I think the issue is that other people could not even make an arrow reach 300 alsins, much less hit at that distance.
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I agree, this episode wasn't that complicated at all and even without thinking it was easy to understand, since there wasn't so much infighting and was actually about countries more or less.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
It actually feels like when I watched Bakemonogatari - just let it flow and don't stop to analyse frames/words. Understand what you do on first-pass and gloss over what you don't. Go back and analyse again if you want on the second watch, but at least let the first watch be uninterrupted.
Episode 9 - HS
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Not much happened in this episode. Elen's trip back to Zchted turned out to be a plot device to get her away from Tigre, unless the whole thing was planned and plotted by Ludmila and she somehow gained Eliza's cooperation. If that's the case, I wonder what she's going to ask Tigre to do in return. I doubt Tigre would ever betray Elen, and Ludmila ought to know that, but on the other hand Tigre isn't exactly the smartest man to ever hold a bow, so the favour might bear consequences he wouldn't see before it's too late. Alternatively she fell in love with him like any lady should with the main character dude... I really hope it's not that.
Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to the next battle. It has to be infinitely more interesting than the stupid thing we saw in this episode. Maybe it won't be all chess pieces.
No one worth their salt is not into little girls.
So, Regin is a VIP. She tried to avoid poisoning, which doesn't make sense since they could kill her at anytime. That means it is a force of habit, and only high ranking nobles are targeted by poisoning.
Yeah, I was thinking along those lines, especially since her rescue was kind of a separate scene. In fact back then I thought saving her would result in somebody sending reinforcements to aid Tigre. It didn't go that far, at least not yet. I also wonder why she doesn't identify herself. Maybe she's related to one of Tigre's enemies? Or is a foreigner, fearing she would be ransomed? Although I don't know why a foreign noble lady would have been fleeing slavers in Brune. Though I suppose she could have been on her way to marry a son of Thenardier or someone else, and her retinue got waylaid.
Episode 10 - HS
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A jolly good episode. The tactics used were actually sound, yet it all started to fall apart naturally when the men couldn't anymore take it. Both Tigre and Ludmila are young (and somewhat super human) and thus inexperienced, so it's no wonder they couldn't predict that breaking point so easily. However, then Tigre's overall nobility, respectful treatment of other people, and all the connections he has managed to create in such a short time saved the day. I wouldn't say that was any deus ex machina either, because honestly speaking there's a limit to how much the Brune nobles could afford to use a foreign invasion as a tool for their own ends. It's no good if they get rid of a domestic competitor if it means losing a large chunk of the country to a neighbour in the process. So, it was given Tigre would receive reinforcements sooner or later, no matter how friendly they would be to him (but they would be allies at the very least as long as the invadering army remains). Good for Tigre they were orders of knights Roland had instructed to aid him.
Despite all that, maybe my favourite part of the episode was still the almost last scene of Tigre and Elen looking at stars together and then holding hands.
I wonder what's the deal with that girl Tigre saved. Why was she still huddling in the shadows in rags? Maybe some people around would recognize her, and she wouldn't want that? Her expression wasn't exactly amiable either.
Mila FTW. That sleeping in the tent scene was awesome. Tigre needs no legal wife. He must seek the harem route.
Disregard women, acquire war maidens.
Also, I only just now realized his father was named Urz/Urs. So his undercover name wasn't all that random
Hiryuu - Vanadi-chu Ep 08-12
Tigre should just be the new king of Zhect with his harem of War Maidens.
Tigre's special luck attribute really is pretty high. Although at the same time one can only wonder if it's really luck that he got to test some high quality breasts while half or fully asleep and thus doesn't really know and remember anything about it.
Thinking about the situation analytically it actually makes sense many of the war maidens find him interesting. After all, he did genuinely gain the infatuation of one of them, and not long after he impressed a second one. It's natural the rest would start to wonder what's it all about. They are kind of similar due to their status and external circumstances. Since they possess high battle prowess, it wouldn't be strange if they all desired a strong and capable man, not some fat court noble who can only carry a ceremonial sword. Yet at the same time their social standing requires them to only look at nobles, most likely. Tigre happens to be a count of much renown and connections already, not to mention nobody can deny his worth in battle. Elen was lucky to claim him first!
Just finished watching this, and man I really enjoy this kinds of settings and really enjoyed this overall. That said, I thought the beginning of the series oversold the rest of the series. And of course, rush ending!
Yeah, not much to add here. The story was too straight forward, while unnecessarily messy. It had a few cool violent scenes though, and plenty of likable characters. I would've preferred if Elen stayed a bit more ruthless like I thought she was portrayed in the first couple of episodes.
But oh well, guess I'll see about reading the LNs or manga later on. Doubt we'll see more of this.