She knows about it perfectly well.
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And she doesn't feel it's worth her while to do something about it, or she doesn't know you'll actually be critical of her as she currently is? If she knows exactly what's happening, then write your thoughts as they are. If she doesn't want to help herself, don't take it upon yourself to do so. People have to take responsibility for their own actions. It's part of being an adult.
Uh...aren't you in the middle of the Outback? Who's going to steal your things? Dingoes?
Human Australians are at least smart enough to know that no matter how far they run on the flat terrain, they're one long rifle shot away.
don't...have... guns? in Australia?
my idea about it has just been shattered.
What dangerous animals that enter human territory there require guns to kill or get rid of?
I've heard dingoes eat babies, and coyotes will go after livestock.
I believe the major threat to livestock and people is the bunyip.
In my land farmers said that wolfs eat like 10.000 sheeps and couple guardian dogs every year. That they must be allowed to carry heavy weponry and get subsides.
After making a fuss about it goverment made a census of wolfs in the region.... 32. 8 of them cubs.
Real "threats" to humans in 90% of the world are posibly humans themselves (ignorance/stupidity/evil/greed/need...).
Ever since Naval Strike was released for BF4, my skills have gone down the drain, especially on carrier assault maps. I'm rarely getting above 1.0 KDR and it seems like I'm dying constantly. I don't know if it's a recent patch or maybe my skills are declining, but it's really frustrating and not enjoyable to play this game now.
Uh, if you're producing a 0 on the Bristol Scale, and its white, you should probably go to a doctor or change your diet. Like...right away.
Sat on my dick. Not sure if right thread.
Lol, what? Bill was funny enough but what the hell Enkoujin.
I think I may be living with a crazy person! I got a CL roommate that at times will drink himself til he passes out and refuses to clean. Last night, for example, he was blasting music on his iPhone (surprisingly loud!) in the kitchen, which is close to my room. He was aso ranting and raving about...something. At first I thought he was on the phone, but then realized that his phone was playing music, so he could not have been on the phone; ergo, he was talking to himself. And this went on ALL NIGHT LONG, until he passed out from drinking. When i came out of my room, there was a puddle of something (not pee) near my door and shit was strewn all over the kitchen island. If I go missing, you all know know who to alert the authorities to.
Damn, and I thought I had it bad.. but I only had a temporary housemate who wouldn't clean up the kitchen after use.
It's all about luck I guess.
In an odd twist of fate, I actually got lucky. My housemates are awesome. They take me to great restaurants and travel spots they have been to, just to share the experience. No problems in cleanliness either. They also appreciate the food that I make (though I make good food, so anyone with a decent palate would).
Now I am just waiting for some random tragedy to happen to balance the scales.
What is a "CL roommate"?
My last housemate/roommate has soured me on getting another one. It's particularly dicey since I own the house, and no one (except maybe family) will ever treat your stuff as well as you do (or as well as a considerate and respectful person should). Worse yet is that it was a female, which I thought would help with cleanliness and care. It's a myth, chicks are just as shitty as dudes when it comes to housework and other peoples' stuff.
I've been accused of misogyny on here at least twice, but this might be the most sexist thing I've read on gotwoot.
There have always been lazy and inconsiderate women who would make bad housemates.
Talk to any woman who went to an all-girls school.
People clean because they want to impress someone else. Housewives clean because they're bored.
In my own experience I would say that in the last 20 years (speaking in general) males have improved a bit in "home economics" and females have worsened a lot (talking about ppl of less than 40 years). At least in my country. This is all from my experience I repeat. Doesnt make it standard. If I would have to make a trend from all the housemates/family/friends/girlfriends it would be that males suck at bath cleaning and doing iron and that females suck at general tidyness and cooking (and this one is the most surprising one for me cause my mother and grandmothers are/were some of the best cooks I have ever met).
Females are starting to suck at cleaning and cooking because they do not do it as much anymore, and it is not expected of them. It is nothing about the differences between the sexes, but simply practice makes perfect. If you do not do it, you do not get better at it and it does not become a habit.
Damn! Why are you guys so attached to gender stereotypes?
