wrote something before.. but I forgot this thread had multiple pages.. sry.
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wrote something before.. but I forgot this thread had multiple pages.. sry.
u do realize that only a hand full of ppl will actually know what ur talkign about, atleast in this forum. its probably better to express those particular thoughts in the open disscussion forum since the manga readrs can actually reply to it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img].....here, if someone knows what ur saying they still can't say anyhting to agree or dsagree without risking spoilers.Quote:
Originally posted by: Lucian5000
You know, everyone's saying it will be hard to get back on track with the Manga, but that's not necessarily true.
If they want to set up the part everyone's complaining about missing, then yeah, it'll be a little hard to set that up.. But it can be done.
But realistically, it's not hard for them to continue the story after the 'clash' without including it.
anyway, back to the topic at hand....ppl dont seem to realize that even if u have a "filler" ep that wasn't in the manga, its not really deviating from the story line. as long as kishimoto is overlooking the anime, whatever the anime shows is ALSO the story line....just think of it as more indepth.
i mean for all we know kishimoto might think, "hmm, this part here could've been done better if i had more time/pages....but i can give it a little more detail in the anime to better explain it". so long as hes the one in control, whatever we get in the anime will be "original naruto". granted it wont always be the same as the manga, but the anime can show alot more, simply because its anime. tehres no point to showing day to day life in konoha in the manga cuz its a waste of ink, paper and time. but in the anime kishimoto has the freedom to show stuff like konohamru acting all bitchy or lee getting all emotional.
there mite be some stuff that contradicts teh manga storyline like the whole "sasuke walkign around" thing some ppl have mentioned, and yes thats not an "indepth" view or anyhting.....but for the most part, its just more detail to make the anime more enjoyable, atleast for me.
and for the ppl who absolutely can't stand tehse fillers anymore, u can always take a break from the anime. nobody's forcing u to watch it (i hope [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img])...just keep readign the manga if ur a manga reader, or watch some otehr anime while the story gets back to the manga story line.
To be honest. I don't care that the series are deviating from the manga, as I've never read the manga, nor do I ever plan to. I'm just starting to find Naruto uninteresting as hell when every new episode is filled with nonessential stuff and flashbacks. I have no problem with humor, as long as it's done with the storyline. However, when the humor becomes the entire storyline... meh.
how can you be against humor in this anime? The first three episodes make you love this anime thru humor... And you can't say that humor doesn't play a role in the story-line, because you don't know the entire storyline. Something could happen later.
I think Rainstorm and Terracosmo are my new heroes. We should start an anti-dumbass club, or something...for people who truly appreciate the show for what it is, as opposed to 75% of this forum.
wait wait wait... so Terra wasn't your hero before?
but he's so metal.
lucian, feel free to explain how it could be done reasonably well in the "Filler Saga?" thread in open discussion
im interested to know how you came to that conclusion [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
im starting to think now though, that since people are saying its probably just an ep based on the bonus chapter of the manga where they try to get kakashi's mask off.....
that the stuff we DID see in the previews could just be part of a flashback that naruto or somebody has. In which case, all is not lost [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
I never said I was against the humor. I said I was against the humor which is completely unrelated to the storyline, the episode "Naruto's Strange Hot Spring Side Trip" being a good example.Quote:
how can you be against humor in this anime?
Yes, I'm certain Jirayia ending up in a hot spring with monkeys will have a major effect on the storyline. Perhaps he will grow to hate them, and duel King Enma to the death. You never know, right?Quote:
And you can't say that humor doesn't play a role in the story-line, because you don't know the entire storyline. Something could happen later.
u know, i never thought of that. judging from the number of flashbacks in the last couple eps, i wouldnt' be surprised if it was just another flashbackQuote:
that the stuff we DID see in the previews could just be part of a flashback that naruto or somebody has. In which case, all is not lost
actually, it would suck if lee just died.
if they want a dramatic turn, it should be something like lee dies>gai commits suicide>lee revives in full strength and goes berserk on people until someone kills him
ok you get the point, something crazy needs to happen again, it was good when oro was wrecking havoc on the city...
Yeah, but isn't that just A BIT too crazy? I mean hell, while we're at it, why not let space monkeys assault lead by the revived Sarutobi..Quote:
something crazy needs to happen again
I didn't mind it. A little too many flashbacks for me, but I'm a huge fan of Lee anyways. Every since the Gaara/Lee fight during the Prelim's, I can't wait for Lee to come back. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
What happened to this episode??? I mean, yeah it was a touching story about Lee and Gai....but, what the hell is sasuke doing there when tsunade officially became the 4th??? wasnt he at the hospital??? what happened to the **G** at the ****I**L? i cant mention it clearly bcoz it is obviously a spoiler, what is happening??? damn, i just wish that they continue this anime just like in the manga.....it would be a total waste watching naruto if they cut it or should i say stop airing it.
Sure, no problem. I'll head there now.
Originally posted by: kazh
What happened to this episode??? I mean, yeah it was a touching story about Lee and Gai....but, what the hell is sasuke doing there when tsunade officially became the 4th??? wasnt he at the hospital??? what happened to the **G** at the ****I**L? i cant mention it clearly bcoz it is obviously a spoiler, what is happening??? damn, i just wish that they continue this anime just like in the manga.....it would be a total waste watching naruto if they cut it or should i say stop airing it.
read my post, rite underneath HooP MoNsTeR's, about not having to follow the manga storyline....as for the sasuke thing, go talk about it in the open disscussion and someone mite be able to give u an answer.
ps: if u cant mention it clearly cuz of spoilers, then its probably better to not mention it at all...just some friendly advice.
This episode sucked!!!!! how many times have we seen the same flashbacks of Lee
Oh don't worry, if they follow the storyline the way they supposed to it will get really crazy.Quote:
Originally posted by: Aramis
something crazy needs to happen again, it was good when oro was wrecking havoc on the city...
On the side, I really hope the next episode is just a big flashback instead that a totally new made up saga.
too bad Danik. next episode's a filler
Don't spoil you idiot.
All I have to say is without those fillers we never learn about the characters. And some of those fillers we have never seen befor so it makes me wonder if it even a filler.