I like my steak medium-rare and my burgers well done.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
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I like my steak medium-rare and my burgers well done.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
I remember Easley saying like its his job or his existence.. I'm not sure though. I'll check the past episodes
I don't remember if Easley said anything about it at all, but according to Riful, the guy up North's "picking a fight" against Riful and the Southern AB.
One sword speaks louder than a thousand Rakis:
Episode 25 h264 - Eclipse
Episode 25 xvid - Eclipse
When you said a thousand Rakis..... you-know-who suddenly came into mind dattebayo.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Just one more episode to go. I've already downloaded the manga and I guess it's about time to start going through it now.
The Awakened beings are simply too powerful. It's a very strange power gap there. The regular yoma we have seen so far are nothing compared to those beasts, and no number one would stand a snowball's chance against something like fully awakened Priscilla. It's strange. I can only surmise the yoma we saw in the beginning of the series is the lowest caste of the demonkind and for some reason free to roam the mortal realms. The awakened hybrids then rise somewhat over that lowly level, possibly because they are better equipped to tap into magical energies. I say this because otherwise it wouldn't make sense at all that Awakened beings can be so much stronger than the pure yoma we have seen so far. Not to mention humans.
I believe it's for the fact that the human makes the awakened being. The stronger the human is, the stronger the awakened being is. The regular Yoma that fed on humans you saw at the beginning took over bodies of regular commoners and village residers. Meaning non-battle hardened, experienced bodies.
Finally I can draw peoples attention to this.
I've not seen the ep yet, but for the moment I'm stuck to this idea:Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Abyssal One>>>Awakened Being>Yoma
I know that AO is probably an external term... yet we had no clue for on way or the other (provided it isn't in that ep)
Well, I don't know wether experience and hardships is the key to this.Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
From the way they presented Clare when she was a child, it seems that she has an incredidly strong will. Maybe it's one of the keys.
On the other hand, hardships and experience tend to sort exceptionnal people out of the mass. I could say that both are linked.
The few scenes we had for the Claymore "training", tends to say that not all of them can finally become a Claymore, and that it's at least a matter of strong will/long term stamina.
Following this idea, maybe yomas, AB, AO all have acess to endless power, but only a few have the selfcontrol needed to acess and master it...
Yeah. What bothers me is basically that humans are nothing in this series. No matter how strong a human, he would be a bug in front of the weakest Claymore. Thus I find the first high contradiction in the fact that when a yoma and a human are combined you get a being stronger than a pure yoma. Yet when that being gives in to the yoma side, he becomes multiple times stronger than what he was.Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
It's purely irrelevant to the story but if tried to make any sense out of that it would be that the yoma shown in this series are weak beings of little worth, that is, the lowest of magical beings you can find. Thus when you combine them with a human of stronger will (like you said), you get something that has the ability to take everything out of the magical yoma heritage. Yet still there should exist pure yoma of higher class that would easily be much more powerful than even the Abyssal ones because in the end the worthless (in the Claymore world) human material is not present in them.
But like I said, this is all irrelevant. The thought just occurred to me when I saw the gigantic power gap between Priscilla and the claymores.
What makes this episode or show I should say better than other shows is because when Priscilla sprayed all those needles, Helen and Deneve didn't stand in the middle of all of them and magically dodged every single one.
But whoa, Clare's awakened state looks pretty cool.
I liked what they did with Priscilla's full form. They made her completely overwhelming. Deneve and Helen barely had time to register that Priscilla had done anything at all. Then a huge swath is cut in the rock, and they're missing limbs all of a sudden. This all while she's squeezing Miria and talking to her.
Notice that Clare's two arms are different? One, Irene's, is considerably more well formed than Clare's own chaotic looking one.
Sweet so she actually awakened both of her arms too. I think she will full awaken if she awakens her chest aswell because thats her critical spot I think.
STFU Raki, seriously. Priscilla must give mean head.
At last I can finally post this:
I think the reason why Claymores are stronger than youmas is because they are a hybrid mutation. Though its true that when you splice qualities, its usually better to get two strong characteristics and combine them (that is the rationale at least), but since the process itself is quite unpredictable (this is also so in reality) it might produce a better result even if one part is supposedly "weaker" than the other. I propose chemical reactions as an example, since they do tend to overuse the term experimentation on the claymores themselves.
As said before, I think the hybrid can combine the intelligence and will of humans with yoma power to become a superior being. After you reach that, however, the power is already unlocked, and becoming 100% yoma, turning into an AB, means using that power to it's full potential. But Ophelia had human parts, so I'm not sure if even ABs are 100% yoma. Priscilla wasn't fully awaken until this episode though, so it's probably safe to assume that that may have been Ophelia's case too.
Next episode's title- the Successor...
Wonder what/who they're succeeding. First impression is that it's Teresa, but in the case that Priscilla wins, that won't make much sense...........Anyway, another long week to come....
Yes another long week -_-.
Man Priscilla is beast... but it makes sense seeing as how she was slated to surpass Teresa. Teresa, as Irene put it, was in a class of her own, EASILY taking on #2 - #5 barely exerting herself at all. Priscilla, having the ability to even become more powerful then this, makes sense as an AB she is as powerful as she is in this ep.
Anyways back to waiting for another week. I'm so sad its ending. I'm even more sad that theres not even too much more manga story to read after this. Meh
Edited. If there's anything in the manga that hasn't been shown in the anime, don't talk about it.
Does anyone think we've seen Prisciall awaken from an Awakened Being to an Abyssal One?
I do that could be the case. However all Awakened ones are like HUGE so she could be just another awakened one. Just insanely strong. Or she really DID become a Abysall one.
Abyssal One/Dweller of the Deep isn't a separate class or level....its just a designation. No matter how strong priscilla may become, she can never be considered and Abyssal one, simply cuz she doesn't qualify for that category.
the qualifications being that all the abyssal ones were previous number 1's in the organization (galatea mentioned this when clare and jeane fought Riful). Since priscilla was #2 when she awoke, she can't be considered an abyssal one.
Even if you change the qualification so that the ones in control of the 3 territories (north, south and west?) are called Abyssal ones, she still wouldn't qualify since easly is in charge of the north.