This ugly and beautiful world
I believe the raws come straight from Japanese TV and if a series is licensed...they do all sorts of funny stuff to the opening credits (not to mention the dubbing) and then show it on US TV in English...
I hope that's the correct process, correct me if I'm wrong...
So that's why we know it isn't licensed, not sure about Geneon Entertainment though
Besides, if it were licensed then wouldn't list it amongst its torrents so i guess that shows it's not licensed [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
This ugly and beautiful world
Don't worry guys. This is a Gainax show which means they're getting licensed after the show was shown on jap tv. Was the same with Mahoromatic if I remember right [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
This ugly and beautiful world
i was interested in the series, but now i dont have time to watch
ive downloaded all the epes so far, but ive only watched until 5
anyways, does anyone know what the opening song is called?
This ugly and beautiful world
It's called Metamorphose by Takahashi Yoko, I like a theme also.
This ugly and beautiful world
AonE just released episode 10. Hey you guys seem to really wanna flood us with your cool stuff huh? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
This ugly and beautiful world
And the plot twist that Takaru wasn't really Hikari bodyguard was unexpected. The next episode should be a good one since the extermination sequance seems to have started.
This ugly and beautiful world
Would you mind and stop telling me everything Aeon? I still haven't watched that episode yet <.<
RE: This ugly and beautiful world
This is a great anime. Any idea how long this anime will last? It seems like they're aiming at a 12/13 eps.
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If takeru is actually an ED, then what does that
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mean Ryou is an ED too? I wonder if Hiriki was
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linked to a ED in the past extinctions as well.
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RE: This ugly and beautiful world
Would you mind and stop telling me everything Aeon? I still haven't watched that episode yet
It was 6hrs after your post, and I'm allowed to discuss the latest episode in this topic.
RE: This ugly and beautiful world
Well, you could at least mark your posts with "Spoiler" or something. But oh well, lets not argue about a shitty post and go on watching the remaining episodes instead [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
This ugly and beautiful world
Originally posted by: Everon
This is a great anime. Any idea how long this anime will last? It seems like they're aiming at a 12/13 eps.
Yeah I saw the number of eps on A-Keep's site, apparently it really is gonna be around there... me it seems like they're rushing things...I mean....(Spoilers Ahead)
First it was Takeru transforming, then we see him not transform for a few eps, everything is fun and funny and happy and stuff (maybe apart from Mari) and like a few eps the story has turned into something dead serious with the whole thing about the ED and mass extinction in ep8 and the whole issue with Ryou and ep10 takes the cake with Hikari and that talk....
I hope there's a second season and that the storyline doesn't close so suddenly...what'd you guys think???
This ugly and beautiful world
What happened with episodes 9 and 10 ? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
This ugly and beautiful world
I believe AonE will release a batch of 7-10 soon, that's why they took them down. Just wait and you'll see. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
This ugly and beautiful world
That's ok
I already found =]
RE: This ugly and beautiful world
11 is out. Thank the stars that are aone and origiri....
RE: This ugly and beautiful world
Only one more episode... well we can hope for specials or maybe even a second season or something to be released in the future.
This anime is great, not quite as good as Mahoromatic, but still, really REALLY good. Although, the use of the same production team and voice actors was enough to hook me in. I just love Mahoro and Hikari's voices. Does anyone know the name of the voice actress? I want to look into other animes she may have done.
RE: This ugly and beautiful world
Hikari - Kawasumi Ayako
Mahoro - ?
This ugly and beautiful world
Originally posted by: cf_
Hikari - Kawasumi Ayako
Mahoro - ?
Thanks, actually they have the same voice actress. I just didn't know her name. Most of the voice cast from Mahoromatic are doing the voices in This Ugly and Beautiful World.
EDIT - Wow, I just checked into what other animes she's voiced in, and there sure are alot of them.
This ugly and beautiful world
isnt the person who did hikari also doing the girl from samurai champloo?
RE: This ugly and beautiful world