Gotta be honest: Too much fantasy bs going on in this episode.
Everyone's memories are connected by some otherworldly power, and when one founding titan dies before relaying its power, a random baby re-awakens that power? Aha.
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Gotta be honest: Too much fantasy bs going on in this episode.
Everyone's memories are connected by some otherworldly power, and when one founding titan dies before relaying its power, a random baby re-awakens that power? Aha.
Actually, no, scratch that about Historia becoming the Female Titan. That's obviously still for Mikasa.
Historia needs to eat Ymir. Then she can ride around on Eren's shoulder, giving him convenient access to the Coordinate power.
Okay, so then only one Titan Shifter hasn't been introduced yet.
Watch it be something like 'the flying titan' 🤦*♀️
Or no, better: 'the human titan', looks like a regular human, but is as powerful as transformed Reiner.
Actually, I just realized that the fact that Eren is two titans opens up possibilities for combo titans.
Actually actually, I just realized that Eren is actually 3 titans, because he gained his crystal abilities from an injection of Armor Titan juice.
Which means, the first thing the scouts should be doing is injecting Eren with Armin juice and injecting Armin with Eren juice. Making them both Colossal Attack Armor Founding Titans.
It'd actually be pretty down with that. Just a skinless naked person. :p
I... don't recall this at all. I thought he just learned hardening after seeing it a few times.Quote:
Originally Posted by DEX
Btw on a sidenote: It somehow really annoyed me that Eren just couldn't show *any* affection towards Mikasa when they left their cells and he even notices that she looks weak. Ffs, they know he's going to die in 8 years, they're experiencing life-or-death situations every other day - could we pls get a confession and some lovey-dovey scenes?
No time for love when you've only got 8 years left to genocide all titans.
Actually, I'm kinda curious as to what Eren's life goals are now that he's found out the truth of the world. His old goal of killing all titans probably seems even dumber now that it did before.
"Bang Mikasa every day all day for the next 8 years, then let her eat me."
Looks like next season airing in 2020 will be the last one:
Great, that means the manga I'm following is finally gonna end. I wonder if they plan to end it at the same time as the anime though...
Fullmetal Alchemist did that didn't they?
And other shows too.
Final episode:
1.) Eren tryin' to look like Erwin, lol
2.) Mikasa suddenly making a comeback as #bestgirl (omg, why don't you tap that, Eren?!)
3.) Armin transforming into a proper trap, replacing Historia 🐧
Question: now that the walled people know everything, is there any reason for beast totan, Rainer and co. to continue attacking? Aren't they allies actually, also ultimately trying to defeat the mainland people?
I'm glad next season is last. It's still an easy-to-watch anime, but it never managed to reach the shockingness of its season 1 again.
Originally Posted by MFauli
Beast titan and the others are the armed titan force of Marley.
They fight for Marley.
-Ymir-the-titan died and became 9 other titans of individual will (as far as we know).
-Marley obtained control over 7 of the 9 titans. Those 7 titans were used by Marley to exert military dominance.
-The remaining 2 titans are the Attack Titan and the Founding/Coordinator Titan.
-Coordinator Titan is the King himself, who decided to hole up onMadagascarParadise.
-Attack Titan belonged to the royal family who remained on Marley and tried to form a local resistance.
-Marley is losing military dominance now because technology is slowly rivalling Titans. To maintain military might, they need to obtain the power of the coordinator to:
--------1) diffuse the island's titans as a threat.
--------2) control all titans as an offensive force.
--------3) obtain the island's fossil fuels as a military resource.
2 questions:
1.) How did Marley take control of 7 founding titans? Only Ymir-people can become titans, right? Traitors?
2.) Who's technology begins rivaling Marley's? Other nations'? If so, do we know that Marley uses its 7 titans to fight other nations? 7 titans is a small number for continent-wide warfare.
Has anyone else wondered how the special abilities of the 9 founding titans came to be? I just can't wrap my head around that anyone would consciously/unconsciously choose to be an ugly quadruple transport titan 🐧 Makes me think there's still an important twist waiting about the titans' existence.
1. Yes, Traitors, or brainwashed kid soldiers.
2. Some other country is winning the tech tree battle. We're not told anything further.
7 founding titans are enough if the enemy only had flintlocks. Airships, machine guns, artillery, and explosives, however...