RE: Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
its no question as to who ____________ and _____________ are they only said each others names.
anywho im so happy that the series is finally at this arc. ever since my favorite character has showed up im happy. (no its not itachi.)
anywho since next week is golden week will 81 be out, the manga isn't coming out so im just wondering.
RE: Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
Nah, "Gaara is longer there" makes no sense in the conversation they were having. Just watch that scene again, and try to imagine him saying "Gaara is no longer there". Doesn't make much sense does it?
Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
Hmmm anyone noticed Hinata's sensei had red eyes in one part of this episode? Does she have the sharigan?
And who is that guy with the sunglasses? He's in a lot of the scenes. Is it Kakashi's teammate?
Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
You mean Kurenai? Her eyes are always red, though. And she doesn't appear to be related to the Uchiha clan at all....
And Xollence, I thought you knew that. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] Edit: I was referring to Kurenai's eyes, not his other question...
RE: Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
no well maybe its not obito though.
as for kurenai no she does not have the sharingan. only three people do.
RE: Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
Originally posted by: XwingRob
Nah, "Gaara is longer there" makes no sense in the conversation they were having. Just watch that scene again, and try to imagine him saying "Gaara is no longer there". Doesn't make much sense does it?
who is saying that they actually said "gaara is no longer there"?
Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
Yeah i thought he said "gara" not "gaara".
RE: Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
hey i got a question about kakashi, is he part uchiha or what, how does he have one sharingan eye, he cant use it perfectly so he obviously had to train himself to use it and he must be full uchiha blood. anyone got any answers.
if its a spoiler just say, "its a spoiler, cant answer that."
RE: Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
Originally posted by: basey_69
hey i got a question about kakashi, is he part uchiha or what, how does he have one sharingan eye, he cant use it perfectly so he obviously had to train himself to use it and he must be full uchiha blood. anyone got any answers.
if its a spoiler just say, "its a spoiler, cant answer that."
Kakashi isn't an Uchiha.
If he was, then he'd have 2sharingan and his last name would be Uchiha.
As for how he got the sharingan, it has not been revealed so no one knows for sure.
RE: Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
i meant musnt be full uchiha blood,
aw i really wanna know his past
RE: Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
He is more than likely not Uchiha at all, I mean, he only has one Sharingan eye, and it only has two little dots in it. Also, he has grey hair, not black.
RE: Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
Originally posted by: Baka_Desuyo
He is more than likely not Uchiha at all, I mean, he only has one Sharingan eye, and it only has two little dots in it. Also, he has grey hair, not black.
actually Kakashi does have 3 commas in his 1 sharingan, but Sasuke only has 2, maybe he has to develop it more. maybe kakashi's old friend was an uchiha and had some technique to pass it on to kakashi. or maybe kakashi is half uchiha so he has 1 sharingan
Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
he's not uchiha. you see that huge ass scare across his eye, that could mean one thing he cut his own eye out and put in an eye with a sharingan. since it was activated when he took it he can't turn it off. he most likely got it from his friend or from another uchiha.
kakashi is in no way uchiha.
als the black comma's in the eye are called dou' jutsu's its explained in like ep 14 the first encounter with zabuza, sasuke is explaining the sharingen in his head.
Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
and u know this how my friend?
Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
Here's what I want to know, those two guys on the village wall at the end of the episode...whats with those guys? The one dude is just there, with his sharingan activated like its no big thing! Does he just walk around with it on all the time?
*walks up to guy* "Excuse me sir, your sharingan is showing." *gets killed very quickly*
Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
You should wait till episode 81 then all your questions will be answered, i hope too lol [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
RE: Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
Originally posted by: animemaster
Kakashi isn't an Uchiha.
If he was, then he'd have 2sharingan and his last name would be Uchiha.
As for how he got the sharingan, it has not been revealed so no one knows for sure.
The theory my roommate and I have is the Sharigan was implanted artificially, which explains the slash on that eye. My theory is he had killed a member of the Uchiha clan a long time ago, but lost one of his eyes in the fight. And one of the eyes from that Uchiha member was transplanted into Kakashi's eye socket.
Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
Hmmm Kakashi doesn't have Uchiha blood in him? I didn't think so but the only reason why I would believe he would have some mainly because his body accepted the sharingon eye. I would figure if it was easy enough to just implant it in anyone and work than why hasn't more done so. Or with the Hyuuga eyes or something. I dont know just a thought.
Also with the sharingon Kakashi keeps it covered, but since its always activated doesn't that mean that its always using up his chakra? I think the whole Itachi (thats who I am guessing it is) having his sharingon showing rather he has it on all the time or not I dont know. But maybe just for the end they did that to let you know that he is of the Uchiha blood, and since there are only Sasuke and his brother, it has to be him. Just like an introduction of what upcoming episodes are going to be. LOL again I dont know.
Official Episode 80 Thread **SPOILERS**
well i dont think he has uchiha blood in him i was just saying a possibility, i think he got it from someone which would make more since because of the scar. but i was just saying it is possible. also this asshole Vagabond sent me a spoiler about how kakashi doesnt have uchiha blood in him. im just going to say i post my theories in here, if i wanted to know i would post it in the open discussion! jezuz...