im from massachusetts which voted 62% kerry and is his home state, so you cant blame me either r3n. europeans fitting americans all into one mold is like me saying all europeans in wwii were nazis.
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im from massachusetts which voted 62% kerry and is his home state, so you cant blame me either r3n. europeans fitting americans all into one mold is like me saying all europeans in wwii were nazis.
good for you lot, as i said, im sure loads of americans are perfectly decent ppl. maybe its just the biblebelt people i have problems with.
its true there is a stereotype worldwide which percieves americans as obese, hawaiian shirt-wearing, steak eating truckers, but then again theres similarly degrading stereotypes for brits, french, germans etc.
im a scot so most of the stereotypes about us all wearing kilts, hunting haggises, sipping whisky, throwing the caber etc. are all true. infact i live in a log cabin and use a cup and string for the internet
i bet you do r3n, but have you ever chased someone out of your shack with a rake while screamin keep OOT!
See... we need Hilary clinton to be president. or al sharpton. those 2 r the best canidates out there!
but... as u see... The public vote do not matter. it all matters about the electoral vote.
As most of you said. Your state voted for Kerry or Bush during the 2004 elections. That dont mean bull, that's just a publicity stunt of some sort. It all matters about 500 people voting for the persident. in 2000 Al gore got higher POPULAR vote but Bush won because bush got higher ELECTORAL votes.
Just alittle history for you all.
Just sayin... PURE whites do not dominate america as the dominant race anymore. and the "American stereotype" is more of a redneck stereotype.
Asian stereotype is a person who can break boards with their fingers, and owns a restaurant for take out.
Blond stereotype(women) is a big titty woman who is dumb.
Hispanic stereotype is Eating only Rice and beans
Well... I kind of understand where all these hate comes from but... whatevers. Aaahahha
Alright, let's get back on topic here. I think that Cal_kashi made a really good post a page or so back, about how people start to pick up the mannerisms of the people that they hang out with, whether online or in real life. The actual linguistic term for this is assimilation. Whether consciously (more often for written speech) or subconsciously (usually in spoken conversation) we adapt our speech patterns to be more similar to those of the people we are conversing with. Some people assimilate more than others. For instance, I'm a pretty fast assimilator and pick up a lot of my friends' expressions fairly quickly. Also, when I was in Scotland for 2 weeks I was speaking with a Scottish accent by the end, or whenever I hang out with my American friends for a day I'll find my vowels in words like 'house' and 'about' slipping towards the American pronunciation.
Another less well known linguistic process is that of dissimilation. This happens when you consciously or subconsiously change your speech patterns to be less like those of the person you are talking to. Typically, this will happen if you are speaking with someone you don't like, or if for some reason you want to distance yourself from them.
(Continuing from KitKat's reply in this topic and topic bumped with permission)
Originally posted by: KitKat
Originally posted by: Cyberdude93
Judging by everything else you said, you're clearly an expert on the subject. However I feel no difference. Is it because you're in Canada (saw your profile =P) and I'm Scottish? Also one of my English friends has it the same.Quote:
Originally posted by: KitKat
Say the word 'pat' and then the word 'spat' with your hand in front of your mouth. You'll notice that you feel a little puff of air from the p when you say the word 'pat' but not when you say the word 'spat'.
That's a good point. I should have qualified that to apply to North American dialects of English. Small features like this are the ones that change the most between dialects, since they don't affect meaning. Just out of curiosity, do you pronounce them both aspirated, or both unaspirated? And I guess this is a little off-topic.... I created a thread for linguistic discussion a while ago, so if you want you can respond there.
Linguistic discussion
Er, sorry for the slow reply. I saw your reply the day after you posted it but didn't have time to reply then. Anyway I pronounce them both with the puff (aspirated if I read correctly). Although regardless of me mentioning I'm Scottish my accent is unique and not considered Scottish.
That seems pretty irrelevant to me, but thanks anyways for reviving one of the more interesting threads on this forum.
I was told to reply here, so it's not my fault if it's irrelevant.Quote:
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
That seems pretty irrelevant to me, but thanks anyways for reviving one of the more interesting threads on this forum.
Maybe it seems irrelevant to some, but not to a linguist. I love finding these things out. The more you can understand language, the more you can understand people. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Cyberdude, what region of Scotland are you from? And why is your accent unique? From isolation or from outside influences? (This is assuming your accent is regional. If it's just you or your family that speaks that way, then that's different.) It still might be considered 'Scottish', but placed on the edge of the dialect continuum.
wow.....i dont think i can aspirate "spat" even if i try [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
hmm I aspirate both. and that I know of I speak english with an american Dialect.
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Thought this fitted in quite well [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
What sort of linguist? A .... cunning linguist?Quote:
Originally posted by: KitKat
Maybe it seems irrelevant to some, but not to a linguist.
Err, nevermind [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img].
Yeah, gotta love having a versatile brain and an alphabetic language (instead of a pictographic one). kinda .... old though.Quote:
[/i](un)Originally posted by: ChibiYali[/i] stuff
complich8, you get the prize for worst pun at the forum [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
ChibiYali, it's fascinating, isn't it? Here's another interesting fact that all of you may be less familiar with...
In conversations between two men, or conversations between two women, interruptions are evenly distributed. That is, each person is responsible for about half of the interruptions in the conversation. However, in mixed gender conversations, when a man and a woman are talking, the man is responsible for more of the interruptions. And not just a little bit more either, but an average of 90% of the interruptions. Some sociolinguists explain this based on the typical differences in reasons why men and women engage in conversation (women primarily use conversation to build relationships whereas men use conversation to establish social status). They theorise that men use interruptions as a way of exercising power over female speakers and establishing dominance. Personally, I think that it's probably more likely due to the fact that women talk so much that men have to interrupt to get a word in edgewise. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
I know it's old.. but this was a linguistics thread, and that part has interested me for a while now...Quote:
Originally posted by: complich8
Yeah, gotta love having a versatile brain and an alphabetic language (instead of a pictographic one). kinda .... old though.Quote:
[/i](un)Originally posted by: ChibiYali[/i] stuff
So thought I'd throw it in *shrugs*
Originally posted by: complich8
What sort of linguist? A .... cunning linguist?[/IMG].Quote:
Originally posted by: KitKat
Maybe it seems irrelevant to some, but not to a linguist.
It took five pages for someone to bring this joke up?? Come on people you're slacking.
I hate bullshit like that, everything just boils to how the man wants dominance over the woman and so on and so forth. Sure, many similar things can probably be explained that way due to our nature ("we are humans, men are the leader of the pack" etc) but frankly it feels like many things just boil down to "men want dominance".Quote:
Originally posted by: KitKat
They theorise that men use interruptions as a way of exercising power over female speakers and establishing dominance.
Basically I agree with your theory more [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
But then again, a female will have to be very good with talking nonsense if she wants to keep up with my wordery. Then again, it's not entirely certain which gender block I fall into now is it? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
alright....who let the resident feminist in here?Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
blah blah blah
Don't worry, I gave her a stern fucking last night.Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
alright....who let the resident feminist in here?Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
blah blah blah
She won't cause any more trouble.
I guess most smart people are lazy no matter how you look at it. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
I find linguistics interesting myself and I don't really understand how people "write like they talk" over the Internet. For one to be clear in what they are trying to convey, I would suggest everyone use standard English when typing their arguments/messages, especially on open forums like this one, where people don't know each other.