I'm just going to ignore every other post on this page and say housewives are people and people clean because they want things clean. I can see why you would be accused of misogyny and why you sometimes seem so arrogant. You pretty much said that people only clean because they are trying to impress someone. Secondly housewives which you imply are a distinct group separate from other people only clean because they have nothing better to do with their lives. Not implying that you are either arrogant or misogynistic that is just the way I read it. I think most people clean because they like and/or want things clean. The reasons why they may like or want things clean are not really important.
Personally, I just like things clean period. You seem to have dismissed the fact that there are people who just like to be neat, ordered, tidy and clean. Not to mention all the delusion people who believe cleanliness is next to godliness. I just find it is much easier to think and I function better when things are ordered and it is always much simpler and I am all for efficiency. Most often I find that like everything else in my life how clean things are is a reflection of my mood or mental state so I pay a lot of attention to such things. Don't need to go into any of that though.
I agree with you though, Bill's statement was quite sexist though I would use the word foolish. I think he was just giving us a bit of insight into his character. He seems to think empowering someone would make them less cognizant of the little things in life and less inclined to do things that he believes they would deem insignificant or unimportant. Very Freudian.:p
I suppose I should add a disclaimer just in case you guys don't understand my sense of humor. I find this subject quite humorous. I have known a few women who were incredibly messy, a few who probably could not cook a meal to save their lives. Some who are obsessively clean(mother,girlfriend) even more who are great cooks but it means nothing because I know guys like that as well. Anyway I always attribute such things to personal strengths or weaknesses of the individuals themselves and not something endemic to their gender. So to restate my previous question, why do you guys think otherwise?
I think Ryll was giving me shit as much as Buff. Stereotypes are rooted in truth, but times change and the facts change with them, so we need new stereotypes to make sense of the world.
I think I have this Asian chauvinist/romanticist/chivalrous mentality that Buffalobiian has (probably because we're both Asian) about women when it comes to tidiness and house work. I think the liberation of the housewife into the wage-earning world is a major cause of why women don't clean or cook or raise children the same as they did in past generations. It's not a knock against them, it's just a paradigm change that we haven't fully accepted yet. I for one would love to be a stay-at-home dad who cooks and cleans and takes care of the kids (I've stated this before) while my wife brings home the bacon.
I have four housemates (actually, one just left today, so it's three), and because we didn't choose eachother and because two of them are exchange students, it's really not that fun.
there are stuff in the fridge that were here before I moved in.. and they don't seem to care. nor do they care about expiry dates and stuff
You're looking too deeply into a very simple statement. Housewives are of course a subset of people. They have an additional motivating factor to clean frequently because being at home all day every day is boring as shit.
Who are they impressing? Neighbors, relatives, friends, their other half, etc.
As for people who clean because they, "like and/or want things clean," you're telling me that you vacuum all the carpets, make all the beds, and scotch-brite the sink once a day; dust everything in the house, sweep/mop the floors, shake out any rugs, and wash all the windows every week? I'm not talking about doing the dishes and laundry or being organized.
I mean June Cleaver shit here, which is what I assumed Buff and Ani's initial discussion referred to.
Why do you think this? Because some of the most renown chefs are men? There are plenty of well-known female chefs too. I don't think cooking is a gender-based skilled. Just up until a few decades ago, "a woman's place was in the kitchen" and a man's place was not, so women were better cooks than men in general (maybe not in restaurants).
Ahh that explains it. What a hit and miss method of selecting a roommate! Of course, I've lived with friends before and we were less friendly by the end of it because they were such slobs or had such peculiar habits. I almost went the CL route but I really am happier living by myself.
Not for my part. I just expect a roommate to do the basics like cleaning the dishes they use, taking out the trash on occasion, picking up their dogs' shit in the backyard (without having to be told to), and maybe vacuuming once in a while. I don't expect a housewife, just a decent roommate.
