronger than the 5 kage + madara + the 1st
[00:20] <&Y> 4th wasn't "stronger", that wasn't what let him harm tobi
[00:20] <&Y> it was the fact that he could teleport on top of him as he materialized, which no one else can do (except probably Naruto soon)
01[00:20] <Arkangel> What i'd really like to see is Itachi vs Madara
01[00:21] <Arkangel> Itachi is fucking broken
[00:21] <&Y> itachi always wins
[00:21] <&Y> even getting murdered by sasuke actually counts as a win since that was his desired outcome for the fight
[00:21] <&DS> I don't see how that would be a problem for the 5 kage, raikage is pretty disgustingly fast too
[00:21] <&Y> yeah but he can't literally teleport
01[00:21] <Arkangel> Not even murdered, he died more or less on his own
01[00:22] <Arkangel> His body couldn't handle the awesome
[00:22] <&Y> madara is pretty cheatyface though since he can shit out infinite rinnengan abilities which presumably tobi can't do
[00:22] <&DS> madarazombie
[00:22] <&Y> tobi would probably just possess him since he is a ghost
[00:22] <&DS> can do anything
[00:22] <&DS> he wants
[00:22] <&Y> bwahaha
[00:22] <&DS> he's pretty much omnipotent
01[00:22] <Arkangel> So can Itchizombie
01[00:23] <Arkangel> I don't know how Itachi hasn't gotten the rinnegan yet
01[00:23] <Arkangel> He fucking knows everything
[00:23] <&Y> when madara was rezzed, he was shocked and hadn't planned for it
[00:23] <&DS> because he's isn't special
[00:23] <&DS> he's just a normal uchiha
[00:23] <&Y> when itachi got rezzed he had a fucking secret backup plan
[00:23] <&DS> a fuckig strong one
[00:23] <&Y> not for him specifically but still
01[00:23] <Arkangel> He's nothing but normal
[00:23] <&Y> that's the difference
[00:23] <&DS> he is arch
01[00:23] <Arkangel> First Uchiha of his generation to awaken the MS
[00:23] <&Y> madara could summon 100 susanoos or whatever
[00:23] <&Y> and itachi would just be like "all part of the plan"
01[00:23] <Arkangel> Knows all the phorbidden techniques
01[00:24] <Arkangel> f*
[00:24] <&DS> yeah he's just strong
[00:24] <%Ryllharu> God damn Valmet is cool.
[00:24] <&DS> he's not a special uchiha
[00:24] <&Y> also pretty big plothole in this issue
[00:24] <&DS> sasuke is more spcial since he knows the blaze element
01[00:24] <Arkangel> Well... what's a special uchiha then?
[00:24] <&DS> which is ANOTHER bloodlinelimit
01[00:24] <Arkangel> <&DS> sasuke is more spcial
[00:24] <&Y> izanami was developed to stop people fucking around with izanagi right
01[00:24] <Arkangel> Hahahaha
01[00:24] <Arkangel> Flashback
[00:24] <&Y> but... why is that necessary?
01[00:24] <Arkangel> I'm more special than you!
[00:24] <&Y> you can use izanagi, at most, twice
[00:25] <&DS> because Izanagi made shit convoluted Y
[00:25] <&Y> so there can't exactly be people fighting over whose izanagi wins
[00:25] <&Y> you've only got two fucking uses
01[00:25] <Arkangel> Man... naruto should have ended in the valley of the end battle
01[00:25] <Arkangel> Sasuke killed naruto
[00:25] <%Ryllharu> shit, quit talking about naruto, and watch jormugand.
01[00:25] <Arkangel> Then we get a prologue of grownup sasuke face to face with itachi
01[00:25] <Arkangel> The end
[00:25] <&Y> yeah, great ending
[00:25] <&DS> I think it's just general hubris Y
[00:25] <&DS> plus
01[00:25] <Arkangel> No zombie bulshit
[00:25] <&Y> the main character gets murdered and the plot isn't resolved
[00:25] <&Y> would def have loved that
[00:25] <&DS> who says those uchiha weren't harvesting eyes either?
