chidori takes a long time to set up and can only be done 2-3 times by Sasuke before he is screwed. Rasengan can't be copied because it isn't a bunch of seals that are moved, it's about chakra control, Sasuke can't see chakra moving - Neji can
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chidori takes a long time to set up and can only be done 2-3 times by Sasuke before he is screwed. Rasengan can't be copied because it isn't a bunch of seals that are moved, it's about chakra control, Sasuke can't see chakra moving - Neji can
sasuke copied rock lee's style of fighting and if i remember correctly even the anime controdicts its self because rocklee said it cannot be copied but kakashi said he copied it,Quote:
Originally posted by: Merezz
chidori takes a long time to set up and can only be done 2-3 times by Sasuke before he is screwed. Rasengan can't be copied because it isn't a bunch of seals that are moved, it's about chakra control, Sasuke can't see chakra moving - Neji can
and its not using hand seals either. now im lost :/
Intially it does, but after the first one its very quick... and Naruto's Rasengan isn't exactly fast.Quote:
Originally posted by: Merezz
chidori takes a long time to set up and can only be done 2-3 times by Sasuke before he is screwed. Rasengan can't be copied because it isn't a bunch of seals that are moved, it's about chakra control, Sasuke can't see chakra moving - Neji can
What Neji can see with the Byakugan that Sasuke can't with the Sharingan is the chakra circulatory system and the tenketsu points, he can see chakra (I think, since he did see through all those clones during their time with Kabuto in the forest in the Chunnin exam). Otherwise there is no difference between him and a person with normal eyes... anyone can see the seals a ninja makes!
Only Itachi so far has apparantly done seal so fast that no one can see... that's why Kurenai said he's too fast, and she doesn't have the Sharingan or Byakugan.
haku did a 1 handed seal which was something kakashi had never seen before. if some one was fighting front on could he put his hand behind his back and perform a hand seal...
Originally posted by: Raposo_C
OK, i have not even reached the 4th page because i wanted to see how long i can go before this topic tries my patience. I understand I am the new guy around, but since i can't work at my pic of kakashi or my character since this pc has none of my files, and my bro is using the laptop to watch a DVD i decided i would see what everyone seems to be discusing.
1) I found it funny that anyone would consider just because Naruto got a lucky shot on Kabuto he is officialyl equal to Kabuto or Kakashi ... this has been discused already in this convo to death, expecially since Kagemane_no_Jutsu first post kinda answered all of that. I didn't understand why that topic never stopped there but hey *shrugs* it was funny to read the other ideas.
2) Sasuke VS Naruto - this is kinda of being balanced on a knifes edge, or however the saying goes. My opinion is, Sasuke would win in a match against Naruto, not Kyubbi, remember, Kyubbi's chakra isn't natural. Naruto wasn't born with it so stop talking about that, its an unfair advantage in the whole series, and he can't control it worth a shit. The reason Sasuke would win is simple, he is not as strong in chakra, or physically, but Sasuke is faster, more agile, he can think more clearly - not as well as Shikamaru but well enough - and lets not forget, he has fought side by side with Naruto enough times to know most of his techniques, and how he thinks. The only reason Naruto win's each battle is because yes he is the main character, but go beyond that, don't say, just because he is a main character he lives forever, I say, try and think as each character, each genin and each chunin are sort of equal in standards to the Naruto in respect as a character, then go from there. He beat Naji because Naji underestimated him, Sasuke dosen't.
3) I believe someone put Sasuke is a pussy, hmm, let me see, the guy thinks his soul reason for living is to kill Itachi, think about that for a moment ... to me it seems that there trying to tell us that the reason he falls apart is because of that, Sasuke believes he can only live so live so he can kill Itachi, nothing else, and by him seeing his own death, he freaks out. He is the last of the Uchia's, and to him with his death, he believes his bloodline and clan dies with him.
Now, I am not trynig to be an ass and demand someone to shut this thread, personnaly its not all that bad, but atleast consider that much and be civil about it. I am just stating my opinon, and I don't wan't to be seen as an ass.
Oh, and btw, if anyone has seen ep 98, when Tsunade was talking to Kakashi, was I the only one that felt sorry for the guy, like common, he's fighting against an S-type Ninja, and a master of Sharengen ... lol though it was funny to see him so submissive.
Anyway, peace guys, and keep her civil, and I wish my bro gets off my laptop so I can finish Kakashi ... I have basically forgot about my own character because of that drawing lol.
You could say the same thing about Naruto though, but in a different matter of words. Naruto is more powerful, and has more endurance. You think he is very clumsy and stupid but he's clearly not. He's outwitted 3 enemies that I think Saskue would have fallen to (neji, gaara, kabuto) Naruto knows his stuff, and can analyze a situation just as clearly as Saskue would.
Naruto outwitted Kabuto because of one reason. Kabuto underestimated him. Naruto uses that to his advantage. Look at the battles between Gaara and Neji, they both shrugged him off as a drop out. Soon they realized he means buisness.