Originally Posted by Buff
Hah! There was a good chance it'd be interpreted that way so I even put an extra bit in brackets. :(Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryll
Shinta nails it there. It's not about whether females should be better cleaners etc (In my opinion, that sort of thought brings about sexism). It's just that making housework a lesser part of their lives (with the lowered expectation and perhaps childhood training.. but expectation more than anything else)
Exactly. It doesn't matter if women can't clean these days because there is so much more to their lives other than "I'm a woman, my only worth is how well I clean the house, how well I cook my meals, and how well I raise my kids." It's much easier to manifest your laziness in that regard when it's no longer highly expected of you, and no longer a major part of your self worth.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdul
Upbringing goes a long way. The same could be said about beating kids. You see some oldies talk about how they used to beat their kids and they were more disciplined. I think that has some truth in it that kids at least acted more disciplined. You'd cop a backhand to the face if you talked back. That statement isn't an argument to bring back corporal punishment. It's an observation that this is the result from respecting equal human rights. When you give people rights they do things with it - which you may or may not like.
I don't think it necessarily changes what the kid is inside (they could still grow up to be assholes), but they also expected that if they acted like assholes someone's gonna get hurt.
I thought that leaving raw chicken/used-knife on the bench for 10 days was a bit too much. >_>Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
What kind of people have you been living with? The worst I ever had to deal with were unwashed dishes for 1-2 days or snoring.
@Abdula - A bit late, but I just wanted to say I am not part of the "you guys" in your post. It should be clear if you read my previous post.
Did you share a bedroom with them or was this a dorm? Or can you hear their snoring from another room?
I snore but I always felt bad for others I had to share a room with. I also used to crack the knuckles of my big toes repeatedly while trying to go to sleep.
Worse roommate I had would always want to go to bed by 10pm so he could wake up to watch cartoons the next morning. We shared a bedroom and I refused to go to sleep that early. It's not like he was tired either, because he wouldn't fall asleep until it was pitch dark and quiet in the room.
Shared bedroom with the snoring. I wore earplugs but it was loud enough that I thought I dropped my plugs while asleep. I am a very sensitive sleeper after all.
My bitch:
Why is there no sleeping pill with no negative side effects? I am stuck with using alcohol, which will eventually kill me and my liver.
That sucks. I think I'm in that category, my snoring can be heard in adjacent rooms. My last gf stopped letting me sleep over because of it.
I think Zzzquil is advertised as a non-addictive sleeping aid. Read some reviews and they are generally positive.
I know, since this was a guy.
I never once said guys are cleaner than girls, but thought that "girls are cleaner than guys" has now become something of the past as their upbringing is no longer so different.
@shinta: I suppose you could try drowsy antihistamines but they may not work, or they may still make you drowsy in the morning.
Alcohol makes you sleep worse. You may fall asleep, but you'll still be tired in the morning and lose a lot of REM sleep.
The sleeping ingredient in many over the counter sleep aids ("non-habit forming" kind) is just an anti-histamine. They're basically all Diphenhydramine (Benadryl). This includes both Nyquil (which knocks you out with low dose alcohol combined with the Benadryl in it) and brand name sleeping pills like Unisom or zzzQuil.
So that means I should just get the cheaper Benadryl?
So long as the dosage is close enough, sure. Just make sure the active ingredient is Diphenhydramine.
What do you need sleeping pills for, Shinta?
The underlying problem of falling asleep can be solved numerous ways without the need of consequential hypnotics.
I have trouble sleeping. I cannot even take naps. I am pretty disturbed in general.
I've tried most of the stuff in the link. Melatonin made me have lucid dreams that I could remember, and made my mind more tired even after sleeping.
It's pretty counterproductive, but I usually don't get dreams if I have less than 7 hours of sleep if I'm trying to avoid having dreams (contributes to fatigue, though). Anything happen when you get ~6 hours of sleep?
Don`t quote me on this, but from what I understand the period produces biological effects that often alter a woman`s sensation, so if they were to try some food and it`s fine, they would find it low on salt and add tons of it. Which is why most restaurants DO have male chefs, you really don`t want to own a restaurant with inconsistent quality food.
This is like a multilayer bithcing. Yesterday I got a letter in my mailbox. It was advertising of a "newly created, first ever in my city, society of flat earth". At first I thought it was some kind of joke/mockery/show whatever and threw it on my pile of letters that "maybe I'll read someday".