[00:26] <&DS> for izanagi
01[00:26] <Arkangel> What plot isn't resolved? All plot points were done by that point
01[00:26] <Arkangel> Part 2 just added new ones
01[00:26] <Arkangel> Crappy ones
[00:26] <&DS> there was nothing resolved arch
[00:26] <&DS> absolutely zero
[00:27] <&Y> well DS
[00:27] <&Y> Danzou had the entire murdered uchiha clan to play with
[00:27] <&DS> for one we still hjad to wonder why itachi had eyecancer
[00:27] <&DS> etc..
[00:27] <&Y> unless there were like, dozens of people who had all the supposedly rare and forbidden techniques
[00:27] <&Y> theres no way anyone could have been spamming izanagi
[00:27] <&DS> no I mean, uchiha raiding dead uchiha bodies for their eyes
[00:27] <&DS> I'm sure plenty of uchiha died in the past
[00:27] <&Y> and doesn't that kind of fix itself since the guys fighting over it are gonna run out of eyes?
[00:28] <&Y> its not like you can have 100 eyes...
[00:28] <&Y> DS yeah but how many dead uchihas had unlocked ms and izanagi?
[00:28] <&DS> argus disagrees ;P
[00:28] <&Y> thousands?
[00:28] <&DS> is izanagi a special unlock?
[00:28] <&DS> or just something the all have access too?
[00:28] <&Y> i'm pretty sure not every uchiha can just randomly rewrite time
[00:29] <&DS> I don't recall the danzou eyes to be MS ones
[00:29] <&DS> http://images.wikia.com/marveldataba...rth-616%29.jpg
[00:29] <&DS> uchiha
[00:29] <&DS> ;P
[00:30] <&Y> I guess any eye can get sacced to Izanagi
[00:30] <&Y> but hell, not even every uchiha unlocked the sharingan period
[00:30] <&Y> most of them didn't have it
[00:31] <&DS> hmm, in the madara vs hirashima animated fight I think all of them had it
[00:31] <&DS> but I guess in peace times they didn't activate
[00:32] <&Y> i'm sure a lot of their fighters had it
[00:32] <&Y> but there can't have been hundreds of spare sharingans... even madara only had a few dozen
[00:32] <&DS> prolly not
[00:32] <&Y> and again it doesn't matter since they would just run out of sharingans
[00:33] <&DS> but I guess they didn't want to have psycho uchiha running around jack the ripper style killing everyone for eyes
[00:33] <&Y> eventually, pretty soon if it was 2 guys just doing izanagi at each other
[00:33] <&DS> but again it just exist because izanagi just made everything too convoluted
[00:33] <&DS> it's fucking absurd they just invented izanami
01[00:34] <Arkangel> I hate izanagi
01[00:34] <Arkangel> It's literally deus ex machina
[00:34] <&Y> it's fine as long as it doesn't actually reverse time
[00:34] <&Y> and is just a subtle genjutsu
[00:34] <&Y> just like izanami doesn't actually trap someone in a time loop
[00:35] <&Y> again all these special techniques are just "genjutsu that actually works"
[00:35] <&DS> it's dumb
[00:35] <&Y> izanami, izanagi, tsukiyomi are all basically the same thing
[00:35] <&DS> izanagi should've never existed as a sharingan ability
[00:36] <&Y> also again
01[00:36] <Arkangel> No Y, the point here is that even tsukiyomi required eye contact
[00:36] <&Y> who cares
01[00:36] <Arkangel> There need to be boundaries to this bulshit
[00:36] <&Y> not even regular basic genjutsus require that
01[00:36] <Arkangel> Not just, i sacrifice an eye so X happens
[00:36] <&DS> I'd say
[00:36] <&Y> kabuto knocked everyone out at the chuunin exam just by dropping feathers down into the crowd
01[00:36] <Arkangel> Yes but tsukiyomi is instantaneous
[00:36] <&Y> no eye contact needed
[00:36] <&DS> tsukiyomi is 2985792348578x better than either izanagi or izanami
[00:36] <&Y> hell
[00:37] <&DS> it's a completely broken genjutsu
[00:37] <&Y> kabuto just used a genjutsu that requires no eye contact to fuck with them through susanoo
01[00:37] <Arkangel> It still pretty much fucks one eye up DS
[00:37] <&DS> it just gives it eye cancer
[00:37] <&Y> tsukiyomi isn't that good
[00:37] <&DS> so you can still use it
01[00:37] <Arkangel> But it wasn't instantaneous Y
[00:37] <&Y> it just has a lot of hype
01[00:37] <Arkangel> Proof, they were able to counter it
[00:37] <&Y> what do you mean
01[00:37] <Arkangel> The point with tsukiyomi is that if it hits you're fucked... unless you're sasuke
[00:38] <&Y> or Danzou
[00:38] <&Y> or Kakashi
[00:38] <&Y> or anyone else it's ever been used on
01[00:38] <Arkangel> Kakashi was fucked
[00:38] <&DS> tsukiyomi raped kakashi
01[00:38] <Arkangel> So hard
01[00:38] <Arkangel> And Danzou used the very same jutsu i'm bitching about now
[00:38] <&DS> it didn't work on sasuke cause of deus ex machina him having MS too
[00:38] <&Y> he didn't have MS at the time
01[00:38] <Arkangel> Wut?
