Please don't. The argument is alreadyDragon BallSUPER boring...
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You could call it that. I'd just chalk that up to the general inconsistency of how power is displayed in Dragon Ball.
SSJ Blue is the form AFTER SSJ God. So if it really was weaker, there's no reason why they'd keep not using SSJ God against enemies like Hit and Zamasu. You never see SSJ God again because they immediately found a stronger form.
I think I've said this before, but I wish SSJ Blue hadn't been introduced at all. SSJ God was cool. And if they hadn't felt the need to immediately one-up it, the reveal that Vegeta also could also go SSJ God would have been plenty for Resurrection F. Especially if they made it so Vegeta's SSJ God was blue instead of red like Goku's.
Then SSJ God Kioken would have made more sense. And Vegito's SSJ God could have been purple.
SSJGSSJ should have just been getting introduced during this arc now instead. Goku's would be orange(Yellow of SSJ+Red of God) and Vegeta's would be green(Yellow of SSJ+Blue of God).
I have, it was pretty interesting. I kinda like the idea that Toriyama is just stealing ideas from Naruto to explain his powerups. But I like that each gate is completely different, instead of just "try even harder" like each of the gates are in Naruto.
Green: not possible, because Brolly... Even if not cannon, legendary Sayian took the color.
SSJGod might be stronger than blue if mastered. But it was discarded because of the ritual to enter that mode.
And if memory serves right, blue was introduced as similar to red, but without the hassle. So a mode similar to God you can use at will, so easier to grow stronger.
That's old memory, from an import vhs... I'd say green hair and cheat a little with last dbs ep...
There are small instances where he doesn`t has the aura in the movie and the hair is still green-ish. Then again, the second movie makes him more in line to regular SSJ so... depends on the artist?
I think Legendary mode is just a supped up SSJ mode right? As in SSJ2 and SSJ3 will always be Superior to Legendary mode? We don't know how strong Legendary mode can become since Brolly was always defeated in an endurance race. That could always be a Never had to train scenario and even though he was overflowing in power, without the proper training that overflowing power easily diminished I think. Sort of like Frieza during the Namek arc with his fight against Goku and then again during RoF. Frieza had the power but that power was quickly depleted. I think the Legendary mode is similar that if Legendary mode can't defeat their enemy instantly, then Legendary mode becomes a double edged sword.
LSSj is its own thing, its limits and details are unknown.
17: youve gotten so big marron.
Really 17? Really?
I don't remember when but ya they weren't together long. A few months in the anime. They spent time at the beach and stuff. She was a real ditz. 18 is the only choice when compared.
She's from a filler arc, but still pretty sure that's what they were referencing.
It actually makes it REALLY weird that he named his daughter Marron. But I assume it's because Toriyama didn't pay attention to filler arcs when naming his own characters.
Which came slightly before the end of frieza arc, if toriyama saw that, is not too out there that he saw garlic jr as well
Actually, looking at the wiki, the reasoning seems to be that Krillin's name is a pun on chestnut. And Maron is also a pun on chestnut. So it was a matter of both the anime studio and Toriyama both deciding to name a character directly related to Krillin the same food pun.
The sexual tension between goku and frieza is soooooo good
Can Freezer pls become the new main character of this anime?`God, watching him is soooo much fun. Seeing Goku getting pwned by him was so delicious. The theatralic music whenever he does something is so good, too.