RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person
yes i could be over analysing the picture...
and yes hair is not always the same size but the size difference here is quite big...though it could still be itachi
and as i think someone mentioned before that someone might have told itachi about the mangekyou...this could be the person over looking what itachi is doing or aiding him..
at this time i cannot provide any solid evidence as there is none to prove it...there can only be opinion...and thats all this was a different opinion due to a difference in hair...if the hair was any shorter i wouldnt have said anything about this...but it could be just a stuff up from kishimoto...which is most probably the case.
ive seen worse from you.
RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person
i dont think thats over analysing, cause there is nothing that specifys it to be itachi. maybe before we knew about a 3rd person you could 100% be sure it was itachi but now its not 100%.
RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person
I have a hunch that it could be mistranslation, and it could actually be talking about someone from the past. To make things simple, he means that he's the second person to have the mangekyou sharingan, and someone from the past had it too. The third person should be sasuke. So together there will be three people that were/are able to handle the mangekyou sharingan.
RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person
i think itachi has has a baby along the line.
thats my theory
RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person
r u saying itachi is a father?????????????????????
RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person
Originally posted by: Eurasian
r u saying itachi is a father?????????????????????
whats to say he isn;t?
RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person
i hope no one has sead this idea already but this be a Crazy Twist. If the eye Kakashi got was already unlocked but since kakashi isnt a true memeber of that Clan he cant controle it yet. That just be insain if kakashi ended up being a real phyco
3rd mangekyou sharingan person
Well, how did Itachi know how the get the Mangekyou Sharingan?? Probably someone have already got it (by i mistake maybe) and have left the village and Utchia hushed it down so that ppl will not know about it because then the begin to get ides like Itachi did and soon all Uchiha start killing each other.. So they did not want anyone to find out or maybe that any of the children would not grow up with that knowlage..
I mean someone get picked on in Uchiha village and he turns to his best friend or so called best friends and slay him and get the eye and go slay everybody that picked on him..
So i guess someone got that eye before Itachi by fighting and killing his best friend (maybe over a girl or the got drunk and his friend got killed by mistake), and then he left the village because he became a criminal and before the rest of the village go to know about it, Uchiha-clan cowered it up..
So i dont think that person has been introduced yet..
3rd mangekyou sharingan person
after take'n an hour to read threw this topic there are a lot of interesting posts, but
1. Kakashi said he couldn't fully use the eye,
2. he most likely got it after losing his orignal, would explain the scar across his face on that side.
3. Naruto can't be the third user, he had no parents, even thou he strangely looks just like the 4th and is most likely related to him,
4. plus naruto has the foxs eyes and far as i care sooner or later they'll probably do more then look tough
5. i also believe sooner or later sasuke is going to ask Kakashi about his eye and we'll get some kinda of flash back, about how it happened,
6. thank you for putting up with my ramble
the post that makes the most sence is Kakashi got it after the clan was murdered,
but my problem with someone said anbu the special forces but, they only go after, expelled ninja's or ninja's who have died outside the village, other wise wouldn't the thirds body been shreaded, instead of a coffin? or at least it looked like a coffin
RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person
I dont think Naruto's foxs eyes do anything but look scary but you never in the world...
3rd mangekyou sharingan person
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
I dont think Naruto's foxs eyes do anything but look scary but you never in the world...
i'd have to agree, but think about it i wouldn't think that the demon fox who was feared as a natural well problem, wouldn't have normal fox eyes, sure fox eyes would normally give naruto better vision, and sharper sight, but thats just kinda lame if its all it does
does any one have Naruto_v24_ch213[Inane].zip <.< that actually works after it downloaded in the batch it said invalid zip format and wont open. nm i found a link to a working one
RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person
I'm pretty sure he can lazer beam someone with his eyes, like Frieza can in dragonball.
RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person has alla inane chapters.
It would be cool if the fox eyes gave him better vision and stuff cause it makes sense.
RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person
I think it will be a member of the Atatsuki clan or whatever clan Itachi came from. I also thnk that someone from there is stronger than Itachi.
RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person
yeah i hope we can see itachi get owned. so we can all laugh at mut@t@ =)
RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person
the 3rd uchiha can't be a bad guy who is stronger than itachi. as i said before, if the last uchiha is a badguy and naruto ends up beating him (it won't be sasuke cuz we know how his story is gonna end) then what is the point of "only another uchiha can beat me" and all that other crap... last uchiha is either a good guy (stronger than itachi) who will help sasuke develope his sharingan or something like that. having another uchiha who is stronger than itachi would be a repetitive and pointless.
RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person
unless if the 3rd mangekyou is a villian so evil, that itachi turned to the darkside just so he can obtain the power to defeat him
and so at some point itachi gets sasuke to join forces to take out the 3rd mangekyou user, and this is the true reason why itachi let sasuke live.
3rd mangekyou sharingan person
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
the 3rd uchiha can't be a bad guy who is stronger than itachi. as i said before, if the last uchiha is a badguy and naruto ends up beating him (it won't be sasuke cuz we know how his story is gonna end) then what is the point of "only another uchiha can beat me" and all that other crap... last uchiha is either a good guy (stronger than itachi) who will help sasuke develope his sharingan or something like that. having another uchiha who is stronger than itachi would be a repetitive and pointless.
I lik that you know everthing that will happen in Naruto[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
3rd mangekyou sharingan person
Hrm... there is one other point towards kakashi being the third user...
His best friend is dead... and unless I missed something... we don't have a real explanation as to why he died.
RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person
yes his friends are dead we know nothin of kakashis past but what is the point to that making kakashi the 3rd user..?