01[00:38] <Arkangel> He didn't
[00:38] <&Y> he just had a regular sharingan
[00:39] <&DS> then kishi is a retar
[00:39] <&DS> d
01[00:39] <Arkangel> The only explanation that makes sense is that Itachi didn't want it to work
[00:39] <&Y> tsukiyomi, just like every other genjutsu, is exactly as strong as the plot requires
[00:39] <&Y> ofc
[00:39] <&Y> just like he didn't want it to kill Kakashi, only incapacitate him
01[00:39] <Arkangel> I don't think tsukiyomi can kill anyway
[00:39] <&Y> but ANY ILLUSION should be able to incapacitate someone, unless someone else breaks them out of it
01[00:39] <Arkangel> It can fucking cripple you to the point anyone else can kill you though
01[00:40] <Arkangel> Again Y, the point here is that other illusions are known and counterable
01[00:40] <Arkangel> Tsukiyomi just need a fucking wink of the eyes
01[00:40] <Arkangel> And bam you're a useless bag of bones
[00:40] <&Y> who cares
01[00:40] <Arkangel> Kakashi cared
01[00:40] <Arkangel> While he was being raped for X years
[00:41] <&Y> kabuto incapacitated thousands of people at once with feathers, no eye contact required
01[00:41] <Arkangel> Just normals
[00:41] <&Y> so how is tsukiyomi so great
01[00:41] <Arkangel> Fucfk normals
Narutarding for over a hour.
Naruto spoilers more
[00:42] <&Y> also lol DS
01[00:42] <Arkangel> Yeah that
[00:42] <&DS> when itachi raped her tree thing
[00:42] <&Y> I think the opponent has to actually see itachi's eyes
[00:42] <&Y> not just him looking into their eyes
[00:42] <&DS> yeah I know
[00:42] <&DS> would be hilarious though
[00:42] <&Y> so
[00:42] <%Xelbair> that's why mirrors
[00:42] <%Xelbair> like code geass
01[00:42] <Arkangel> Sniper genhutsu
[00:42] <&Y> can Itachi genjutsu someone by taking a photograph of his mangekyou sharingan and showing it to people
[00:42] <&DS> prolly
01[00:43] <Arkangel> Itachi can do anything Y
01[00:43] <Arkangel> Even save Ed's mom
[00:43] <&Y> Arkangel yes and the only reason kurenai's genjutsu failed
[00:43] <&Y> is because the plot required it to
[00:43] <&DS> the 1st's gentjutsu was pretty goddamn instant as well
[00:43] <&Y> if anybody could just trap people in illusions there would be no point in all these ninja fireballs
01[00:43] <Arkangel> Fine, if you want to look at it like that everything works because it's supposed to work
[00:43] <&DS> when he made everything black
[00:43] <&Y> you would just mindcontrol somebody
[00:43] <&DS> against 3rd
01[00:43] <Arkangel> And our discussion for the past 10 minutes as been completely meaningless
[00:43] <&DS> it was like *poof* darkness
[00:44] <&Y> yeah and kabuto didn't do incantations or anything to genjutsu sasuke and itachi
[00:44] <&DS> I don't think there was any eye contact or whatever
[00:44] <&Y> it just happened, probably because he set it up beforehand
[00:44] <&DS> just blackness
[00:44] <&DS> out of nowhere
01[00:44] <Arkangel> That might not have been genjutsu DS
[00:44] <&DS> uit was
[00:44] <&DS> it*
01[00:44] <Arkangel> Might be shadow manipulation