What would Saskue do if Naruto summoned Gambunta????? Nothing. He wouldn't be able to fight back. His chidori would feel like a scratch to the frog, and that's Saskue's trump card. This debate is going to go on forever.
ok, we can sum it up as.
Naruto is very smart but has ADHD thus making him look stupid.
I agree with you completely, with the fact this debate has been going on forever, and most importantly on my own analysis. I am more inclined as a Kakashi, Shikamaru and Saskue fan then Naruto because he is too bloody spontanius as a fighter. I mean he dosen't think things clearly, and he rushes in head first. And your right that Naruto could win too, i mean I did say that this fight could go either way. But this is a fight, or atleast the way i took it, a fight between Naruto and Saskue, not Naruto and Frog Drunk VS Saskue, or Naruto/Kyubi/Gambatta VS Saskue, that was where I was looking at.Quote:
Originally posted by: uhicha neji
Originally posted by: Raposo_C
OK, i have not even reached the 4th page because i wanted to see how long i can go before this topic tries my patience. I understand I am the new guy around, but since i can't work at my pic of kakashi or my character since this pc has none of my files, and my bro is using the laptop to watch a DVD i decided i would see what everyone seems to be discusing.
1) I found it funny that anyone would consider just because Naruto got a lucky shot on Kabuto he is officialyl equal to Kabuto or Kakashi ... this has been discused already in this convo to death, expecially since Kagemane_no_Jutsu first post kinda answered all of that. I didn't understand why that topic never stopped there but hey *shrugs* it was funny to read the other ideas.
2) Sasuke VS Naruto - this is kinda of being balanced on a knifes edge, or however the saying goes. My opinion is, Sasuke would win in a match against Naruto, not Kyubbi, remember, Kyubbi's chakra isn't natural. Naruto wasn't born with it so stop talking about that, its an unfair advantage in the whole series, and he can't control it worth a shit. The reason Sasuke would win is simple, he is not as strong in chakra, or physically, but Sasuke is faster, more agile, he can think more clearly - not as well as Shikamaru but well enough - and lets not forget, he has fought side by side with Naruto enough times to know most of his techniques, and how he thinks. The only reason Naruto win's each battle is because yes he is the main character, but go beyond that, don't say, just because he is a main character he lives forever, I say, try and think as each character, each genin and each chunin are sort of equal in standards to the Naruto in respect as a character, then go from there. He beat Naji because Naji underestimated him, Sasuke dosen't.
3) I believe someone put Sasuke is a pussy, hmm, let me see, the guy thinks his soul reason for living is to kill Itachi, think about that for a moment ... to me it seems that there trying to tell us that the reason he falls apart is because of that, Sasuke believes he can only live so live so he can kill Itachi, nothing else, and by him seeing his own death, he freaks out. He is the last of the Uchia's, and to him with his death, he believes his bloodline and clan dies with him.
Now, I am not trynig to be an ass and demand someone to shut this thread, personnaly its not all that bad, but atleast consider that much and be civil about it. I am just stating my opinon, and I don't wan't to be seen as an ass.
Oh, and btw, if anyone has seen ep 98, when Tsunade was talking to Kakashi, was I the only one that felt sorry for the guy, like common, he's fighting against an S-type Ninja, and a master of Sharengen ... lol though it was funny to see him so submissive.
Anyway, peace guys, and keep her civil, and I wish my bro gets off my laptop so I can finish Kakashi ... I have basically forgot about my own character because of that drawing lol.
You could say the same thing about Naruto though, but in a different matter of words. Naruto is more powerful, and has more endurance. You think he is very clumsy and stupid but he's clearly not. He's outwitted 3 enemies that I think Saskue would have fallen to (neji, gaara, kabuto) Naruto knows his stuff, and can analyze a situation just as clearly as Saskue would.
Naruto outwitted Kabuto because of one reason. Kabuto underestimated him. Naruto uses that to his advantage. Look at the battles between Gaara and Neji, they both shrugged him off as a drop out. Soon they realized he means buisness.
What would Saskue do if Naruto summoned Gambunta????? Nothing. He wouldn't be able to fight back. His chidori would feel like a scratch to the frog, and that's Saskue's trump card. This debate is going to go on forever.
Strength, and stamina dosen't alwasy win the fight, and thats why i loved that battle between Oro and the 3rd. I mean, watching Saratobi drop down to the ground and kick Oro's legs from under him was just a classic example of underestimating your openent, no mater what age.
