dat bishop, he's like
but I wonder what made Lucia change so much, she has been a freaking maniac and fanatic so far but she seems a lot more calm now.
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dat bishop, he's like
but I wonder what made Lucia change so much, she has been a freaking maniac and fanatic so far but she seems a lot more calm now.
I was expecting the Bishop to go AAAAMEEEEEEN on us
Man, I was sitting here wondering why Bishop Biagio sounded so familiar to me. Then I realized he had the same voice as Cell on Dragon Ball Kai.
Yeah and Vegeta was blowing up planets until he wasn't anymore.
The line between good and evil is thiner than a grain of salt and redemption can be achieved in about 30 minutes under the right conditions regardless of how many people you killed. Welcome to anime, we hope you enjoy your stay.
ya but in fact even Vegeta went through certain events which made him change.
but here it's like there are 2 different characters which look alike.
imagine Touma changes from the "nice guy-i don't want to hurt people" to the "I kill everyone-even though they gave up already" type next episode, without showing what made him do that.
if I remember correctly Lucia had a serious psychotic problem when Touma touched her, only because he isn't a member of her church.
Nice way to end the arc (though I wanted Biagio to yell 'Amen') despite the inconsistencies. When Touma was fighting in the ship with magic... sometimes the walls/floor would dissappear when he touched them but in other times it didn't even when the right hand touched it (the stairs and when he was fighting Biagio)
I love how this time around the arcs are more conected with each other, since next episode looks promising.
Kaori, Orsola and Agnesse together? Oh boy.
The inconsistencies in both plot and animation quality prevented me from truly enjoying this episode.
Next week's episode looks like fanservice central and this new enemy seems promising, i'm looking forward to the following arcs.
The author should have come up with something else than full magic ships. Like normal ships with lots of magical enhancements that Touma could have neutralized. Now it was just completely inconsistent out of necessity.
But it wasn't a bad arc in my opinion, all in all. I'm sort of glad it wasn't because it's not like I hate Index because I want to hate her. Any arc where she's not utterly annoying is big positive character development.
Still, nothing could make me happier than hearing the next ep will present Mikoto+Touma interaction!
This part about Touma's powers has started to bother me recently. It's fine when he touches the effect of a spell or cancels out an effect caused on someone, but there was a part in his fight with Biagio where he literally just stuck his hand in the air from far away and it canceled.
If you compare this to Kara no Kyoukai and Tsukihime, where both Shiki's have a similar ability, they actually need to see and comprehend how something works to destroy it. It isn't always obvious for the two of them. Here, Touma just shoves his palm into the air and it is all undone. I couldn't take this arc seriously after that part. It was just too silly. Touma having remote cancel powers invalidated so many other previous events, especially the Daihaisai part where Fukiyose got hurt.
Touma is also the greatest evangelist of all time. He's converted so many girls and nuns to the Church of England in such a short time.
Tsuchimikaido picking on Kanzaki, priceless. We need more direct Touma x Kanzaki action.
I actually thought Touma managed to cancel the spell 'remotedly' because it was a wide area spell... but even if we tried to explain it that way it feels weird.
I blame the animation studios about this and would love to compare it to the original source, but I don't know if Baka-Tsuki has translated this novel as of yet.
I thought that his arm worked this time because it cancelled the "weight" that was on top of them all. Even then, however, it doesn't make too much sense for cancelling Orsola et al's weight since Touma himself wasn't affected when he walked into the room anyway.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryll
I didn't like this arc too much. Too much talking, not enough nun action, not to mention that it's about the Roman Catholics trying to do something stupid again.
Here's a little something to get everyone looking forward to next week
New OP: とある魔術の禁書目録Ⅱ
Not much really happened and yet... why do I feel as if this was the best episode so far this season?
Mikoto+Touma scenes ended up quite few. The whole episode felt quite fragmented. As much as I like the Touma+Mikoto pair, in this episode it felt really stiff in a bad way, maybe because Touma was forced into it and he's not interested in any women unless it's to save them from evil (or to feed the endless glutton Index). I can't honestly say I wouldn't be disappointed in this part of the ep.
However, the Accelerator portions were nice. Even if this episode did underline the fact he's now depending on others, he still retains his amusing personality.
All in all this episode turned out mediocre for me, largely thanks to Kuroko, who takes responsibility for ruining Mikoto's long planned day (and any further Mikoto+Touma interaction). It's a small wonder how she can stay in Judgement with a gross personality like that. They must really appreciate her level 4 skills to overlook everything else.
Misaka as Misaka tells Misaka that Misaka does Misaka... Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka
Why doesn't this annoy me? It should!
Anyway continuity was fucked up yet again, last time we heard of accelerator he was already living with anti-skill but other than that i greatly enjoyed this episode. My only regret is that Kuroko got in the way of some awesome dere moments, but maybe we'll get more of those next week.
The new OP and preview indicate that Kazakiri Hyouka is coming back. I'm looking forward to that, her character ( or her very existence for that matter ) hasn't been properly presented to us.