[00:44] <&DS> nope it's a genjutsu
[00:44] <&Y> yeah it's a genjutsu, it just deactivates your sight
[00:45] <&Y> Arkangel what I'm saying is it's silly that all these techniques are getting invented
[00:45] <&Y> when they are all, fundamentally, the exact same thing
[00:45] <&Y> an illusion that actually fucking works
01[00:45] <Arkangel> That was my fucking point Y >_>
[00:45] <&DS> izanagi is retarded though
[00:45] <&Y> there's NOTHING special about tsukiyomi. any genjutsu should be able to alter the target's perception of time
01[00:45] <Arkangel> Every jutsu invented from this moment on will be bulshit
[00:45] <&DS> since it's not an illusion
[00:45] <&DS> it just fucking erases what you did
[00:45] <%Xelbair> did byakugan got some love?
[00:45] <&Y> i don't think that's true
01[00:46] <Arkangel> Because everyone is so fucking overpowered that they just become more and more ridiculous
[00:46] <&DS> byakugan has been the same since the star
[00:46] <&DS> t
[00:46] <&Y> just like izanami doesn't actually trap someone in a time paradox, izanagi isn't actually undoing reality, it just appears that way to the target
[00:47] <&Y> otherwise danzou could just go back in time like he had the car from back to the future
[00:47] <&DS> I don't think so
[00:47] <&DS> I think it activates as soon as you get hit
[00:47] <&DS> like a kawarimi
[00:47] <&Y> the replacement shit activated BEFORE you get hit obv :p
[00:47] <&Y> it just looks like you're getting hit
[00:47] <&Y> same for Izanagi
[00:48] <&Y> otherwise everyone in the series can time travel and undo wounds they recieved using replacement jutsu
[00:48] <&DS> I don't think it's time travel like that
[00:48] <&Y> also it just doesn't many any sense
[00:48] <&DS> it only works IF he gets hit
[00:48] <&DS> if he doesn't nothing gets erased
[00:48] <&Y> as soon as he's about to get hit
[00:49] <&Y> it genjutsu's the target into thinking they were successful
[00:49] <&Y> when in fact they were not
[00:49] <&DS> to the wiki!
[00:49] <&Y> lol I don't really care what the wiki says
01[00:49] <Arkangel> Wiki is written by people too DS
[00:49] <&Y> it's obvious it's a genjutsu, and not actually danzou literally having the power to travel through time
[00:49] <&DS> well the wiki lists the chapters where the shit gets explained
[00:49] <&DS> that's what I'm looking for
[00:50] <&Y> if danzou can literally time travel why doesn't he just reverse the entire day and wake up in his bed that morning not dead
[00:50] <&DS> again I don't think it's time travel in the sense that he can just go, oh I got hit, where in time will I go now?
[00:50] <&DS> I think it just resets before the fatal hit
[00:51] <&Y> so it's a very limited form of time travel, ok
[00:51] <&DS> I think so
[00:51] <&Y> that's totally absurd compared to it just being a clever genjutsu
[00:51] <&DS> if it was genjutsu
[00:51] <&DS> why respawn not anywhere near the enemy?
[00:51] <&DS> and just kill them when they are shooting the illusion?
