Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
btw, if you're still gonna be correcting my shit, fix up my spelling too. i mess up on that sometimes.
I'm not too good at spelling =P I know my faults.
Spelling is not something that should be corrected online, however grammer conveys your point and that is the entire point of posting. If you can't convey exactly what it is you mean to say, then you are missrepresenting your thoughts.
You can almost get through a post without insulting someone... thats so good! GOLD STAR!
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
now you're comparing it to boxing? seriously.....does the concept of "not taking a fight seriously and toying with the enemy" make any sense? because if you take for example gaara vs the rain nins.....just because those rain nins didnt die the instant gaara showed up, doesnt mean they stood a chance. The main guy even had a chance to "throw a single throwing knife" (although it was more like hundreds of needles), but that didnt give him any more of a chance at winning. boxing is a game in which 2 people are fighting, and each one is capable of beating the crap out of the other if given the naruto, it can be physically impossible for one to beat the other no matter how much time they have to work with or how many kunais are at their disposal
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
not true, like for example neji vs naruto, there was no way naruto should have been able to stand. like sasuke vs gaara there is no way he should have been able to hit him. narto and sasuke vs kabuza they should never have been able to force him into a losing position form where he was.
all those siutations should nto have been possible, kabuza especially should have murderd naruto an sasuke. but beacus they had a CHANCE it was believable when they overcame the situation. as long as there remains the chance that you can dodge someones attack then you can win. if you can attack you can win. its like if you had a knight and a spearchucker against each other the spearchucker DOES have a chance.
EDIT: damn i knew i was spelling it wrong!
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
im not surprised naruto stood up from neji's attack....he's known to have the highest stamina out of all the genins....and in fact most things dealing with naruto you cant use in reference to match ups with other characters....because the mere fact that he has a demon inside him lets him defy many things that others couldnt. You're not supposed to take the "stand a chance" concept literally.....because by the same token, there's a CHANCE that a meteor could fall from the sky and land on itachi's head. Is there really a need to analyze this further?
btw, its "zabuza", not "kabuza"
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
If you are wondering what countering Kakashi has to do with not looking into his eyes, recall that one of Kakashi's strategies is to use hypnotism, like in the fight against Zabuza.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
i don't even know what chambers is arguing anymore. either chambers is too thickheaded or he's just sooooooooooooooo smart that we can't comprehend what he is talking about.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Spelling is not something that should be corrected online, however grammer conveys your point and that is the entire point of posting. If you can't convey exactly what it is you mean to say, then you are missrepresenting your thoughts.
Then what exactly does spelling do? i dos koe wet eww mias.
You can almost get through a post without insulting someone... thats so good! GOLD STAR!
About Neji vs Naruto, the majority of the people watching didn't think he stood a chance but I personaly did belive he stood a chance because of the nine tails, it's prespective.
I get the feeling you under estimate the heros of this show Chambers.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: Jessper
the majority of the people watching didn't think he stood a chance but I personaly did belive he stood a chance because of the nine tails, it's prespective
I hope you mean the majority of people in the anime. Nobody here thought the main character was going down in the first round.
The difference in Spelling vs Grammer:
Spelling mistakes still convey the idea being posted. You say 'under estimate' and I read 'underestimate'.
Grammer mistakes can create examples where one thing is said and another thing is heard.
Spelling Error = Inconsequential
Grammer Error = Significant
Let me know if there is anything else you need cleared up! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
nah, grammar isn't that important. i've made it to college with my crappy grammar! w00t
EDIT: i'm not talking about grammar anymore, we're way OT. if you really want to know (why the hell would you), you can PM me.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
yeah your only taking worse case grammar into acount when you can type like this with no grammar what so ever baring basinc syntax and it still is perfectly readable
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
nah, grammar isn't that important. i've made it to college with my crappy grammar! w00t
What ya study?
Originally posted by: chambers
yeah your only taking worse case grammar into acount when you can type like this with no grammar what so ever baring basinc syntax and it still is perfectly readable
OMG my brain hurts [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Ya, meant to include the words "in the stadium" but forgot to. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Thanks for the reply, I didn't quite understand what you meant by that for some reason.
I agree with chambers, most people won't have a problem/hissy fit when reading poor grammer on internet forums. Correcting it for people just makes you look like a prick.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
what happened to all the insults? keep them going.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
how to counter sharingan for dummies!?
1. don't look into sharingan eyes
2. learn how to fight blindly
3. pull sharingan eyes off and make the user blinds
4. alternative use...... it seems dumb..... use mirror......
5. rayban glasses might be useful
6. hypnotic??
7. flashbang
8. use gun...
9. run like a girl
10. be friend with user
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
By the way Naruto stood NO CHANCE if it weren't for his kyubi chakra. He would have died in the hands of Neji. Believe it.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
By the way Neji would stand NO CHANCE if it weren't for his byakugen. He would have died in the hands of Naruto. Believe it.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: jing
By the way Naruto stood NO CHANCE if it weren't for his kyubi chakra. He would have died in the hands of Neji. Believe it.
Exactly. But he has kyubis chakra so it doesnt matter...
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Well, if Neji didn't have his byakugan and Naruto didn't have the Kyubi, it probably would have been a pretty short match.
Neji was faster than Naruto, and just plain better. His gentle fist style (jyuuken?) would have rocked Naruto's world even without seeing the tenketsus. I'm sure it would hurt just as much if he missed the chakra holes as when he hit them. After all, the 3rd exam, it seems to me he was just trying to humiliate Naruto rather than kill him.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
hey, hi? you cant use gentle fists without byakugen. And even if you could, it would be useless cuz you can't even hit their chakra holes.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Gai's trick doesn't work, it's settled.