Assertn you're a dick.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
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Assertn you're a dick.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
I quit my job yesterday after 2 and a half days of employment. Fuck that hard labor with a bunch of inbred rednecks bullshit, I'd rather collect unemployment and get paid under the table for my other unreliable job working for my cousin.
more bitfching about my car. Bought it may 18th and some *(*@#$U(*%# hit it while it was parked in front of my house on may 20th. I got the car back around june 20th or so and had various paint defects and what not.... and then had to take it back because the steering was messed up and here they have had the car for another 2 weeks. I have only had the car in my hands for 9 days but am paying to have it insured and paying on it....
The insurance company doesn't want to help me get any money for my car because they are only concerned with getting re-imbursed for the cost of repairs to my car... while if i goto sell the car now im going to lose alot of money. insurance companies suck... i dont have time to file to take the people to court that hit my car because i have a life and work full time during which hours the county clerk is open, it is a complete hassle and i dont even want the car anymore.
Lols.....I don't want to take these people to court cause I have a life.Quote:
Originally Posted by bbaucom
Seriously dude...if the amount of money you can take from them is greater than the amount of money you'd lose in the process, then what's the problem?
Not sure if this belongs here, or the relationship thread...but its definitely a rant.
So, I'm pretty much fed up with certain elements of socialization that seems to be intrinsic to Korean culture...that of intermingling of native korean people and foreigners. Now, that being said, I'm not placing the blame on all Korean people, cuz i have friends that are indeed korean, and they're ok. However, i just recieved a huge slap in the face that actually has made me angry (and i dont get angry easily). The situation concerns a young lady i met a few weeks ago, and her friends' decision that she shouldn's see me on the sole basis that i'm not korean. Now, if this was an isolated incident, i'd brush it off. But, this is the 3rd time that exact thing has happened to me, and it happens to friends of mine all the time. For instance, my good friend had his girlfriend called a whore because they were in public together...not even holding hands, or making out...just walking. And its especially bad, since im young (mad ageism here), and non-white (double racism!1 yay!!)
Maybe this latest defeat has made me kind of jaded, but i still think that's ridiculous. I know women the world over get in their little groups and like, try to control their firends' lives, and i geuss even guys do it too, and i understand the position that she was put in, but that doesent mean i have to say 'its all good' and smile. Its kinda B.S, honestly, but i suppose thats a cost you pay as a foreigner living in a mostly homogenous, confucian, close-minded society...:confused:
@rockmanj: The solution: don't go out with korean girls.
The solution: don't go out with stupid racist bitches :pQuote:
Originally Posted by el_boss
easier said than done...guess i should join the monastery soon...
What? You live in korea or something?Quote:
Originally Posted by rockmanj
Is being Korean a race or a nationality? I've always argued that the races are black, white, asian, hispanic, etc., just like on census forms that ask your race.
I'm not attracted to Korean chicks, so I don't think you're missing much if they won't date you. Though I did meet this Korean girl named Soni in Japan and she was hot. She looked high maintenance, but she was nice and a babe.
Its actually both an ethnicity and a nationality, as Korea contains a mostly homogenous population consisting of ethnic Koreans. And, yea I do live in Korea, so thats why i meet so many Korean women, and its hard to find good looking broads that arent Korean. So, its eithet i keep my nose to the grindstone, or just live a celibant and lonley existence... :(
Korean people have "Korean eyes". You can spot them pretty easily.
Originally Posted by Board of Command
You can also tell by the badge they wear that states that they're better than everyone else on the planet -_-
Ha! So true! No offense to any Korean folks reading this though...Quote:
Originally Posted by rockmanj
I had a Korean roommate last term. I was cooking dinner when he came up to me and asked if I wanted to try this fruit. "This is Korean Pear," he said. No, it was not Korean Pear. It's called "Ya Pear" and it's a product of China.$911144444.jpg
Yea, I'm really not trying to be offensive, but it is true...even with korean people ive met in other countries...but here its magnified by like 20 million. I've actually had someone get angry because I told them the TGI friday's and Bennigan's didnt originate in korea, and neither does green tea.
And then there's also the student that said countries like singapore and the americas make him angry because there are diverse groups of people there. According to him, every country should have the same type of people living in it, and not allow different groups to mix :-\. I think that is possibly one of the worst things i have ever heard.
Sometimes I agree with that other person. If I visit Japan, I want to meet some Japanese, not some Koreans or Caucasians living in Japan. If I visit Italy, I want to meet some Italians, not some people from some other country or culture, unless they're just visiting too. At some point every country will be a heterogeneous mix so there will be no reason to ever leave your own home town. That's kind of saddening to me. I realize it's impossible not to mix and I'm not advocating that, but from a purely romantic point of view, I wish we could preserve more of what makes each country unique.
well, i see your point. but what he was saying that people of other cultures shouldnt interact at all; like everyone should just stay where they are, and if the travel, they shouldnt interact with the people there. the way he puts it, he said if he goes somewhere, no one should talk to him, unless they are serving him in some way. i hope that's not what you are advocating...and i dont think it is, because you said that you want to meet people. he believes that his culture is the best, and to interact with someone of a different culture would be beneath him (almost his exact words).
It's not just HIS culture. It's KOREAN culture.
Ethnocentrism is evident in most any culture
i dont really disagree with that concept, but its kind of different in the case of korean almost seems like a form of mass overcompensation; remember, not too long ago Koreans werent doing to well, and now their economy has gotten pretty huge. i think its due to them kinda being china and japan's bitch for so long...they're like the middle child that's trying to get mom's attention by detracting from everyone else, but its just kinda annoying.