[00:52] <&Y> because if genjutsu actually worked, none of the other techniques in the series would be worth a shit
[00:52] <&Y> you could just make your opponent fight trees the whole fucking time
[00:52] <&Y> even if it's TIME TRAVEL why not respawn somewhere far away
[00:53] <&Y> because most of the cast of this series are fucking retarded
[00:53] <&DS> http://www.mangapanda.com/93-45540-2...apter-479.html
01[00:53] <Arkangel> Well whatever
01[00:53] <Arkangel> Kyuubi already eliminated genjutsu off the equation
[00:53] <&DS> tobi's explanation over a few pages
01[00:53] <Arkangel> By becoming naruto's willing bitch
01[00:53] <Arkangel> I will never believe anything Tobi says or will say DS
01[00:53] <Arkangel> EVER
[00:54] <&Y> lol well
[00:54] <&Y> two pages later he says it's a genjutsu
01[00:54] <Arkangel> Nothing Tobi says may ever be considered as fact
[00:54] <&Y> "the ultimate illusion"
[00:54] <&Y> so...
[00:54] <&DS> yes
[00:54] <&DS> as in it makes things real
[00:54] <&DS> as he says the page before it
[00:54] <&Y> you're right actually
[00:55] <&Y> danzou thinks about how he can't release Izanagi, implying if he does he will be dead again
[00:55] <&Y> that just doesn't make a lick of sense
01[00:55] <Arkangel> No
01[00:55] <Arkangel> Implying that if he does he could die at any minute
01[00:55] <Arkangel> He's afraid of Sasuke
[00:56] <&Y> yeah ark has it
[00:56] <&DS> if that arrow hit danzou and it was just an illusion, I don't understand why danzou doesn't just walk up to him and stab sasuke in the back while it happens
[00:56] <&Y> it's totally just a really funky genjutsu
01[00:56] <Arkangel> Specifically, his Susanoo
[00:56] <&DS> but no he respawns right next to his dead body
[00:56] <&Y> because he can only control his "personal" reality? whatever that means. it's just an excuse as to why he can't magically alter events so sasuke stabbed himself
01[00:56] <Arkangel> It's like this chapter says
[00:56] <&DS> THAT makes no sense
01[00:56] <Arkangel> It lets you redo shit DS
[00:56] <&DS> no just think about it
01[00:57] <Arkangel> In his other reality, danzou dodged it
[00:57] <&DS> danzou should NEVER get hit by anything
[00:57] <&DS> he should never stop moving
[00:57] <&DS> ever
[00:57] <&Y> well
[00:57] <&DS> if it was genjutsu
[00:57] <&Y> his Izanagi is eating his eyes
[00:57] <&Y> he can't just keep doing it forever
01[00:57] <Arkangel> It's a personal genjutsu
[00:57] <&Y> that's the downside
[00:57] <&DS> no think of it this way
01[00:57] <Arkangel> He using an ilusion on himself
[00:57] <&DS> his illusion gets hit right?
[00:57] <&DS> why would the real danzou stop moving?
[00:57] <&DS> and appear next to the dead body?
[00:57] <&DS> the real danzou SHOULD be meters ahead
[00:58] <&DS> since he never got hit
[00:58] <&Y> i'm sure has to concentrate and gather ninja magic to use it
01[00:58] <Arkangel> Dude, listen
01[00:58] <Arkangel> It's like this chapter explained
01[00:58] <Arkangel> It allows you to redo your past
01[00:58] <Arkangel> In the original "timeline", danzou got hit
01[00:58] <Arkangel> In the one he remade, he dodged
[00:58] <&DS> that's what I've been saying...
[00:58] <&DS> it's time travel
01[00:59] <Arkangel> It's... time manipulation
[00:59] <&DS> same difference?
[00:59] <&Y> it's definitely not time travel or time manipulation or anything
[00:59] <&Y> lol
01[00:59] <Arkangel> Well he's not actually traveing
01[00:59] <Arkangel> He's redoing it
[00:59] <&DS> http://www.mangapanda.com/93-57473-1...apter-510.html
01[01:00] <Arkangel> Why the fuck am i trying so hard to explain something Kishi clearly pulled out of his ass?
[01:00] <&DS> a techniquye with the power to turn imagination into reality
[01:00] <&DS> the fatal injury gets erased and simply never happened
01[01:00] <Arkangel> You know, the sage is to blame for all of this
01[01:01] <Arkangel> Dickhead
[01:01] <&Y> idk
[01:01] <&Y> again this is Tobi explaining it
[01:01] <&DS> http://www.mangapanda.com/naruto/587/5
[01:02] <&DS> if yiou try to erase the results with izanagi
[01:02] <&DS> there
[01:02] <&DS> 3 times now
[01:02] <&Y> exactly
[01:02] <&Y> and in that cute little graph, izanami is also depicted as a time loop
[01:02] <&Y> when it's just a genjutsu...
