This is quite shocking. I love Arizona iced tea.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
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This is quite shocking. I love Arizona iced tea.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
Your first hint of trouble should have been that this company is from New York, not the state for which it is named.
How's that saying go? "New York City?!?! Get a rope..."
Carbonated drinks are quite bad because the high acid contents soften the outer layer of your teeth. Thus, the worst thing of all you can ever do is to drink carbonated soft drink and then go brush your teeth right away. It means you will wash off the outer layer of your teeth before it can harden again.
At least if you believe what you learn at the dentist...
My dentist's advice was to just rinse with a drink of water after you drink soda or other carbonated drinks, so that's probably right.
Why do we see divers showering in between their dives? (as in olympic divers etc)
To keep their muscles warm. The temperature difference between the water and the air is enough to cause muscle tightness.
Also, I learned that reheating a pizza+box in a 200 Celcius oven results in a very burnt, and nearly combusting box. Good pizza though.
This was the message in a toothpaste television advertisement.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Today I learned that dueling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are registered blood donors.
Lol, thats one of the funniest things I've ever heard.
Today I learned that the word "democracy" is banned in online chat rooms in China.
Today I learned that in Singapore, it is illegal to sell or own chewing gum. (Excuse the double post, was not sure whether to make a new post or edit the old one. Please merge if I have broken the rules.)
Did you learn how punishable an offense it is? Obviously it's not as harsh a punishment as it would be for other prohibited items, like good old cocaine. I wonder how it compares to, say, throwing cigarette butts around.Quote:
Originally Posted by lelouch
Today I learned exactly just how easy it is to get access to most people's personal information and then rob them of their identities. Prepare to be disturbed.
Today I learned that I haven't posted here in several weeks. It's kind of crazy, really ... that's the first time I've seen that message since we installed vbulletin.
I guess it says something pretty positive about the current staff that nobody's been pestering me about things one way or the other.
Well I hope this knowledge you've acquired serves you well, complich8Quote:
Originally Posted by complich8
Today I learned that a psychology student in New York rented out her spare room to a carpenter in order to nag him constantly and study his reactions.
After weeks of needling, he snapped and beat her repeatedly with an axe leaving her mentally retarded.
Ironic. :rolleyes:
She should have seen it coming, being in psychology and all. It's also why you need controlled experiments >.>Quote:
Originally Posted by lelouch
Hahaha, after reading that, and seeing controlled experiments, I think of shackles. :rolleyes:Quote:
Originally Posted by Jaitne
That's pretty dumb of him, he could have went to see a shrink, he had one living the door next to him.Quote:
Originally Posted by lelouch
Wrong "I" word. I think you're looking "Inevitable".Quote:
Originally Posted by lelouch
Oh well, at least her experiment is out there now to teach future students what not to do.
I believe it was thomas edison (I may be wrong) who said (as he failed to make the lightbulb work countless times before getting it right):Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
"I did not fail countless times in attempting to make the lightbulb, rather I succeeded in finding 99 ways how not to make a lightbulb"
Or something like that.
Yeah, well she found 1 out of the 99 ways to fail. Too bad there isn't a retry button.Quote:
Originally Posted by lelouch
I guess the moral isn't to stop experimenting, it's to take the necessary precautions and foresee the possible consequence of your actions. It isn't, of course, always foreseeable.
So what happened to the guy in the end? Is he in it for manslaughter or murder?