i am not familiar with japan history....but this anime look like is was from china...since the clothing look china and not much of a samurai.
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i am not familiar with japan history....but this anime look like is was from china...since the clothing look china and not much of a samurai.
oh! i c what u mean. but the ppl in the palace wear what's more familiar as japanese type clothing.
Just watched the ep(spoilers)
That would be me [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img], I really thought the fact that she was told that she was an important member to the team would overcome her betrayal. And they killed ninja girl before she got to do anything cool [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif[/img]. And was it just me or did Shuten hair color switch during the ep from blonde to gray? And yea that demon ruined the ep, I hope they don't plan on making more.Quote:
wtf...u know there was a thread that supernatural beings ruin the anime. yah, wtf is w/ shuten. that's not normal steroids he's on. i'm pretty sure he turned into a demon of some sort.AND!!!! who said urabe wouldn't betray the team?!?! so the true antagonist in this anime is seimei, uh?
that's ok. i also thought urabe wouldn't betray the team cuz what u said made sense. she seemed really touched when they say she was part of the team. i wonder what they'll do to her when they meet her again. or maybe urabe is pretending to be on seimei's side but she's actually on their side. what is that called...uhm...double crossing right?
Hahahah... I was right... Urabe did betray... but you'll see that in the end she'll make everything right... she might even lose her life in the process...
And no... I always saw Shuten's hair color as gray.... I never saw it blonde...
oh~ yah that's good. storywise that'll be good.
i didn't notice his hair...i noticed that his body size increased...tremendously. i hate that part.
i even find that the palace also look like China too...kinda like that Once upon a time in china movie.
Finally they showed a real demon. Now we can start calling it an otogi (fairytale).
well, the japanese did come from china...even though it was a LONG time ago, the influence is still there.Quote:
Originally posted by: animefreak
i even find that the palace also look like China too...kinda like that Once upon a time in china movie.
wow Eurasian u did your homework for me lol. I didn't know china used to influence japan.
koreans and japanese all came from china...LONG LONG ago. u can't say really say "china used to influence japan" but the japanese were orginally from china. they even have chinese characters aka kanji. many japanese words sound like chinese words.
I finally caught up with this series! (Yay! It was worth it.)
As to the Chinese/Japanese influence: Yes, China influence Japan quite a bit. The two nations are right next to each other and traded extensively. In the Heian era Chinese things were kind of a fad, and people quoted Chinese poems and imported Chinese art. People who thought the were sophisticated even wrote in Chinese characters (what later became kanji). The Japanese alphabet (based on syllables instead of symbols for words) was looked down on as "women's writing." (I was interested in Japanese history before getting in to anime).
As for the story, I agree with it being in fairy tale form. There are fantastic elements, but they are in line with traditional beliefs. The kid is definately supposed to be the monkey king (super strong, childlike, eats a lot, born on a mountain, no mother because in the myth he is born from a stone egg that came form the earth itself). Seimei I already mentioned, but I am surprised he is turning out to be evil (in anime if someone say they want to end suffering it's usually be killing everyone). Well, I guess we'll have to see... I hope AniKraze keeps subbing this.
wow that lil history lesson was quite insightful. thanx.
Was there a reference saying that Kintaro is the monkey king (Goku)? but ur examples make sense.
Does anyone know what the op song is? Even better, anyone know where I can download it?
Fucking love that song.
download it there. u gotta scroll down a little. it's called "Zen" by Attack Haus.
w00t thanks
Do you think that this series is related to the myths surrounding the real Minamoto no Yorimitsu (Raiko)?
Well, I found this link
I don't know Japanese history, but I thought that this was too much of a coincidence.
What myths are you talking about? do you have any links?
THANKS HIKARU004!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is getting interesting and more interesting. i didn't realize that it was a myth.
I can't get the download to work [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img], it gives a 401 error cause I don't have a log in name.Quote:
Originally posted by: Eurasian
download it there. u gotta scroll down a little. it's called "Zen" by Attack Haus.