[01:02] <&DS> izanami is just something else
[01:02] <&Y> that's just a way to explain the effects of the genjutsu
[01:02] <&DS> but 3 times now has it been said that izanagi alters reality
01[01:03] <Arkangel> All times explained by exceptional liars
01[01:03] <Arkangel> Have naruto explain it to me and i'll believe it
[01:03] <&Y> nah
01[01:03] <Arkangel> Get it?
01[01:03] <Arkangel> ta dum tchh
[01:03] <&Y> the explanation is fine, it's just that he also says izanami puts you in a time loop, so he is clearly just explaining how each one affects you, not that each one controls time
[01:04] <&DS> no it actually doesn't say time loop
[01:04] <&DS> it says thgat because izanagi erases results, it will use those results against you in a genjutsu
[01:04] <&DS> and will just loop izanagi over and over again
[01:04] <&DS> cause you can't get a good result
[01:04] <&Y> also uh
[01:04] <&DS> that's why non izanagi users cqan get out
[01:04] <&DS> if they just...stop fighting I guess
[01:04] <&Y> on an unrelated subject
[01:04] <&Y> http://www.mangapanda.com/naruto/587/9
[01:05] <&Y> this is a mistranslation right? itachi was going to use the whatever on sasuke but didn't
[01:05] <&DS> yes that's wrong
01[01:05] <Arkangel> Wait for mangastream
[01:05] <&DS> I read the other translation
[01:05] <&DS> it said he was going to use it on him
[01:05] <&DS> I think
01[01:05] <Arkangel> Oh btw
01[01:06] <Arkangel> Snake sage mode? Out of nowhere?
[01:06] <&Y> also great little bit
01[01:06] <Arkangel> Really?
[01:06] <&Y> Kabuto explodes out of his body
[01:06] <&DS> why not
[01:06] <&Y> and takes the time to grab his GLASSES off it
[01:06] <&Y> this despite the fact that HE HAS NO EYES ATM
01[01:06] <Arkangel> Because it's supposed to be something hard to achieve DS
01[01:06] <Arkangel> Naruto had hacks and even then it took him quite a bit
[01:07] <&Y> that was totally worth it
[01:07] <&DS> he obviously needs them for extra power Y
[01:07] <&Y> for that page of the snake sage smoking a pipe
01[01:07] <Arkangel> Megane power
01[01:07] <Arkangel> powah*
[01:07] <&DS> the snake sage is pimp
[01:08] <&Y> also
[01:08] <&Y> I like how kabuto's friend from the orphanage
[01:08] <&Y> apparently STILL DOESN'T REALIZE that kabuto is evil, despite having blatantly attacked konoha a bunch, and that he is still out on a mission
[01:08] <&Y> this guy doesn't subscribe to the konoha newspaper obv
01[01:08] <Arkangel> How did that brother now know he was in the chunin exam anyway?
01[01:08] <Arkangel> Didn't he do those a dozen times?
[01:09] <&Y> yeah that makes no sense, I already mentioned that a few chapters back
[01:09] <&DS> ppl from konoha just have terrible memories
[01:09] <&Y> Kabuto registered under his own name in the chuunin exam for years
[01:09] <&DS> like how they didn't recognise him in the chuunin exam
[01:09] <&Y> despite being an assassination target for Root
[01:09] <&Y> ofc this is because at the time he didn't have this retarded backstory
[01:09] <&DS> oh this 50 year old genin named kabuto wants to enter?
[01:09] <&DS> fine
[01:09] <&Y> lol
01[01:09] <Arkangel> Then at the very least have the decency to adapt the backstory to fit the actual character
01[01:10] <Arkangel> Fucking Kishi
[01:10] <&Y> he isn't that old right lol
[01:10] <&DS> nah lol
01[01:10] <Arkangel> Titles don't mean anything anymore
[01:10] <&Y> also itachi is obviously going to fail to stop edo tensei completely
01[01:10] <Arkangel> naruto the genin keeps getting thrown into SSSSSS missions
[01:10] <&Y> i'm going to scream if madara just randomly vanishes and that's the resolution to the fight
[01:11] <&DS> I actually
[01:11] <&DS> hope
01[01:11] <Arkangel> Can you record the scream?
