[20:52] <@Y> yo Penner
[20:52] <Penner> sup?
[20:52] <@Y> just pretend like I did this in the
thread as well
[reference added - ryll.]
[20:52] * Y sets mode: +b *!*@gw-1665314F.cust.bredband2.com
[20:52] * Penner was kicked by Y (Y)
[20:53] <DrAgE> lol
[20:53] <DrAgE> touched a never Y
[20:53] <@Y> his posts are bad enough but the deadpool avatar really sets me off
[20:54] <DrAgE> nerve*
[20:54] <DrAgE> i see
[20:54] * Y sets mode: -b *!*@gw-1665314F.cust.bredband2.com
[21:02] <DrAgE> long time no see Penner
[21:02] <Penner> Aye :P
[21:02] <@Y> good god youre an idiot
[21:02] <@Y> are you really defending your posts saying "this is the flame pit noob i can post whatever"
[21:03] <@Y> so can I you fucking moron
[21:03] <Penner> well then
[21:03] <Penner> whats the problem?
[21:03] <@Y> your shitty posts?
[21:03] <@Y> you threadshitting constantly?
[21:04] <Penner> on one thread?
[21:04] <@Y> yeah
[21:04] <@Y> like I care about all the posts you've made I never read
[21:04] <@Y> you went into a gay porn thread and posted "yay boobies" which is an awful fucking post in any thread
[21:04] <@Y> then you keep posting about it and citing forum rules
[21:05] <@Y> i hope im not being too harsh here i value what are certainly your excellent forum contributions in other threads that i dont read and encourage you to continue posting in that venue
[21:05] <Penner> If you really wanted a serious discussion why didn't you just post it in general?
[21:05] <@Y> you are a God Damn Idiot
[21:06] <DrAgE> i hope someone is logging this
[21:06] <Penner> :D
[21:06] <@Y> its not a 'serious discussion' you dork its a thread that could do without your posts, much like any thread
[21:07] <Penner> How would you know that if you haven't read any of my other posts?
[21:07] <@Ryllharu> "<DrAgE> i hope someone is logging this" <-- I log everything, as does DS.
[21:07] <@Y> a thread with 100% bad posts from you is not a great first sample
[21:07] <@Y> i dont think im jumping to conclusions here
[21:07] <@Y> see also: deadpool avatar
[21:07] <Penner> and i don't really care
[21:07] <DrAgE> post it in the IRC thread later Rylharu
[21:08] <Penner> i dont count any posts in "The Flaming Pit" as "real posts"
[21:08] <@Y> your posts are "real" bad
[21:08] <Penner> if people want to complete assholes in there, go for it
[21:08] <Penner> thats what its there for
[21:08] <Penner> i was jsut using it for its intended purpose
[21:08] <@Y> the intended purpose of the flame pit is definitely not your boring, whitenoise threadshitting
[21:09] <Penner> thats exactly what its for
[21:09] <@Y> im sure there are plenty of threads where idiot posts like "boobs XD" are the order of the day
[21:09] <@Y> find them
[21:09] <@Y> post in them
[21:09] <@Y> that isnt what my thread is about
[21:09] <Penner> then post your thread in ANY of the other foums parts where being an ass isnt allowed?
[21:10] <@Y> its not against the forum rules to make awful fucking posts but gosh, you'd think there would be other barriers to entry there
[21:10] <Penner> you posted it in the only one where its allowed
[21:10] <Penner> its like asking for it
[21:10] <@Y> no it isnt
[21:10] <@Y> also, for the record, if being an ass was bannable in any forum I would be long gone
[21:10] <@Y> it has nothing to do with the "rules" you're just a shitty poster. go back to the naruto anime threads.
[21:11] <Penner> you seem to get really upset by this whole ordeal lol
[21:11] <Penner> i just find it hilarious
[21:11] <@Y> yeah "u mad" fits your standard of posting nicely
[21:11] <Penner> it also fits this scenario perfectly
[21:11] <Penner> umad?
[21:11] <@Y> whats your favorite deadpool run
[21:12] <Penner> personally i prefer the Cable and Deadpool ones
[21:12] <Penner> what does this have to do with anything?
[21:13] * Y sets mode: +b *!*@gw-1665314F.cust.bredband2.com
[21:13] * Penner was kicked by Y (this is for the honor of joe kelly)
[21:13] <@Y> i was just going to name whatever author he didn't pick
[21:14] <@Y> fabian nicieza is actually the best though
[21:15] <&L> I saw that trap coming