He is now a kid so he isnt working from 8am to 7pm he has lots of time to think, recall, remember, plan... basically find that "oddity" that has to be "fixed". Instead he is spending it hanging out with kids, taking strolls to mountain, going to museums, buying gifts, having parties and everytime he gets struck by his past memories. Hes had days to think but everything is taking him by surprise. He knows who the (wrong) culprit was but gives 0 fucks, he nows who the targets were so instead of watching, investigating common things, people in their lifes, whatever he wastes days befriending her just for the sake of it.
The reason he can't do much is because he IS a kid.
He is letting the teacher take care of things, he could perfectly go to the police and say that he has heard a child screaming and being hit and even if I know that Japan is a shithole when it comes to morals im sure that things would got really interesting when they see the kid beaten with testimony from a (false) witness, teachers, etc.
His plan was to NOT make her a loner, the teacher actually had a point when he said that if it came out, the kids might discriminate her even more. So it would totally work against his own plans. So leaving it to the "adults" is actually the best thing to do for him.. after all, he couldn't do much more anyway... he told someone that she is getting abused, the teacher agreed and said actions are being taken. No difference to what you described... if you go to the police and tell them that, they'd tell you the same thing. (the "we are doing something" part). He has no reason to believe that the teachers in his school arn't trying their best to solve the situation.
Actually the beginning of episode 5 is even worse. So she dissapeared and he stays 2 days at home doing nothing? griefing? and then goes and stays put with the lie about her moving out? no vigilance of the place? of subsecuents targets? no alibi for the retarded guy? not being asked to testify (except her mother he was the last one seeing her alive) wtf? This is nonsense at creationist level.
What are you talking about, he visited her house several times after the incident and noticed a police car there, what was he supposed to do as a 10 year old? Break into the house or something? When the police is watching on top of that?