[01:11] <&DS> madara just murders all the kage
[01:11] <&Y> yes
[01:11] <&DS> just gets rid of them
[01:11] <&Y> lol
01[01:11] <Arkangel> I'd like to use it when it's bed time
01[01:11] <Arkangel> And your soothing agony may rock me to sleep
[01:12] <&Y> also
[01:12] <&Y> since the zombies have infinite chakra
01[01:12] <Arkangel> Y'all should read One Piece
[01:12] <&Y> why didn't kabuto just resurrect only Madara, then have him split into 500,000 kage bunshins
01[01:12] <Arkangel> Shit's so cash
[01:12] <&Y> and easily kill everyone
[01:12] <&DS> because then there wouldn't be any hype
[01:12] <&DS> and kabuto wins
01[01:13] <Arkangel> Because zombies can't bunshin?
01[01:13] <Arkangel> Have we ever seen one do it?
[01:13] <&DS> lol
[01:13] <&DS> madara made like 25 bunshin
[01:13] <&DS> rofl
[01:13] <&Y> yeah
[01:13] <&DS> that's where the fight is now
[01:13] <&DS> him making those bunshin
[01:13] <&Y> madara has already done exactly that
[01:14] <&Y> why not just make 25 madaras to begin with
[01:14] <&Y> pretty confident 25 of him could beat the allied army
01[01:14] <Arkangel> Oh shit he did
[01:14] <&Y> since they are all invincible
01[01:14] <Arkangel> This manga's retarded
01[01:14] <Arkangel> Does Kabuto even have to supply any sort of manga to the zombies?
01[01:15] <Arkangel> He said they'd still work if he's dead... maybe he's lying?
[01:15] <&DS> chakra?
[01:15] <&DS> no
[01:15] <&DS> they are self sufficient perpetual energy reactors
[01:16] <&Y> lol
01[01:16] <Arkangel> THIS IS SO RETARDED
[01:16] <&Y> konoha could generate a perpetual motion machine by rezzing any random ninja and having them cast fireball 24 hours a day
[01:16] <&DS> rofl yeah
01[01:16] <Arkangel> Or have a never ending source of fresh water
[01:16] <&Y> lol
01[01:17] <Arkangel> Infinite electricity power plant
[01:17] <&Y> edo tensei could solve all the problems of the world
01[01:17] <Arkangel> From just one dude
[01:17] <&Y> infinite medical jutsus
[01:17] <&Y> like Tsunades
01[01:17] <Arkangel> Infinite tsunades
01[01:17] <Arkangel> All over the world
[01:17] <&Y> hospitals could be staffed by doctors who never go to sleep
[01:17] <&DS> instead it's being used for war
01[01:17] <Arkangel> They'd be like nurse joy
[01:17] <&DS> ofcourse
[01:17] <&Y> and can cure all wounds short of instantaneous death
01[01:17] <Arkangel> Free health care everywhere
[01:17] <&Y> in fact rofl
[01:17] <&Y> you can obviously cure death itself... WITH THE FUCKING EDO TENSEI!
