nice work jing and lefty. i heart your work. i heart it alot.
1000th reply, yay
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nice work jing and lefty. i heart your work. i heart it alot.
1000th reply, yay
Bleh, this was my first attempt at a wallpaper. It's not anime related but I thought I'd post if here anyways.
I stared to run out of ideas about halfway through, so it came out rather crappy.
Looks nice, did you do it with a 3d program?
Yes, the render was done in Cinema 4D.
looks cool man.
EDIT: okay so i made yet another sig cause i was exremly bored.
what do you think?
Thats a the funniest sig I've seen in a while man. I like alot.
EDIT: got bored so I didthis litle number.
looks cool lefty, i like your style.
well... everything here is heaps better than anything i can do
i love the way u say i got bored so i created this sig as if its no big deal, when they look so awesome [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
well just check out my first couple of sigs. they look like something that came out of my ass. you learn pretty qiuckly especially when everyone shares their secrets on how to make it looks good in here.
possible i love the back ground!
This is my first ever sig, hopefully i can do better next time but i like.
think your sig turned out pretty good foomanchew and good choice of character~
made a new sig for deblas.
quite nice the edge on that lion head looks a bit wierd tho
Great sigs people. I like foomanchew's character choice.
Here's my new shit. It's Toshiya who plays bass in Dir En Grey. Their song "Obscure" helped me survive this fucking day.
nice, even though i dont listen to that band. it looks like the new movie "grudge", freaky looking, matches this month.
nice , you use a shadow behind him right? maybe you should try to make it a little blueis hor something so you can see the hair line and the shadow better.
Nope, no shadow. It's all his hair.
jing I think you should take out Griever, it doesn't seem to fit.
its not griever...
anyways i thought it might look cool because Cloud wears it on his shoulder in the movie.