Ohh, and I re-read some of the other posts (finally finished 4th page) someone put down that if you get grabbed by someone you automatically strike, or attack. Are you nuts, the guy grabs you to get your attention and talk to you and you attack. You look at him for what he is going to do, thats assualt lol if you hit him and he wasn't trying to hurt you, all you could have known was he had a pen in his hand and wanted you autograph. LOL
anyway, I am done with this topic, and thanks for the look on the otherside again uhicha neji
EDIT: And oh ya, I forgot to add, in my life time I have lost fights too, and maybe not did so well on a test, but you have to remember, you learn from your mistakes too. Even if Saskue lost to those three (which I agree with you) he would have come back and one. When chunin exam that first battle and him leaving, if Saskue had watched Rock Lee, he would have seen his speed. Remember, he lost against Lee, i doubt he would have lost again (atleast until before we saw how fast Lee could move. GOD DAMN that was cool)
was it haku or kakashi who said that they only need to see a battle once to figure out a way to defeat the person
I'm wondering how Saskue learned how to move as fast as Lee even thought he never saw him move ????? Did Kakashi teach him ?
yes the purpose of kakashi taking sasuke off to train him was to get his speed up to that of lee's if not faster. also so he was able to use that new skill how everr its spelt. but even so sasuke is still slow. compaired to lee when he takes his weights off and powers upQuote:
Originally posted by: uhicha neji
I'm wondering how Saskue learned how to move as fast as Lee even thought he never saw him move ????? Did Kakashi teach him ?
But chidori is good for a quick kill.Quote:
Originally posted by: Merezz
chidori takes a long time to set up and can only be done 2-3 times by Sasuke before he is screwed. Rasengan can't be copied because it isn't a bunch of seals that are moved, it's about chakra control, Sasuke can't see chakra moving - Neji can
When Jiraya demonstrated rasengan for the first time to Naruto, Jiraya just stun the guy.
If Chidori was use instead of rasengan, the guy should be dead on the spot.
I don't know if this point has been already posted.
Most likely best post.. ever.Quote:
Originally posted by: MonkeyTorture
Perhaps due to Kabuto not taking Naruto seriously from the start of the fight, he paused when the kunai penetrated. Surprised with Naruto 1) actually having the balls to pull such a suicide move, and 2) actually doing him damage. This coming from a supposedly unskilled and undisciplined genin. I'm thinking Kabuto purposefully waited for Naruto's follow-up out of curiosity. Remember, he was first introduced as an intelligence gatherer, so this character trait is well established and would have an influence on his actions. He simply wanted to see what the loud blond kid could do, all the while believing that either he could avoid the danger or that there would be none.
So, Naruto gave Kabuto that pounding as a result of Kabuto's misjudgement. He underestimated Naruto and paid for it. Much like most of Naruto's other fights.
Now, Naruto at or even near the same level as Kabuto/Kakashi? No way. At any point Kabuto could have landed a simple nerve strike, knock Naruto out, fight over.
Skill and the wisdom to use it properly are more important than raw power, which is Naruto's meal ticket.
Originally posted by: Nai
Naruto would obviously win since no matter how the fight went he would just either use Kyubi's chakra or fart and claim victory in the end.
Not ture, i believe sasuke would win if it was some simple sparing of the such, only because narutos powers are triggered by his emotions therefore something very dramatic woud have to happen *hint hint*
Jiraiya was holding back though, and he said so afterwards. If he used his full power, that guy would have been fried.
If you payed attention, you would have distinctly heard that Jiraya had held back alot so that the man wouldnt die. If he used even half the power the man would be dead, had he used 100% of his power I bet the man would explode!Quote:
Originally posted by: kupalmaru
But chidori is good for a quick kill.Quote:
Originally posted by: Merezz
chidori takes a long time to set up and can only be done 2-3 times by Sasuke before he is screwed. Rasengan can't be copied because it isn't a bunch of seals that are moved, it's about chakra control, Sasuke can't see chakra moving - Neji can
When Jiraya demonstrated rasengan for the first time to Naruto, Jiraya just stun the guy.
If Chidori was use instead of rasengan, the guy should be dead on the spot.
I don't know if this point has been already posted.
yeah he showed naruto the difference on the tree using a little bit of power and then 100%, the little bit scratched the wood when 100% blew a chunk out of the tree
I'm now banned for spoiling.
Kindly refrain from spoiling, devil-person.
And imustbethedevil is now banned for spoiling.
First of all Im not saying that chidori is more powerfull than rasengan. I said it is good for a quick kill.Quote:
Originally posted by: HotSauce
If you payed attention, you would have distinctly heard that Jiraya had held back alot so that the man wouldnt die. If he used even half the power the man would be dead, had he used 100% of his power I bet the man would explode!Quote:
Originally posted by: kupalmaru
But chidori is good for a quick kill.Quote:
Originally posted by: Merezz
chidori takes a long time to set up and can only be done 2-3 times by Sasuke before he is screwed. Rasengan can't be copied because it isn't a bunch of seals that are moved, it's about chakra control, Sasuke can't see chakra moving - Neji can
When Jiraya demonstrated rasengan for the first time to Naruto, Jiraya just stun the guy.
If Chidori was use instead of rasengan, the guy should be dead on the spot.
I don't know if this point has been already posted.
Unlike chidori, you dont get rasengan at full power. Which could put you on a unfavorable position.
A good example of this is when Naruto hit Kabuto with rasengan. When Kabuto got hit by rasengan for the first time, the power of rasengan is still weak. Because the power of rasengan is still weak, Kabuto manage to move his hand and stop the flow of chakra to Naruto's heart.
If chidori was use instead of rasengan, Kabuto may not have been able to move his hand.
Uhh.. the cursed seal vs the kyubi..... that's a tough decision.