The thing is. it's perfectly possible to do this story without screwing up basic cooking facts. That's what I'm complaining about.
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The thing is. it's perfectly possible to do this story without screwing up basic cooking facts. That's what I'm complaining about.
Dunno how many fish the stream had, but there was a lot of competition since most of them were apparently fishing. It was quite a stretch all in all that the Aldinis were the only people, among these folks aiming to be top chefs, who realised there's meat other than fish in the world. I'm willing to give them a bit of a break, though, because the theme was a Japanese dish and fish is very prominent there, especially historically. The weakness of a tunnel vision could have been directed 1000% better, of course, since it was created by the strict time limit, yet after all that they still had the luxury to just be a relaxed audience for the Aldinis, from the beginning till the end, so obviously there was no hurry in the world after all.
HS - Episode 10
Soma you're so boss. :3 Marry Megumi already and forget about Erina.
There's been a lot of battles and eliminations in this anime. I'd love to see some more nurturing though, instead of simply picking off the weak. It's an academy after all.
With that title, it's a bit hard to complain about the lack of anything but shokugeki...And for manga readers, the show feels both slow and lacking in details.
Seriously, Megumi is moch better than Erina. Fuck typical anime progression that forces Soma to go for Erina :/
And challenging the chef to a Shokugeki, haha
No, no, no. You don't understand.
Souma has to tame Erina. They went over it pretty well this episode again (better than the manga did imo). Erina is an elitist. She doesn't respect simple flavors (Souma), she doesn't respect people who can't do it right the first time but work around it (Megumi), people who "fail" her (Nikumi), and she can't appreciate "common" activities despite being inexplicable drawn to them.
She was very much enthused about playing cards with Hisako, until she found out that Souma also intended to do the same. He's the archetypal "common" person to her, even though he is anything but. She even almost relented once Souma was out of her sight, because she really does want to enjoy common things, but her own stupid pride ruined it for her yet again. In her own mind, she has an elite image to protect.
Erina was so upset that someone made her enjoy a common-people dish that she flunked him out of spite.
Doujima said that she's only ever had the best foods since she was very young, even baby food and comically, breast milk. Has she even ever had fried chicken? Ramen? A mere roasted potato? Erina can't appreciate rustic flavors. Souma and Megumi both cook street or rustic cuisine. Souma's father semi-retired after finding a woman who can appreciate his cooking, and wanting to for her.
Souma has to defeat Erina's God's Tongue, he has to make it appreciate the unrefined, but good flavors by cooking them perfectly.
Yes, Megumi is better than Erina. Almost every other girl is. But Souma breaking Erina's haughtiness will be well worth the aggravation.
I'm not so sure Soma and Megumi would be overly compatible. Megumi would never drive Soma forward, or anywhere at all. She would be simply satisfied with anything like the Yamato Nadeshiko she is (which would be no good for Soma, who already foolishly thought his old man's restaurant was all there is to the world of cooking). As much I hate Erina for being such a bitch, even she would be better than Megumi if Soma can break her stupid, false pride.
I'm sure everyone can appreciate a God Tongue.
Am I the only one who thinks the chef dude's reason for expelling Megumi is ridiculous? They seriously want us to believe he is an elite professional with that kind of attitude? His power-tripping is so exaggerated that it blew suspension of disbelief for me out of the water. And I managed to keep watching after all the ridiculous foodgasms.
I agree, this is just bad writing. Tasting is already heavilly not a good way of judging, you do not need to be even more of a jerk in your setting of the event. Cooking being massively about skill and knowledge, there are an infinite number of irrefutable details you can fail someone with. Changing the recipe was enough in my eyes. But then you can always chose to be clever and propose another test to get megumi back in the game, since her dish was acceptable in taste and aspect.
But since shokugeki is the only way out... Souma had to save the powerless girl.
The setting was pretty cruel and crafty, but not totally unreasonable. Megumi made a mistake by first going for hardier ingredients instead of cauliflower. I don't actually much care for cauliflower personally, so I don't know if it's so problematic in reality, but I guess it is. The setting was like a miniature version of the challenges a restaurant owner faces while procuring the various ingredients needed for the menu dishes. Some can be handled in a more relaxed manner and stay good for a long while, some might be harder to acquire and go bad fast. Different strategies are needed. So, it wasn't only about Shinomiya being a jerk (although he is a jerk through and through).
Failing her because it tastes bad as she was late picking the best ingredients, would have been acceptable.
But it tasted good enough he had to get that rule the recipe must be followed to the letter after the test.
Souma in the same predicament got a A for his bourguignon that felt flawed on so many levels...
It does go brown pretty easy at room temp. I won't deny the perceived logic behind the act, but deliberately putting in bad produce (and barely enough of it as it is) is bullshit. Souma called him out on it for good reason. He rigged it to prevent the full group from passing. If the elite 10 were all in that room, he would have only put in 8 good cauliflower heads. That's a bad test. It doesn't prove who is a good chef or good at shopping. It rewards needless ferocity and punished deliberate caution.
Shinoyima is a douchebag.
Hinako's test was hard (and the cut to her next group proves it), but only the students own inadequacies cause them to fail. A lack of creativity, a lack of knowledge about native/wild ingredients, losing composure under pressure, or simple lack of determination. But they could all pass in theory.
Shinomiya's reason wasn't as simple as "you changed my recipe". The fact that the cauliflower was enhanced in whiteness and sweetness upset the balance of the vegetable combination. I agree he's a douchebag for putting in dud cauliflowers though.
No. He said so himself that the change was a good idea in and of itself (perfect harmony, in his words). The intention of the recipe was to bring out the sweetness of the vegetables, but Megumi used acidity to add a different but similarly delicious effect. Changing the recipe is what he got pissed off at.
he admitted he lost... Only to disqualify Megumi because he can not tolerate losing, when it's not even the point.I repeat myself, but at this point, finding a student that overcomes a hurdle that way should be a nice surprise and you would try your best to get them back into the race. If they lose after that, so be it. But don't fail them for your petty ego, when they show great promise.
You're right. It's the added acidity that failed Megumi.
I'm still of the opinion that throwing in guaranteed-fail cauliflowers was the dick move. I can appreciate why he failed Megumi though. He's not examining creativity or anything else like the previous examiner. He's examining precision and following a recipe to the letter. Remember how some of you (David?) said Souma's French dish from last time (the one with red wine) wasn't even the same thing anymore? It's the same idea.
The exam wasn't "Make me something that tastes good based loosely on X", it's "Make X".
His dick move was how he set up the exam (guaranteed fail quota), not how he marked it.
In this show it's a gamble as to whether or not your creativity will be appreciated. That's why real-world exams have marking rubrics to keep clarify expectations.
No, Megumi's change was so minor a layman would not even notice it. Souma's bourguignon barely bore any resemblance to the real thing. That analogy simply doesn't work.
It was Shinomiya's own recipe. There's no way a man with that much pride would allow a mere student to alter the recipe for an exam. In fact I doubt he would allow it at a restaurant either, when it's his name that everything's riding on.
I reckon every examiner must drop a number of students, to reduce the amount. Shinomiya just made the disqualifying process a bit wider, not only based on the final dish. The two fools earlier were kicked out because they broke the rule of no cooperation, for example.