Yeah. In a sense Otoha's fight in his compromised human form was a really well thoughtout detail. It showed he was certainly a badass human, but nothing more than a human in the end. The scene where he tried to defend against the fireball was masterful in that sense. It kind of played with the traditional underdog hero moments but ended it with his pretty much total defeat instead of some miraclous powerup and recover.
Yurine's rebirth was also very intresting. It's also kind of nice how this series turns the traditional setting the other way around: Usually you have spirits of the nature that may or may not oppose the destructive human society but in this one the urban city actually creates such spirits and they defend that urban environment (and indeed like Yurine's looks show, they totally look like embodiments of some urban underground style, nothing even remotely representing nature).
I thought for a while the new Yurine was going to kiss Otoha... >_>
"NOOOOO" was what I said after watching episode 5.. I need to watch the battle NOW!
I thought Yurine was going to kiss him too. This is one of the best anime I've ever watched.
I got itchy and anxious to watch it after episode 4, so I just went and downloaded the raws. I'm happy :P
I think the Yurine "practically" kissed him, meaning that the emotion is there, just no actual need for the physical display between the two of them.
raws... tempting... I, too, loved the detail in this ep. Glass in eye was mad painful... and hard to watch a second time when you know it's coming. Eesh. Although, I found it ironic or hard to believe (take your pick) that Yoshiko wasn't further traumatized by the death of her father at the hands of that crazy monster.
Well CitadelofTheRaven has finished subbing ep 1-6, im waiting for their torrent ^^
Tokyotosho is showing a Dual Audio DVDRip of episodes 4-6 here. I've never heard of the group but how hard is it to rip a dvd... If you don't mind dubs or cooperate subs then you should be all set with this.
EDIT: Gotta love when the DVD Rips beat the fansubs out.
Citedel of the Raven Site
COR seems to be having some hosting issues but they have put episodes 4-6 on Megaupload.com and links can be found on the site.
I'll stick to Ani-Kraze. Their subs are better than corporate subs any day but it's also better for consistency's sake. Now if only they would release reencodes of the first three episodes in h264...
Okay it was pretty freaking cool, but the climax just didn't feel as exciting as episode 05 was. And they let a lot of plot potential just fade away which was somewhat sad, but this was never really about the plot, it was about the message and the awesome scenery.
did you watch the part after the credits?..
Yeah, the way they did it made me think of it was a last glance at Eko's way of thinking being carried away by the city.
well watch it again, the scene is actually composed of 3 very important things.
I don't rate Karas' story high enough to go searching for subtle hints, if you want to tell me what you saw I'd be glad to know but I'm not going to stare at the last scene over and over looking for hidden messages.
Finally watched this anime after the 2 year wait. Overall a good anime if only for the animation.
the first episode was the best one....
I just found this:
Which ofcourse made me extremely happy :D, can't wait to buy that.
I hope somebody rips that and releases in 720p with A-Kraze's subs... Although seeing how A-Kraze subbed episodes 1-3 are only in avi format, it would be lots of work, making that hope nothing but a wish.