[P-Z SUBS] Queen's Blade - The Successor of the Throne - Episode 01 [447be842].mkv
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This second season's looking fairly decent. Given the amount of airtime they'd want to dedicate to boobs and pantsu though, plot would be watchable at best.
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
/Kills self
At least admit you're in it for the tittays >_>
It's just the first season had enough mystery that I want to see who wins. I'm a "face" person rather than a "titty" person, so with or without boobs, Elina, Tomoe, Sizuka and whoever-the-master-elf-is are my favourite. Airi a hair's width behind.
So am I in it for the boobs? No. Not exactly.
Am I in it for the girls? Some of them, yes. A handful are fun to watch.
I agree with your choice of Elina. My other favorites are Echidna, Menace, Alleyne, and Melona.
Tentacle rape and Echidna molesting someone in the very first episode. This series never fails to entertain me.
Drawn back in by the good art and wonderful looking eyes, I continue to shamelessly watch this.
But what's this? It looks like someone left some plot in my Queen's Blade! What is this mysterious shadow behind the queen? There may be some semblance of conspiracy afoot amidst all the fanservice...Oh wait, there's oral tentacle rape, and even the half-lidded eyes rolling up...what a relief, there's still no real plot in my Queen's Blade.
Shizuka, Elina, Claudette, Echidna. In that order.
I guess the tentacle raped girl is named Nyx (voiced by Rie Tanaka)
How do they get away with these things? That tentacle scene was nothing short of hentai.
Only thing i likes was the ending song, anyone know where i can get it?
That orchestra sounding song?
The ED theme is supposed to be "buddy-body" performed by Rie Kugmiya, Yuko Goto and Kanae Ito (Melona, Menace, & Airi). It's going to be released on Oct 23rd. It doesn't seem like the anime used it, unless that's it during the preview scene.
CD Cover
[SFW] Queen's Blade OVA 4
[SFW] Queen's Blade S2 - 01 [ECBDA736].mkv
To follow up the comment I made in post #80 which was in response to post #79,.the guy I know received another DMCA notice. This time for One Piece.
BayTSP has reasonable good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of in the below report is not authorized by Toei Company, LTD., its agents, or the law.
The information provided herein is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Therefore, this letter is an official notification to effect removal of the detected infringement listed in the below report. The below documentation specifies the exact location of Infringed Work: One Piece - Episode 418
Infringing File Name: [yibis]_One_Piece_418_[720p][CD3B8003].mkv
Initial Infringement Timestamp: 26 Sep 2009 17:25:25 GMT
Recent Infringement Timestamp: 26 Sep 2009 17:25:25 GMT
Infringers IP Address: 75.xxx.xxx.xxx
Protocol: BitTorrent
Infringed Work: One Piece - Episode 418
Infringing File Name: [UTSF] ONE PIECE 418 [1080p].mp4
BayTSP is apparently DDoS-ing nyaatorrents.com too.
Time to get cracking on those anonymous P2P apps.
Nix swallows.....a lot!
I had read somewhere that that is what Melpha does to attack, but I was completely unprepared for how vulgarit would appearthey would animate it and actually air it. It might have been worse that she was fully clothed. I couldn't stop laughing after the first two or three.
Nix (or I've seen Nyx too), might have some interesting character development with Elina, but in the end, she's still just there for tentacle fanservice. Flame magic is neat though. It looks like they will spend a much larger part of next episode with their battle.
All in all, Tomoe is cooly collected, but her fights are pretty boring. She'll end it in a single strike after she finally gets up the determination, which isn't all that exciting.
Shizuka and Tomoe in western priestess outfits was a good enough consolation.
Anyone knows the name of the song that starts at 11:36 P-Z version ?
It sucks that Shizuka doesn't get to fight. I'd love to see Tomoe vs Shizuka, showing a darker agenda for Shizuka as well as forcing Tomoe to fight her actual friend.
It's funny watching Tomoe talking down people who dress little while Shizuka herself was sitting right next to her.
Shizuka did look noticeably uncomfortable when Tomoe really started going off on her rant.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
I've been wondering for a while, why isn't this in widescreen?
Just because? Dunno, Clannad wasn't in widescreen neither, until much later.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
I totally forgot Echidna was an elf until Ayellen and her seemed to know each other, then I recognised those pointy ears. Despite her appearance she has a thing formolesteringsaving little girls.
I hope they put in as much effort into animating the fights as they do the erotic scenes. The action's not bad, but I was hoping for better, given how visual this anime is. (and how rather lacking it is in other aspects).
That last sentence is actually getting overturned bit by bit with each new episode. I'm now finding myself anticipating what will happen each week as opposed to seeing who's turn it is to get raeped.
I knew there was a reason that Elina was my favorite of the actual fighters (since Shizuka doesn't participate). She's so heartlessly evil, and then turns around and starts making cute noises in the bath again thinking of Reina. No wonder I like her, she's just like Kuroko in Railgun/Index.
I did like Cattelya's line to Claudette though. If there is anyone in this series that both looks and acts like a queen, it is Claudette. She is probably the most deserving to rule, because she is just and fair.
I don't really care much for the two from the elven forest, but Echidna is great, so maybe she'll actually win instead.
As for Listy...what the hell? Aldra mind-raped her, and now she's the queen's favorite to win. Why doesn't Aldra just win again like she apparently has in the past?