RE: Breast naruto theory ever
it's a basic differential, you can integrate a constant, just assume the line x dx/dy = c therefore you multiply by dy and get x dx = c dy which you can integrate. Either way there are a lot of holes in this breast theory and it doesn't make any sense.
Breast naruto theory ever
Like what? I dare you to challenge the breast theory.
Breast naruto theory ever
i kinda get what ur saying but then theres no area under a graph of x=c so...
also there are no holes in the breast theory, the breasts never lie
Breast naruto theory ever
Breast naruto theory ever
Deblas, don't just post a worthless smiley and think you're not spamming.
if you're gonna post, post something worthwhile reading.
Breast naruto theory ever
It's so nice to see so many people who agree with my breast theory. To bad my other thread for the Save the Advanced Bloodline foundation got shot down by the gotwoot gestapo.
Breast naruto theory ever
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
It's so nice to see so many people who agree with my breast theory. To bad my other thread for the Save the Advanced Bloodline foundation got shot down by the gotwoot gestapo.
Yeah that one wasn't as funny as this one, and it sucked. actually this one kinda sucked too, but i didn't wanna make you look stupid so i played along.
Breast naruto theory ever
The other one wasn't stupid. Maybe people would have liked if the gotwoot gestapo hadn't closed it before it had a chance to flourish. You may think that this one is stupid but I believe that everyone who has posted and kept this thread going may beg to differ. SUBMIT TO THE BREAST THEORY FOR IT IS KISHIMOTO's WILL.
Breast naruto theory ever
well if you don't want to get shot down post a topic thats interesting
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
I dunno. My cousins are all flat chested Japanese girls, and they can SO kick my ass (mainly cause I don't fight back). What about Kankuro? He's got moobs, but he's weak, relying on a puppet. ALSO, when Tsunade and Jiraiya were growing up, Tsunade was flat like Sakura. YET Jiraiya says that when they were young, Tsunade punched him and sent him flying. Boobs=/=Strong.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Well, now that Sakura studies under Tsunade we can very the theory. If she not only increses her strength but also her cup size, the theory is true.
Breast naruto theory ever
Well unlike the other this was actually funny.. For me this was more like a joke.. nothing i take seriuos.. But the other topic was just boring and i think to it was stupid..
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Reason for big breast, they train using free weights.
reason for free weights, they want strength
They have strength and big man chests cause they strong. ahahhaha
I was watching a sports competition 1 day... woman's muscle contest....
Them muscle breasts r dumb ugly. but they mad deizel.
can women lose their breast fat cells and convert it to muscle cells if they start pumping?
or will the breast fat continue to be there along with the muscle.(breast=mostly fat and water)
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
Were not going to see if Sakura gets bigger breasts for quite some time. It will be long and hard training. If she has larger breasts after the eventual time jump then we will know once and for all that the theory is true.
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
RE: Breast naruto theory ever
yeah everythings been discussed let it die it was funny while it lasted though.... unlike the bloodline thing