RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
Originally posted by: Hatake Kakashi
The last guy on the page of 238 has Sharingan eyes...maybe Kakashi can secretly do two eyes, but just hasn't shown it yet. He's the leader of Akatsuki and his whole fight with Kisame and Itachi was just a set up to draw out Jiraiya and Naruto.
I dunno it's a long shot.
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
its still most probably itachi, coz the quality isnt that good.
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
I don't think its Itachi, now that I see it up close... Itachi's eyes are, naturally, black. Completely black. Once he activates the sharingan, they become red with three black dots - I don't see the black dots anywhere there. And if he activates the Mangekyou Sharingan the three dots combine into a shuriken-like shape...
Whomever that guy was, his eyes just didn't look like Itachi's.
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
oh yea i forgot that he has to activate his eyes, hehe im just so used to him having red eyes all the time but i guess thered be no reason for having sharingan on when he's in the cave.
which leaves the question, who is is? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
Damn this episode was just awesome. In every sense of the word.
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
Thanks knives..for posting the pics. now i'm looking at them..they don't quite look the same.
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
what about this theesis, the Akatsuki has allready collected several Youmas
and as Narutos eyes changes with the Kyuubis power so does theire ^^
So that last dude is a demon wielding badass [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
you kinda lost me midway thru. Are you saying that the akatsuki's power is related to the ninetails?
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
drcitan, i think you misunderstood Franggio. Nine tail is not the only Youmas out there, the one with Gaara for example. I think Franggio mean other demon than the Nine Tails. I also think you hit something Franggio, but if they do why the hell they have to gang up on Naruto. I mean the Youmas inside Naruto is not the strongest and Naruto isn't the strongest ninja yet, not to mention he is the morron, so if Akatsuki have other Youmas and superious ninja kill, one member should more than enough for Naruto. Even if you count the Ero Hermit, Itachi and one or two more members should be more than enough, which mean they only need 3 to 4 members team, but they have five or six of them assemble together for the mission. It just doesn't make sense, isn't it? Or perhap they want more than a Kyubi (base on you theory). Or it just another member of Akatsuki with another blood line or perhap another person with a different sharingan. But i don't think it Itachi because their hair style are just too different.
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
ZhanZhao, I think you should re-read the whole thing plus the information about kyubi and youma that you can find before reply my message. i read a lot information on web and the serious. it say kyubi is one of the mystical monters that control the ultimate charka. However, the serious doesn't say aneything about Kyubi is the strongest of all youma. However, on the website, i found information says that there are some other youma that stronger than Kyubi. Itachi say not need to capture Naruto at this time because (i think) Naruto can't control Nine tail perfectly, and when they had a fight, Naruto doesn't know rasengan yet, that why Itachi said that. Even if you correct Zhan, Naruto can't control Kyubi and in fact he inferious in Ninja skill than Akatsuki member. combine these together, what i said still can't be wrong. Maybe Naruto will stronger than them at the latter series, but he isn't now, not yet.
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
What I don't understand is why they have to wait 3 years to go after Naruto? what does that have to do with anything?? I mean, I do understand why Oro has to wait 3 years, but why the hell Akatsuki has?? And how does Hiraya knows it?
Things are getting confusing, some what interesting but confusing.
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
No I'm a 100% sure that that guy gota be a Youma wielding badass ^^
my guts tells me so, well more like my imagination [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
and btw, in the anime eps they say the Khyuubi is the strongest demon
out there. or more like "The most horreoundos and most powerfull demon"
And Oro-chan being is one of the strongest why does the so blatantly admit
that Itachi is so much stronger than him in chapter (find it youreself)
And why they have to wait three years for Naruto is according to my guts
just time to observe him, we gota remember that this is a badass demon
and look at Gaara he is on the boarder of insanity thanks to Shukaku
imagin how "easy" it'll be to tame Kyuubi-kun [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
Wooooo So i guess there was 10 before orochimaru left.... and now that he left theres 9! not 8 like we originally though. MAD CHILLZ!
Venus fly trap guy, - far right
itachi, - below upside down guy
kasaime,- next to tall guy
upside down "yeah" guy, - above itachi
tall guy, the tallest guy
chicken head, all the way in the back
freaky kurenai eye guy, - MY GUESS is hes either next to kasaime or next to venus fly trap guy
hmmm wat can we name the other 2...
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
Itachi is not upside down
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
he didnt say that either. he said BELOW upside down guy. as for franggio i dont get half of what you said most of it doesnt make sense. tho "he" whoever that is is probably not a "youma wielding badass" if an akatsuki member was he would be stronger than anyone in the world, with high level jounin abilities AND a youma thats just to much. orochimaru seems to be quite strong, yes kisame isnt all that much i mean his strong but he probably isnt nowhere near the sannin or itachi and if that upside down guy said that they could take him if the worked together then i imagine the rest of them should be between kisame's and kakashi's level and not near itachi and the sannin in strength. oh well thats just what i think.
RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
2 the people who say its naurto on the front cover. I didnt read the previous posts past page 1 so forgive me if it is already said. The naruto u think is on the cover is 3 years in the future that means naruto has been training with jiraiya. How did naruto get his chunnin-jounin vest thing. Naruto couldnt of gotten it while training