RE: Chapter 247 Discussion
The reason why everyone thinks Garra beat Kimimaro is because Garra gave him a royal beatdown. Garra did so many badass things. It was still badass for Kimmmaro to take all of those blows and was still able to rebound from them but generally he was on the receiving end so it seemed more like Garra was in control of the fight.
RE: Chapter 247 Discussion
Wow... did someone say Gaara had a mullet?! someone has a rather large misconception of what a mullet is. Maybe a quaf but not a mullet >.> Anyway from how well I understood the raw in conjuction with the translation seems like good times are ahead [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] w00t
RE: Chapter 247 Discussion
The translating is out now its not Inane but Idane.
I have read it myself its pretty good if you were wondering about the quality.
RE: Chapter 247 Discussion
RE: Chapter 247 Discussion
I don't know about translation...well I can't say it's totally wrong due to my japanese being kinda inferior but it seems messed up
RE: Chapter 247 Discussion
I agree it seems to be a little off. The language dosn't fit right. What I wanto see is if naruto will become a Chunin or will he stay a lowly genin for the rest of the sereis but beat the living crap out of everyone.
RE: Chapter 247 Discussion
The langauge fitted pretty right with the translation earlier in this thread also who cares about the language when you understand what they were saying.
Just download Inane when its out.
RE: Chapter 247 Discussion
um. woudln't they reveal why he was given a new nickname in the next chapter?
RE: Chapter 247 Discussion
For the sand Gaara and Shukuku is the same since they need them both to protect the village but since Shukuku is a demon who is 1000 times more powerful than Gaara you can guess that he is the pillar.