At night was bored and took it for a reading. It was pretty short about how they wanted to create a bond with the comunnity, open doors politic, come meet us bla bla bla. Usual shit, but with the "exotic" touch of its base, they believe earth is flat. I went into their forum and I was just shocked about how serious they are about that. To the point that I even felt like assaulted in some intelectual way from a racional human being perspective. Not gonna extend on it and all the things that crossed my mind (sometimes Im a bit despotic, to the point of thinking about castration/extermination).
That was my first bithching. Then came another shock. This guys, that IMHO are just nuts, get a subvention of 60.000$ and the building they are is a cession/lend by the city council who pays the bills. So I get assaulted by goverment bandits and the money they rob from me is freely given (and I think that 60k$ + a building is quite a lot) to any nut/jester/clown that appears there with some BS. And at they same time they reduce the public health care system, public education ,increase taxes to everything (new 80 types of taxes created in the last 3 years) cause they have deficit.
I ended breaking the letter just from pure, maniacal anger. I respect freedom of speech. I respect that ppl can believe in whatever shit they want (but I really think that they need to pass a minimun to get the right to vote, just as teens cant vote cause "they arent matured") but this is just too much. World has lost its sanity. I mean it in the way that Lovecraft depicted in his writtings. That was yesterday and today im still pished with everything from fking goverment robbers, nonsesical money wasting from politicians/bureaucrats, people that really think that earth is flat and its all a conspiracy from the catholic church and the illuminati. I cant stop bitching.
Being sane is fking hell here.
Those people are silly, earth is CLEARLY hexagonal. You should post their link so I can have a laugh.
As a smart person, you shouldn`t expect dumb people to understand you, instead it should be the other way around. Whenever someone say something stupid like that, don`t even try to rationalize with them, chances are someone already tried and failed epically. IMO just troll them. There`s a priest in Africa that convinced his believers that they should only eat grass and they blindly followed, there are countries where being gay is punishable by death or life in prison, there are countries where divorce is illegal and there are countries where a person can receive up to THREE lifetimes in prison (as in, you and your family will go to prison for three generations).
tldr; stupid people are stupid, nothing to see here.
That last one actually surprised me.
The no divorce one is not a biggie though. There are a lot ways to bypass it.
I guess you know now what you are going to ask the candidates before the next elections, Edort4.
I went to a shoe shop the other day (the running, fit technician-manned ones) to buy some shoes for court sports. My current runners are a size 10 2E, which I told them before we started. I got lots of rubbing and blisters today when I wore the pair they recommended, and I later confirmed with the manufacturer that they were a size 9.5, D. I knew about the 9.5 part and chalked it up to shoe variances (they measured my feet after all), but I even asked specifically whether the shoes would fit my wide foot and the tech said yes.
I'll be returning these for something else, but since I bought the other pair from a store 4.5hrs-drive away (bigger city store with more selection), I'm not sure if I'll get anything suitable from the local branch. I'd better be able to order something in through them, even if it's not something they normally stock.
I also did some searching on the internet and learned that first generation Mazda 3s were pretty notorious for fragile paint-work that ended up lifting and rusting. I searched in response to a high amount of chips and flakes in my paintwork. A spot on the roof shows signs of rust. I guess I may not be able to keep this car for as long as I had hoped.
Had some leftover crawfish from a boil, decided to try a new recipe with it for crawfish etouffee. Kinda feel like I wasted a good pound of crawfish tails. Hopefully the dish tastes better tomorrow after it's had a chance to meld.
That steam has an option to limit bandwidth to "just" 10 or even 25 MB/s.
American internet, why do you suck so much?
People who call their bf/gf/wife/husband "Bae".
Stop that shit. You sound like like a fucking moron.
I don't think it's any worse than people calling their significant other their "boo".
Do people even say "boo" anymore? The last time I heard it was like 9 years ago. But you're right, it is equally inane.
Tried fixing a broken Nintendo DSi that broke a few years ago. Thinking I was adequate enough to troubleshoot electronics after opening up and fixing a couple computers and laptops, I went for it. Unfortunately, the screws were inhumanely small, parts kept bouncing out after playing around with attachments, I ended up snapping one of the conductors of the battery PCB, and I couldn't re-attach those funny LED attachment tapes after disconnecting them. Seriously, you need the dexterity of a surgeon to repair that kind of shit.
