What sister?
What sister?
Right, she wasn't a sister but a childhood friend? I can't remember exactly anymore. Sasamiya Saya.
Oh, right, Ayato had a real sister. The bastard who placed the seal on him. Fortunately I had forgotten her for a while. Even Rakudai's sister is worlds above that one, that's for sure.
The shit that happens when to very similar anime air at the same time.
Saya is awesome. She's got the most interesting personality of the lot. Most shows have their own version of ditz/tsundere/schemer, even if they're done well here in a cookie-cutter fashion. She's refreshing.
We never did get a reaction following the bath scene. She must have just been happy to see Ayato.
I doubt I'd download the OST since each piece isn't actually that great, but the timing and mood is spot on whenever it's used.
As plain and simple as it was, the scene where she was proud of her "cooking" was adorable and well done... "A-hem!"Quote:
Saya is awesome.
It somehow made me proud of her too.
Episode 13 - Return of Saya.
More pretty fights, Zettai Ryouiki and Saya.
Saya barely appeared.
It wasn't bad to see a bit of strategy to overcome Ayato's artificial weakness. One still has to wonder why the dude doesn't try to do anything about his condition, though. Surely he's not thinking that since his (evil) sister placed the seal on him, he must not do anything about it? At least he's not hell-bent on finding the stupid sister.
I thought it was Buff's idea of an April Fools joke, only delayed randomly.
Episode 15 - HS
She's simply too cute. Her vocal performance is awesome. She switches between unenthusiastic and passionate all while maintaining that "sleepy voice".
"Boo. Now help me down". :3
I'd hate to be Ayato. I wouldn't be able to decide between Saya's cuteness, Julis' Zettai Ryouiki and Claudia's everything.
What am I saying, I'd love to be Ayato.
Why choose?
Why choose, in the end the big boobed airhead blonde wins :D
That fight was embarrassing to watch. When people attain a certain level in fighting power, experience, and skills, they shouldn't anymore put up such a disgraceful display full of openings and mistakes. Or suddenly waking up in the middle of the fight, suggesting they were fricking unfocused until then. Are we really supposed to root for Ayato? He and Julis have bested opponents that would be much worthier of competing for the championship than that halfassed dude who's only winning because he's the main characted.
Without Saya's cuteness this would have been a totally pos episode.
I took his "Awakening" to mean that he's unchained himself. The key to undoing his sister's seal was to realise truly that he needs to rely on other people.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
She was afraid that with his strength he would eventually think of himself as the only power that mattered - that he had to do everything, and that he should do everything.
I look forward to Claudia's snippets every week.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Episode 16 - HS
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Ooh, the abysmal sounding maid was kidnapped. Couldn't have happened to a more appropriate character. I hope she stays kidnapped for the rest of the show. Or if they want to go the comedy route, right after it has been noticed she was taken, and just when the MCs begin to worry, she walks back on her own. She'd then explain that the kidnappers were covering their ears all the time and finally begged for her to leave as soon as possible.
Saya is so cute and funny.
I just want that handmaid to freakin die. That voice is worthy of a Banshee. But I like how Ayato said that his power up doesn't make him stronger. He just lasts longer. A full hour. That's one way of doing it.
Saya's exosuit!
I can die right now.
edit: Actually, I can't. I still have next week's to watch.
Episode 17 - HS
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Too bad about poor Saya and Kirin. But they did put up a good fight. Especially considering Kirin's general lack of flashy techniques. She really should develop some aces to place up her sleeve or learn to cut anything and everything. Now she can't cut anything special, so sticking to a simple sword has drastic limits.
If they know who kidnapped the annoying maid, they should simply fight fire with fire. Kidnap five important people from the opponent's camp and do an exchange. Only a fool fights a scumbag honourably. Weakening Ayato can't be that important, especially not compared to a boss losing the trust of his underlings, which would happen if he didn't care about the counter-kidnapped people.
HS - Episode 18
More Girls, just what Ayato needs.
Shadow-Star needs his own gaiden show where he goes into all these dark espionage missions, with maybe Claudia also doing some dirty cleanup.