hey everyone chapter 142 has been released if u hadnt realised
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hey everyone chapter 142 has been released if u hadnt realised
chapter 143 has been released.
omg..it's good. byakuya's ban kai kicks ass.
cant w8 to see ....eh hmm.. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img] shit i forgot is name.... the main char name... that cant be good [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
Ichigo.... thats the name [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
cant w8 to see his bankai
id like to see Kuchikis face when ichigo dodge all of his blades [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif[/img]
well i hope he can dodge them
ichigos ban kai will be interesting because each bankai we have seen is an extention of the original blade. and i cant seem to quess what special power ichigos blade has except that its super huge
144 out from manga-rain get it now at their servers. not much happens [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
im pretty sure ichigo will have one of those last minute type saves and the other 3 dudes will be released by a kind person. cant wait till more trans.
i just checked out the later chapters and they get better each time. ohh god i cant wait till 150
OMG! neither can i. i saw a couple of the raw after ch. 144. it looks pretty good.
im hopin ichigo's ban kai is sumthin where he combines his powers with Kitsuki's (his sword's name) and shows up with a torn up cape and those crazy glasses or sumthin kool like that XD
hey, u see him with goggles a LOT on the covers of the manga o__O
any1 know what the deal is with ichigo and that hallow(sp?) mask that keep saveing his life?
cant help but wounder if it got some thing to do with his bankai
...or maybe ichigo is half hallow half shigami
so many questions so few answers =)
Bleach Manga Direct Download
If anyone still wants to dl Bleach from the beginning and doesn't use irc, this website has up to the latest chapter.
that site is forbidden you need to go to http://stoptazmo.com and then click on bleach
i claim this manga. it's sooo good.
haha i just started to get this manga,
hooked me.
i think the question we should be asking is... WTF IS MANGA RAIN DOING!?!?!?!?
last night i found out that they are about 14 weeks behind (ch 159 raw came out).
sad face.
i got another question we should be asking Mut@t@: WTF IS SHINIGAMI DOING?? STARTING AT 153???
u get the point XP
Hello people i have had problem finding a site to download Bleach can somebody help. a place where you dont have to register would be perfect.
it's all in single chapters.
and get the latest Raws at #udanraws on irchighway.
btw where can i download trans scans of the newer chaps like 150+ i heard some group is do them
Shinigami did ch. 153..and there is no other group other than manga-rain and shinigami.
Double thanks kai cause i was also missing GANTZ 93,94 and found the site you gave me link to.
damn i love this manga, i've only read upto chapter 77,
heh fuckin awesome, i think this is a little better than naruto.
damn i really liked the look when ichigo had the hollow mask on, bad ass!!
I like his sword also, mad shit.