Great work shinta. Lots of laughs this time, but we did find out something interesting.
C.C. calls the Emperor Charuru as a pet name...
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Great work shinta. Lots of laughs this time, but we did find out something interesting.
C.C. calls the Emperor Charuru as a pet name...
I didn't think Kallen's boobs were that big though. I mean, I know they are large, but that looks more like one of Lelouch's half-sisters.
This one:
[from eps 12, courtesy of randomc]
Then again, it could be Kallen's captors finally decided to give her something to wear with the proper amount of support and lift.
I think she's a knights of the round.
Could be, since the Knight of One was there, but she does resemble an older version of Cornelia.
True. I was wondering why no one was posting about it, and I even blamed my translation if it was too vague. It was not explicitly stated, but unless there is another memory altering asshole out there, it has to be the emperor.
C.C. is V.V.'s predecessor, so it's not strange that she knows V.V.'s little brother as well. I just hope they are not blood related, which might make Lelouch a relative of C.C. (like grandson!?). Well, I don't mind a little incest though.
Uhh... I thaught there was a part 2 of this release... but I misunderstood... the youtube links are the same 12min video separated in two... right?Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
Yep, but there is also indeed a part two (or rather, another episode entirely) included in the sound episode, titled Mousou Battle - Lelouch vs. Suzaku.
I'm thinking its Euphy and Cornelia's mother. She looks bitchy enough.
That would be one amazing MILF
Maybe. She looks like she would bite your **** off.Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
Well...rather sad to see Shirley die. Great episode overall.
But..I was wondering if Lelouche's Geass got stronger again. I mean...he gave that order "multiple" times. And every time you saw the Geass acting like it was giving out an actual order. So..could this be that he can use it on someone multiple times? Or it was like that because she couldn't obey the order that he could use it again. =\
Considering Kallen's mother, its not that hard to imagine. The animators for this show tend to make all the adult women look young.Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
Lelouch can release the geass any number of times, but that does not mean it has any effect on the target. This was proven when he tried the geass on C.C. on season 1.
I just realized a plot hole. Why doesn't Lelouch just order his victims to do what ever he says? Then he can continue controlling them and have them do several tasks....
He could, he just doesn't most of the time. That is not necessarily a plot hole.
In a sense it would solve a lot of problems he's had in the past, especially in season 1.
There might be a logical explanation for that, though it could seem a bit insubstantial when written here. The geass targets are forced to follow the order given when being geassed and can't resist that order. That alone could render secondary commands more prone to resistance because they won't anymore be given using geass. And furthermore when the geassed command given is very specific and time bound, the people don't look or act any different until the time or moment to perform the task comes. However, a geass "obey all my commands" would basically render those people Lelouch's slaves and it could very well be anybody knowing them previously would see they act in a funny way, like some broken peons just waiting for somebody's orders and lacking initiative.
Then I guess the order should be along the lines:Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
"Obey all my commands and live normally beetween commands"
Because it's true that otherwise the "slave" could remain litterally idle beetween orders, which is a bit annoying.
I'm more inclined to believe that Lelouch knows that most of the pawns he has used so far will no longer be of use at a later date. In other cases, he was still too inexperienced with the Geass (like Kallen). In the case of Orange, Suzaku (plus he loves this bastard) and Mao he had to speak the commands in public or in an emergency situation so giving such a complicated command would be inappropriate or impossible. In the case of Shirley, he simply cared too much for the target to corrupt their will (much like how he cares for Nunnally and did not want to take her by force).
We should not forget that Lelouch has to maintain eye contact to give the order, and if its a very complicated and long one, it might be dangerous since he is vulnerable and exposed for a long time, especially if one does not have much to gain. Lelouch is very well capable of using the geass in such a manner when he deems necessary, like he did with the Chinese ambassador (was it?) that Xing Ke pawned.