I'm never opening up any handhelds or mobile devices ever again.
EDIT: Worst part was that I could have sent it into Nintendo for repair a few years ago when it had just broke for like $30...
I've been watching some floor mats on "buy it now" status on eBay. I assumed they were some sort of permament listing, but then eBay tells me that they're Ending Soon. I was eventually going to buy them, but this forced my hand and I committed to a purchase right then and there. A few minutes later I check back and the listing was automatically relisted for another month or something.
Bitch. Just set it longer already.
Oh, and despite having a UAG case on my Galaxy S4 it still broke. I was lazy/risky and didn't zip up my bag when I jumped over this fence as a shortcut and the phone dropped from there onto the dirt. I found it glass-up with some cracks on the glass. My hypothesis is that even the ground was just soft enough that it moulded to the shape of my phone and also didn't allow it to bounce. That meant instead of some TPU on the corners taking some force, the shock went straight through the phone and cracked the fragile glass.
Some repairers are opting to repair just the glass by using a heat-gun to release the glue sticking the glass to the AMOLED/digitiser unit for around $99. Some research online suggested that problems with doing this (glue leakage, heat damage, layer separation) could happen months down the track, so I feel safer replacing the whole glass/AMOLED/digitiser unit entirely, the way Samsung intends it to be done. That's $200-$250 dollars that I wouldn't have otherwise needed spend. Expensive lessoned learned to always zip my bags :(.
I`m getting desperate over not being able to move to USA, I`m getting paid 325 dollars a month as a physical therapist here, it feels insulting and downright depressing.
I`m actually pretending im straight and hitting on this girl so I can marry her and get a green card(and hating myself for it in the process) >.>
When you move to the US, will your education and/or license still be valid over there? If not, would you be able to work under the table with your occupation?
Shit, dude. That sucks. Is there any chance you could find a gay guy who you two could marry and bring you over?Quote:
I`m actually pretending im straight and hitting on this girl so I can marry her and get a green card(and hating myself for it in the process) >.>
I think that green card would be dependent on you staying married, so I would not recommend that route.
Locked myself out of dorms till 9am tomorrow. Just have phone and pajamas for the night.
Surely there's a phone number you can call to have some grumpy man open the door for 25 dollars.
That was just a random number. Over here the property maintenance companies charge anything from 15 to 50 euros depending on the greediness of the company, the time of the day (weekday office hours being the cheapest and nighttime hours being the most expensive, weekend also adding to the cost). However, since you called your place "dorms", I imagine it would be on the cheaper side, as opposed to a regular apartment building.
Besides, you say you were locked out only until an exact morning hour, so I imagine letting you in would have been exceedingly easy. Electronic locks?
That's the when the school office opens and the person in charge of the master key is around to give it to me. The locks aren't electronic and are built such that everybody's keys open the lock to the building, but the same keys only then unlock their own rooms.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
The recovery process involved me borrowing pants from someone so I could walk to the hospital and back to get the keys. It's my fault for having such a good habit of locking my doors that I'll even do it when I'm not thinking (or not wanting) to. The shitty thing though is that this could be avoided if the locks were designed better. I frowned at these two aspects when I first came here:
1) doors were lockable by pressing a button on the inside doorknob
2) doors were only lockable in the above manner, you can not lock the doors outside by turning the key.
That means the only way to lock them is to pray (or check) that you have your keys on you before locking your door.
Requiring that you must have the key to both lock and unlock the doors would make it foolproof.
Your description sounds like you can't lock the door when you leave your apartment. After all, you can't access the inside doorknob's button when you are standing on the outside side of the door! Well, I must be misunderstanding something because that would be too funny. I have my own door's lock set so that I can't even close, let alone lock, the thing without a key from the outside. So, there's absolutely no risk of forgetting the key when leaving. I also have a second, high security lock that only obeys a big, sturdy key from both sides, to keep thieves away from my precious electronics.
