Bears have an excellent sense of smell. I'm surprised you two actually caught it off guard.
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Bears have an excellent sense of smell. I'm surprised you two actually caught it off guard.
When I was growing up, my mom liked to tell me stories of her girl scout camping days. In woods that had bears in them, they'd go on hikes, and make sure to be singing most of the time.
Out of curiosity, was it a black or a brown bear?
You should have brought some pepper spray or bear mace. I friend got sprayed by bear mace once. It was potent.
Why you always gotta bring race into the picture?Quote:
Originally Posted by complich8
If a black bear attacks you, it's because you've either startled it or you look like a potentially tasty meal. Making yourself big and noisy and trying to scare it off or fight it off is the only way to go.
If a brown bear attacks you, she's not planning on eating you, but you may have invaded her space. In which case, playing dead may be the safest route.
In either case, bear mace/pepper spray may work against humans, but it's pretty unreliable against actual bears...
I learned today that a Giant Squid has 3 hearts, while an Apatosaurus is thought to have only 2.
I learned what a Chelsea Smile was today.
and just how did that topic come up?
Me? If so, it was one of those game threads similar to this one on another forum and someone said something about a chelsea smile. I was like wtf, is that some type of kinky sex position? So I looked it up. Unfortunately it was something far worse.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
Chelsea smile=kinky sex position. I really did laugh out loud, with that one.
I just looked it up. It's not a sex position, it's a torture technique.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
Today I learned that most engineering students in my year (2nd year university) can't put together a proper sentence for shit. One of my assignments right now requires me to go through other people's writing and my goodness... they fucking suck donkey balls.
Now if only that was limited to second year engineering students but sadly, that isn't the case.
What year are you, Abdula?
I wonder how much the internet and online forums have contributed to the deterioration of the proper usage of the English language. MTV is to blame too.
A thin line, ain't it?Quote:
Originally Posted by Board of Command
That reminds me of a random thought I had once.Quote:
Originally Posted by Terracosmo
"After death, there is only sex. Heaven and Hell are only a state of mind."
Today I learned that the Dell Dude did not get fired for being busted for marijuana. According to (not sure of their reliability but I think it's a website dedicated to exposing internet rumors), the dude ad campaign was ended as all such campaigns must come to an end, not because the actor had been busted for drugs. I believed the rumors until now.
Today I learned that, after watching Texhnolyze a second time, it's not a complete mindfuck like I thought it was when I first watched it 2 years ago.
Steve Jobs doesn't even know anything about computers.
He's just an asshole businessman who got out-assholed by Bill Gates.
I learned that men's ties are expensive. It's the first time I've gone out and bought a tie. I'm going to a friend's party, and the dress code demanded a tie. To my surprise, skinny ties aren't that common around the place. Most still stock a heap of the broad-ended types.
So I picked out one that I thought was quite decent, and had to cough up $60. It's probably no big deal when ties are concerned, but it's the first time I've paid so much for something smaller than a jacket.
Of all the things you can drink, canned ice tea (like Lipton Brisk or Arizona) is the worst thing for your teeth. It's not so much the sugar as the variety of additives. It's around twice as bad as any type of cola (Pepsi, Coke, etc), and something on the order of 30 times as bad as coffee or brewed tea.
What was more surprising is the best thing you can drink aside from milk? Root Beer. Coffee and brewed tea are about the same.
(Yeah, I was at the dentist today.)