[01:18] <&DS> lol
01[01:18] <Arkangel> Rez the fourth, lightining fast carriers
[01:18] <&DS> in the end everyone is a zombie
[01:18] <&DS> rofl
[01:18] <&DS> like the entire world
[01:18] <&DS> just zombies
01[01:18] <Arkangel> No more UPS bulshit from ani
[01:18] <&Y> it doesn't even matter if you're a zombie
[01:18] <&Y> because the edo tensei caster can just give you free will
01[01:18] <Arkangel> The 4th would deliver his shit instantly
[01:18] <&Y> and, apparently, you are actually the same person when resurrected
[01:18] <&Y> so it's no different from being alive
[01:18] <&DS> lol
[01:19] <&Y> all it requires is dead bodies as fuel, which I'm sure you could find plenty of ninjas willing to donate their body to literally solving all the world's ills
01[01:19] <Arkangel> You also need to kill a second dude
01[01:19] <Arkangel> Maybe you could use terminally ill ninjas
[01:19] <&Y> i thought you just needed to kill someone and use material
[01:19] <&Y> just use already dead people
[01:19] <&DS> you only need 1 person
[01:19] <&Y> or yes
[01:19] <&DS> but that person needs to be alive
[01:20] <&DS> in the ritual
[01:20] <&Y> I'm quite sure people would be willing to sacrifice their lives
[01:20] <&Y> or better yet
[01:20] <&Y> just have them sacrifice themselves
[01:20] <&Y> and then resurrect THAT PERSON
[01:20] <&DS> lolll
[01:20] <&Y> so no one actually dies
[01:20] <&Y> even if it was something sinister
[01:20] <&DS> resurrectionception
[01:20] <&Y> like they have to die against their will
[01:20] <&Y> you could use edo tensei as capital punishment
[01:21] <&Y> and accomplish everything
[01:21] <&DS> edo tensei is naruto's replicator tech
01[01:21] <Arkangel> Replicators need matter
01[01:21] <Arkangel> These zombies can fucking create it themselves
[01:22] <&Y> so does edo tensei, but that's hardly a limiting factor
01[01:22] <Arkangel> They're basically demigods
[01:22] <&Y> you have to start with something
[01:22] <&Y> but you get more out of it than you put in
[01:22] <&DS> so actually
[01:22] <&DS> oro saved the world
[01:22] <&DS> he's ghandi
[01:22] <&Y> at least star trek's world acknowledged replicator technology created a post-scarcity society
01[01:22] <Arkangel> Poor Oro :(
[01:22] <&Y> and there's still bullshit like you can't fabricate certain things in a replicator
[01:22] <&DS> snake bastard was just misunderstood
01[01:23] <Arkangel> Stargate's replicators are better Y
01[01:23] <Arkangel> They can create anything out of everything
[01:23] <&Y> DS he was really just a monstrous idiot
[01:23] <&Y> since he could have won ANY war with edo tensei
[01:23] <&DS> yeah
[01:23] <&Y> even if you can only resurrect 1 person, you just teach them kage bunshin and they make infinite bunshins
01[01:24] <Arkangel> Not really, he wasn't nearly as good with it as Kabuto is
[01:24] <&Y> see my previous statement
01[01:24] <Arkangel> For all you know they weren't generators back then
01[01:24] <Arkangel> And needed Oro's chakra
01[01:24] <Arkangel> Kabuto did say he improved it
[01:25] <&DS> which is a clear deus ex machina
[01:25] <&DS> just like suigetsu finding oro's fucking laptop
[01:25] <&Y> lmao
[01:26] <&Y> that over anything
01[01:26] <Arkangel> I bet it's a mac
[01:26] <&Y> was the most laughable moment in the manga
01[01:26] <Arkangel> Fucking hipster oro
[01:26] <&DS> hah
[01:26] <&Y> it clearly doesn't need the user's chakra
[01:26] <&Y> because orochimaru obviously doesn't have as much chakra as the 1st, 2nd, and 4th combined, yet he felt confident in resurrecting them and the jutsu has no time limite
[01:26] <&DS> it doesn't need anything rofl
[01:26] <&DS> it's just powered by pure will
[01:26] <&Y> if oro wasn't a bad guy
[01:26] <&Y> he would have saved the world
[01:27] <&Y> bahahaha
[01:27] <&DS> lol
[01:27] <&Y> all agriculture work could be done by edo tensei bunshins
[01:27] <&Y> in case you felt awkward about basically enslaving people
[01:27] <&Y> since bunshins aren't even real people
[01:28] <&Y> i wanna post a thread called Saving the World with Edo Tensei that discusses how it's actually the greatest thing
[01:28] <&DS> lol
[01:28] <&DS> this entire convo should be posted on the forum
[01:29] <&Y> kishi should just throw random super tech
[01:29] <&Y> into naruto
[01:29] <&Y> every 100 chapters
[01:29] <&Y> like gaara coordinates the alliance army with his ipad
01[01:29] <Arkangel> i shall!
And more.
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