You press the button and it stays pressed by itself, then go out and close the door.
What shinta said, you press the button to "pre-lock" the door (press button, knob will be non-rotatable), then you just shut the door without turning the knob (because you can't, it's locked).
Originally Posted by kraco
From both sides?
Right, I know what you mean now. I thought you meant it could only be unlocked by turning two big, sturdy keys simultaneously (but from both sides..), which didn't make sense. Then I thought of something else.
I see. I have to confess I have never in my life seen a lock like that. It's pretty interesting how locks are so different in different parts of the world. The other mode of my lock is to simply push the door closed, which pretty much would be similar to yours, though even more accident prone. After hearing stories of friends and acquaintances locking themselves out, I opted to stick to the current mode, despite the fact you always need to use a key when leaving. But that's a small issue nowadays as I need a key anyway to use the high security lock (this second lock grants me a 5% discount on the home insurance, which is always nice).
Your apartment is locked by what is basically a bathroom doorknob...just wow.
You should request they update to deadbolts with no lock on the knob itself. At least it would be more secure.
I rolled my ankle yet again (inversion sprain) by landing on it wrong, and I'm tired of this shit.
Fibularis strengthening and proprioception exercises, here I come. (Also probably arthroscopic debridement surgery)
Be a man, do plyometric.
You lock the door from the inside before you pull on the door to latch it (thus leaving it locked). It is a bathroom doorknob with a key instead of the tiny hole to release the push button.
It's pretty easy to have only a doorknob (like for closets) with no locking mechanism on the doorknob, but one that secures the door with a deadbolt right above it. I've seen that at a number of apartment complexes. The important part is that you engage the deadbolt with a key from the outside, not with a push button (and invariably forgetting your keys inside).
Then again, I have proper door locks and deadbolts, but I still have a combination device that holds my spare key. I cannot get locked out of my place.
I had a game crash on me, then the screen wouldn't turn on. One BIOS reset later, the PC won't post at all.
Hours of troubleshooting and headaches later it randomly decides to start working fine again.
April's Fools day for me :(
My lead pretending that she can make a funny April Fools joke.
What was the joke? And "lead" as in team leader at work?
I hate smurfs in competitive play. And no, "I'm deranking so I can play with friends" isn't a good enough reason to ruin everyone else's experience.
If CS:GO wasn't so cheap I doubt there'd be as many of them. I'm almost wishing it had a monthly subscription so holding onto 2 accounts concurrently would become even more financially penalising.
Team lead, yes.
She said, "I wanted to send an email that the meeting was canceled then say April Fools! But I didn't."
Everyone just went silent, rolling their eyes on their end of the conference line.
During a conversation with my internet company's techie I had to explain to him the difference between a router and a modem.
In separate email, I almost called them retards instead of finishing my email with "Regards, ".
The words are surprisingly similar, and I didn't even have autocorrect to blame for that one.
Typically they give you one device containing both. I only have a separate dummy cable modem because I told the ISP I'll rather keep it than redundantly have two routers. I have my own separate router, which I can actually administer fully, knowing some ISP dumbo technician won't tamper with it randomly over the net (although I didn't tell them this last part aloud). But who knows, of late I haven't been able to watch TV without the modem/computer side degrading the signal. I switched the splitter at the ISP's office, but it made no difference. Maybe the old modem is nearly finished.
I bought a router (without the modem part) because I wanted to be able to freely position it where it'll grant the best wirelss signal (100m ethernet is more flexible than 2m of phone cable), and because the ADSL part costs 100AUD more (as well as not allowing me to use the device with a different external connection).
I must say that configuring router/modems into bridge-mode can be a bit of a hassle, but things are working as intended for now.
So about 2 hours ago, the girl I had fallen in love with turned me down. Had feelings for her ever since dancing together in mid-December last year. Things were always a bit complicated since she was a co-worker, but now that I´m moving, I decided to bring it all to a conclusion. Tbh, I expected her to say no. But I simply didn´t want another scenario where I just keep on hoping for something that will never likely occur. So instead of having her on my mind forever, I told her how I feel about her ... and she said no. :(
I cannot even describe my feelings right now. On the one hand, I have this cruciating emptiness inside of me that keeps on hurting. I´ve lost her. On the hand, though, ... I´m almost happy that I went through with it.
fuck everything
and fuck me. No more girls related action until I´ve lost my fucking fat weight.
