Originally Posted by KitKat
Her child's murder? Where did they mention that? I think she feels guilty over unintentionally killing the little boy, but I don't recall them saying anything about her own family.
Whoops. Looks like sometime between watching the episode and making that post my memory of her voice killing the child transformed into the virus killing her child. (that's been happening a lot lately).
Don't worry, you're not confused. I was :o
Originally Posted by KitKat
And YAY for Yun Yun being back! She's so hilarious. I hope she still has a significant role to play in this story. I'd like to see her get some resolution on her past and have the ability to move forward with her life outside of the control of the Snakes. There has to be a way since Hakko isn't grovelling to them for drugs.
Maria's old man could probably handle Yun Yun's Snake medicine dependency. It's a different matter whether he will. I wouldn't be surprised if he was somehow mixed into the whole mess, because Alphard seemed to accuse Maria herself for something. Maybe Maria's dad was there when it all took place and Maria was with him. Then an accident happened.
Canaan ED Single - My heaven [Annabel]
Like many of the other episodes, I enjoyed this one. It's scary that Hakko unintentionally killed a child with her powers and she didn't even realize until it was too late, which I understand why she has a lack of speech. Well, looks like Yun Yun made an appearance. :p
alright! an episode with character development on the green haired chick :D.
she's definitely my favorite character in this show...
I skipped this show for no apparent reason, but today i read about it on Wikipedia and saw 2 names Kinoko Nasu and Takashi Takeuchi, 2 seconds later i had all of released episodes put to dl.
So far so good, epic and well made fight scenes, interesting plot, cast of different characters(but Yun Yun annoys me), great voice acting(but why the taxi driver sounds like Kotomine?! his voice is reserved for villains in any of Nasu works not some taxi driver!), interesting back-story, and thank god no code-geass like cliffhangers, but plot is so good that i can't wait for next ep.
I'm the only one that thinks that Nasu has obsession with eyes? Mystic eyes of death perception in Tsukihime and Kara no Kyoukai, Ilya eyes in Fate, and here Canaan eyes change colour when she is using her abilities.
Don't post Fate/Stay Night game content in this thread please, mild as the spoilers may be.
I just watched Rush Hour 3 recently, and that also featured a crazy taxi driver. That guy must just enjoy the thrills
Flower Garden:
Episode 9 - gg
That surely was pretty weird at first: a guy comes out with a mask, shooting at them, and they say "Don't kill him!" I don't know if its even possible not to fire back at a guy who shoots at you, but oh well. I'm also getting this weird Mino and Hakko vibe. :p
Of course it is possible, just stupid.
It was a crazed man, so chances are his shooting would never have got any better than that anyway. Eventually he would have run out of bullets and then Canaan could have kicked his ass nonlethally.
What made me wonder in this episode is the timeline flaw when Canaan's building got blown up. At that point Alphard was still aboard her own helicopter somewhere in the sky whereas the others were a block away from Canaan. So how on Earth did the others arrive so late to the scene? Didn't they care? Surely they did care, so it was a glaring error.
Canaan with her mystic eyes could have done that easily, but the risk is too great without them. Her hair got shot, so even with piss poor shooting she almost died.
Maybe they evacuated because of the explosion, then came back a good while later after they thought it was safe to do so.
so this was definitely the most interesting episode so far, imo. or well, it seemed like i got the most into this one.
i love the animation of this episode. the backgrounds, and when the car was traveling. it looked so good.
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
Maybe they evacuated because of the explosion, then came back a good while later after they thought it was safe to do so.
That's the logical thing to do. With one chopper firing at the ground and another firing at the other, you wouldn't what would've hit you if you stayed: a rogue missle or the burning fuselage of whichever aircraft got unlucky.
I suppose Kraco's point does have a bit of validity though. Alphard's gunfire stopped for long enough to make even the most chicken of people take a peek.
I initially thought Canaan was just good without her powers, but not excellent. Seems like she completely sucks without it though. Her skills would remain, but she has been so reliant on her synesthesia that she can't use her normal senses normally.
She didn't even notice the danger until the bullet whizzed past her hair. If it had been 10cm closer, she'd have been hit without knowing what happened.
I don't know what the heck's going on with Alphard. One minute she's bad, the other, not so bad.
Regarding Alphard's previous words to Maria, that it's all her fault, her Dad's pharmaceutical company was probably in charge of the Ua virus production as well as the anti-virus.
I doubt it is something as indirect as that. It definitely has something to do with her lost memories.
Alphard is bad. Stepping on and insulting Canaan is enough reason for me to think so.
Maybe the past is gnawing Alphard just as much as Canaan. It seems to me, at least at this point, Alphard has more interest in making Canaan feel helpless and powerless than killing her. Despite having abandoned the name Canaan, Alphard is surely trying to prove she's more worth it than the new Canaan.
What makes it even harder to tell Alphard's motives is how Canaan described the colours to Maria last episode.
She explained "blue" was for killing intent, and the flashback showed Alphard in that colour. Assuming colours don't lie, it meant Alphard really did want Canaan dead until recently.
Originally Posted by shinta
I doubt it is something as indirect as that. It definitely has something to do with her lost memories.
I hope so. It will make things much more interesting.
I must say that's the best Canaan episode to date. The mood, especially the second half, was just one roller coaster after another. I particularly liked how they preserved the silence in that whole sequence, but showed Hakko and Mino's respective emotional changes as he got through to her, from green (being afraid of her) to maroon, then finally the light-brown that's mysteriously characteristic of Siam and Alphard.
Between all that and the final cliffhanger, they put in Yun-Yun and Maria doing the classic tumble-into-depths-of-enemy-base which really lighted up the mood between the two climaxes, working out much better than having a single, tense mood for half an episode.
I'm not so sure about how Hakko's sound attack works. From Liang Qi's explanation it sounded like a physical attack where the air vibrations damage the brain, as if her voice hits the brain's resonance frequency. If that was the case though, her anti-sound trick would be useless, leaving the only way to hurt Canaan is if the perceived noise damages the brain upon interpretation, rather than physical contact.
It's kind of half-assed science anyway, since I don't think Synesthesia would ever work like it's being portrayed to, but enjoyment didn't suffer much because of it.
Liang Qui is one ruthless, cunning bitch. So ruthless and cunning that I'm starting to like her.