RE: Episode 22 Discussion
I don't care about any crap being discussed here...
I just want to say this....
Terra, you suck... Kira will own your precious Shinn...
Kira is the man... and all you haters know it...
RE: Episode 22 Discussion
i have a question i thought there would be other zaft carriers that would assist the minerva i mean the minerva clearly knew that they would be facing a huge fleet so why didnt they get any backup. i mean i know that the backup is unneccesary considering athrun and shinn were doing pretty good even without rey, heine, and lunamaria but its just kinda logical to have backup anyway. i was also kinda dissapointted that we didnt get to see heine in action
RE: Episode 22 Discussion
Damn, although Freedom taking out the tannhauser at the end was awesome, a downside to that would be that Kira would appear to be against Asuran and company, which probably won't turn out that way since he prolly did it cuz he knew that beam woulda killed a bunch of people or something...if not, then it might lead to another duel btw them, ripping eachother's suits up, blowing one up to kill the other guy, other guy survives hugeass explosion somehow, and everyone ending up bitter til they get their new suits...HOWEVER...I see the MAJOR downside to stopping the Tannhauser, is that that bastard Yuna guy survived...I frikin hate that guy...he's such a dick...and the beam woulda taken him out (tho along with the other cool guys who are on archangel's side)...Oh well...he'll die sooner or later...haah...
RE: Episode 22 Discussion
Originally posted by: Budweineken
I don't care about any crap being discussed here...
I just want to say this....
Terra, you suck... Kira will own your precious Shinn...
Kira is the man... and all you haters know it...
Wtf Kira hater? Precious Shinn?
I've always thought Kira > Shinn, I just defended him back in the eps where he argued with Cagalli
RE: Episode 22 Discussion
i highly believe Freedom will either run away from Shinn...
or will scrape Impulse and Destiny will show up with this chance...
and i believe the second one is more resonable
RE: Episode 22 Discussion
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Originally posted by: Budweineken
I don't care about any crap being discussed here...
I just want to say this....
Terra, you suck... Kira will own your precious Shinn...
Kira is the man... and all you haters know it...
Wtf Kira hater? Precious Shinn?
I've always thought Kira > Shinn, I just defended him back in the eps where he argued with Cagalli
Hahaha.... sure sure...
I hope Kira kills Stellar in front of Shinn, that would make a great plot twist...
I really want to see Cagalli back in a mobile suit, maybe fight it out with Lunamaria or even Shinn at some point, that would be awesome also...
RE: Episode 22 Discussion
Originally posted by: Budweineken
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Originally posted by: Budweineken
I don't care about any crap being discussed here...
I just want to say this....
Terra, you suck... Kira will own your precious Shinn...
Kira is the man... and all you haters know it...
Wtf Kira hater? Precious Shinn?
I've always thought Kira > Shinn, I just defended him back in the eps where he argued with Cagalli
Hahaha.... sure sure...
I hope Kira kills Stellar in front of Shinn, that would make a great plot twist...
I really want to see Cagalli back in a mobile suit, maybe fight it out with Lunamaria or even Shinn at some point, that would be awesome also...
You kno Kira wouldnt kill Stellar, so thats a no =P and Cagalli should duke it with Lunamaria and sis for her man
RE: Episode 22 Discussion
As we can see in the 2nd opening, Freedom and Destiny charge at that large Gundam. So, they will be fighting together. Hope neither of them die though. If one does, it's Kira...
RE: Episode 22 Discussion
The ending when Kira show up was the best thing with this episode.. Actually it's one of the best moment's in anime-history.. I almost got a boner from that spine-chilling scene..
RE: Episode 22 Discussion
of course kira will own in the next ep, he's up against a bunch of pussies. athrun doesnt fight to his full potential for some reason, shinn sucks, heine well if he is as bad as the last guy TM voiced for he's gonna suck, rey will probably just hang out inside the minerva and cry over dulinandal and lunamaria sucks more than shinn.
and to you who wanted cagalli in a mobile suit again, well i agree with you if that mobile suit ends up at the bottom of the sea, if it doesnt somebody should just put a bullet through her head. she was cool and all in SEED but she's got annyoing as hell in Destiny.
RE: Episode 22 Discussion
Originally posted by: asianfriend3
i have a question i thought there would be other zaft carriers that would assist the minerva i mean the minerva clearly knew that they would be facing a huge fleet so why didnt they get any backup. i mean i know that the backup is unneccesary considering athrun and shinn were doing pretty good even without rey, heine, and lunamaria but its just kinda logical to have backup anyway. i was also kinda dissapointted that we didnt get to see heine in action
If you recall the battle plan, the issue with moving their forces to intercept the EA and Orb forces was that they didn't have room to go more than single file down the straight (if I'm remembering it properly). Their plan was for the Minerva to cut a swath to allow the zaft ships to follow through. More or less. And, well, Kira screwed that part of the plan up >_>
RE: Episode 22 Discussion
I have to disagree with the majority of you saying overall GSD has been awesome no offence but we have had 3 clip show and a lot or recycled obvious plot points.
That being said this was a great episode its about time we saw Kira do something which happened to be far cooler then anyone else's actions in the series thus far.