How much do you weight?
Well done for going through with it.
It hurts, but you knew that. To be honest it sounds like you would have been screwed if she said yes since you'd be lost about what to do. You're moving, after all.
You did this for closure, because that's needed to start a new chapter. Remember that, and you'll find emotional stability with time. In the meanwhile, pump those guns to fill your void.
I personally think you should've saved yourself the heartache. Why fight a battle you will surely lose? Life isn't anime, after all.
It's to find closure so he can move on, instead of having lingering feelings for months or years afterwards that would hinder future progress.
Why would you have lingering feelings if you('ve already been rejected once) know you will be rejected? It's a different story if there is a fair chance of success, but going kamikaze isn't a smart way to live. Retreating and pretending it doesn't matter to you is the smarter way. I'm not saying it's admirable, but it is definitely less painful.
It's a lot easier to let go if you've "tried but failed" rather than having doubts and regrets about never trying. He had a slim chance, it wasn't zero. Our minds would always tell us it could have worked - because it wants it to work. He also never confessed. Now he'll be able to look back and think "yeah, that didn't work out" as opposed to "what if".
It's not just about finding closure, it's about building that "courage muscle". Yes, you do it to avoid regret, to take a chance at something that has a possibility of success no matter how small, when the downside is next to nothing. But you also do it because failure to do it does you harm. It keeps you "safe" from rejection, but really at risk of cowardice in the face of worthwhile opportunities. Good on you MFauli. There may be that emptiness of heartbreak, but one day (probably soon), you'll realize that the only thing that happened is that a person rejected a proposition you set forth. Words and wind. You've lost nothing, but exercised courage. If you let it, it will serve as preparation for the next time an opportunity to be brave comes along.
Edit: Can't rep you because apparently you're one of the last posters I rep'd over two years ago. See that? Fuck feeling down.
Was this a real on-going relationship that you wanted to take to the next level, or was this one of those romances that was all in your mind and she had no idea you were even interested and you really only talk to her casually at work? I'm not trying to belittle you, I've been mistaken in those types of relationships too.
I could count 1 (maybe 2) taxative nos that with time (and no fucks given) turned into yes. Sadly for both of us I already moved on or was in a relationship when the change of heart occurred. In this life you never know what might happen and human feelings arent so easy to determine.
Also there is nothing more annoying/sad than learning a decade or two later that someone u had a crush on had a crush on you to but you werent brave enough to ask. Missed chances are the only thing that keep hurting with time in my experience. To open your heart and have it beaten hurts a lot but in the long run it heals perfectly.
First of all, thanks to everyone for the words. Helped a bit.
As buff said, it´s really about closure.
And I think it is the girl you quoted me regarding "re-confessing", although that happened somewhat differently at that time. Thing is, she knew or had to know that I like her more than just friends. And we spent time not only at work but also at the gym. So 3 days ago, she happened to write me via whatsapp and things escalated. I had planned to visit her in person on my last day in town, but this conversation kinda fastend things up.
She told me "its not your looks or character, youre just not my type" and then I replied with some pathetic "so what´s it about" and stuff. In the end, I told her I won´t bother her again. Then a day later she starts writing me, sigh. I´ve been ignoring her since, because I KNOW I will try something again if I keep contact with her. On the other hand, I fear she might think of me as a little, hurt bitch for ignoring her ... but I´m doing so because I like her and I can´t just be friends. I´d always have hopes that probably will never lead anywhere.
What´s mostly bothering me is that she never gave me a proper chance. If she somewhat likes me (as a friend, but nonetheless), she could have given me a chance at least. Go on a date, then say "okay, sorry, this doesnt work" and that´s it. Oh well. I have to move on. Kinda hard at the moment.
At least I successfully graduated my apprenticeship yesterday, now a full-fledged optician :> And I´ll be studying Japanese again starting from October.
Also shinta: Life should be more like anime, sometimes. I´m trying. :P