Damn, it seems that the other duo got away. I was hoping Ryner had slaughtered them while he was in berserk mode..
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Damn, it seems that the other duo got away. I was hoping Ryner had slaughtered them while he was in berserk mode..
Because they are after the same thing, the Hero Relics. Those two didn't have a problem with taking out other people that saw the dragon, or with trying to take out Ryner and Ferris to accomplish their goal. Ryner should be the same way, instead of being a lazy, timid, manservant. Eliminate all opposition.
But Ryner wouldn't be Ryner if he wasn't a lazy timid manservant. I'd imagine that it's only possible to bring him back from God Mode simply because his personality is that way.
It could be he indeed is afraid to do it himself. But if that's the case, he also knows it himself. And that means he's no hypocrite. Besides, from what we have seen, he's always at work. When would he even have time to go around enacting fell deeds like Froaude is doing? I reckon it's enough he knows full well Froaude is wicked and he knowingly allows it and it's on his conscience. A hypocrite would try to convince himself he has no idea what's going on.
Sion would have never hired him in that case and we wouldn't have a story to watch.
I guess the rest of my earlier post was saying something else. My comments about him did not support him being a hypocrite, but rather just a coward.
Still, simply acting in contradiction to your stated beliefs or feelings (it doesn't have to be your actual feelings) already makes you a hypocrite.
Sion makes people believe he is a nice guy (including most of his subordinates and friends, maybe even himself to a lesser degree) but he knowingly lets Froaude do his dirty work. He criticizes the underhanded tactics of the other nobles, but forgives Froaude if such acts were done for his goal.
Sion's goal is not to appear as a nice guy but to build a strong nation free of the current oppression by the nobles. However, he must appear as a much better man than the nobles for that to happen. But it's still a tool, nothing more. I'd say his true self was best shown by how he reacted to the assistant's murder.
Sion having locked his plans was the only concrete thing in this episode. I'm not sure what the whole escapade of Ryner wanting to save the kid brings to the story. It's not like we didn't already know he strongly sympathises with the ordinary folk and their suffering. Unless this somehow ends up developing the Alpha stigma lore, it's a bit wasted time. Their travels should be about finding artefacts, after all. And eating dango.
Ryner is in an initiatic journey. And his Alfa Stigma might very well be the ultimate Hero relic, that is when he fully controls it, hence the journey. After all, the hero relics found up to know can't really compete with his Godmode.
And Sion probably sent him on that path because he intuitively felt it. He also probably knows that Ryner could be the one ruling his utopian world freed of war and misconduct.
It's just that it does not work well with the tough world we've been shown, filled with death and violence everyone uses so easily, even the "good ones". So I guess my manichean idea can't happen.
I suppose if they really sideline the relics and make it into a half spiritual journey to develop Ryner, then it would make a whole lot of sense. I'm not sure what Sion intended, but for now I'm quite sure he really wanted to find relics and also probably wanted to keep Ryner sharp enough to be of any use, should the need arise. Maybe he even foresaw Ferris tough and fit enough to stick with Ryner through all the troubles. It would have ended pretty badly for Ryner if his companion had abandoned him.
However, I doubt Sion thought Ryner would lead the country. He might have written a nice book but otherwise his hardly suitable. Too lazy and people would be afraid of him.
To me the relics and the journey to find them is only an excuse for something else. Because when in action they were not that amazing, even if useful. Also, their screen time and explanations around them are scarce. Last but not least, Ferris and Ryner do not seem that dedicated to finding and understanding them as were the two ones they had a fight with. So the replacement for the relics that is readily available is Ryner or another Alpha Stigma even more powerful and totally controllable.
Last part was weak I know, Ryner isn't cut to be a leader.
Ryner isn't cut to be a leader, but Sion recognised his usefulness from the get go. Upon reading his book, it confirms that Ryner has the head, wits and vision for a peaceful world - only problem is that he doesn't carry it out, but instead takes on the "if everyone does nothing, we'd be well off" mentality instead due to his laziness (or his belief that one person can not make a difference).
I'm not sure if Sion sent him on this journey to simply gather these relics, or if there was a deeper meaning like David suggested. I think somehow Sion thinks Ryner will play a bigger part in this.
The only problem is that Ryner's God-Mode is different from regular Alpha Stigmas, and it shouldn't be something Sion would know about. It pretty much took an Alpha Stigma Hunter to figure that out, and we just saw this episode that so-called "researchers" aren't that great neither.
It irks me to see Ryner use his spells so inefficiently. His speed-booster wore off and never came back on, (unless they simply dropped the visual effects) while he didn't even try to surprise anybody with a variety of spells. It's not like they can learn anything from you.
Ferris' insults have been much kinder lately. Her voice, expression, the way she observes him to make sure he's alright (aka worrying/caring), everything. Thehorseslave driving scene in the preview suggests otherwise though :p
btw, are the OP/ED of Derp's releases playing funny for you all? It skips for me.
It seems to me she's now more friendly and considerate most of the time but still goes back to her old ways whenever Ryner happens to show higher laziness or absent-mindedness, or when the mood of the situation otherwise calls for it. Since I consider the violent and abusive state to be her natural one, I suppose she's keeping herself in check more than before, for his sake. Maybe she can even change. Who knows.
I didn't notice anything with DXVA.
Yeah, that's a better way of putting it.
It's almost as if she feels a bit of pity for him and hold back, but whenever his laziness counterbalances that enough, she'll lash out. (Even then though, it looks like she's taking it all into consideration. The horse driving scene though.. she's enjoying it from the bottom of her heart!)
It would be pretty sad if she changed totally, I'd say. After all, it's evident she enjoyed abusing Ryner and Ryner didn't seem to mind too much (keeping in mind this is anime and even grotesque slapstick never leaves anybody damaged). It might have been the most honest companionship Ryner ever experienced. I said it already before but if she had completely changed and started to be wary in his (mostrous) company, Ryner would have definitely felt he lost something.
But it's jolly good there's some gentleness in her behavior now, even if it was derived from pity like you said.
Rather than pity, it might be possible that she sees some part of herself in Ryner, which causes her to act nicer now.
Pity was too strong a word, definitely, but I can't think of an appropriate substitute. Even sympathy doesn't quite do it. The word I was looking for was along the lines of "He's had it tough so I want to cut him some slack" - without the objective judgement but an emotional response.
I can certainly see your "see herself in him" point. Ferris' personality and combat/status superiority could very potentially cause her to be alienated from anyone during childhood.(in any sense, her childhood can't be too happy judging from that ED). She's rather lucky to have Iris worshipping her.
After watching the first three Taka subs, I'm of the opinion they are no better at all than Derp. They have badly lacking QC and also otherwise fail to impress me. I'll watch EC's ep 4 and judge whether to stick to them after all, now that they are again releasing. Their releases are 576p instead of 720p, though.
EC's video quality was dull and lustless so I'm not getting them either. Maybe their subs and nicely encoded 720p video would be nice. But I'm far too damn lazy to make such muxs for every damn episode. I'll just keep Derps with all their faults, I guess.
A good series cursed by mediocre subs.
Derp does an alright job, and I'm happy to watch them on a weekly basis. I won't bother updating them with anything better unless there is a considerable improvement to justify it. That said, I'd be very glad for such a sub to appear. Maybe Gotwoot may consider it. (wink wink)