Then don't read it...Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
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Then don't read it...Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
Yeah that is a brilliant idea, no one has ever thought of that before. Now if only you didn't post that same line every other thread. Maybe you should stop reading Bleach or watching the anime seeing how much you complain about both. Damn Archangel enough with your stupid lines already.
What the fuck are you talking about you moron?
When i said i was going to stop reading the bleach manga because it was so god dam awful i actually did it unlike some other people who claim it every other week and yet always come back to annoy the shit out of everyone else
And i'm watching the anime because i'm waiting for a certain arc to come, then i'll probably leave it for a couple months until things get back on track
What did I tell you about calling other people morons Archangel. Btw I'm glad you think you're so special that you're the only one who can stop reading a manga or watching an anime, because all the rest of us either lack the will power or we have no lives so we've nothing better to do. Btw like this post says I did stop reading the manga and its not the first time either. But just like always you or someone else asks me to come back and then when I do you act like this. You're just as hypocritical as you accuse Animeniax of being.
Anyway this is going off topic enough and I'm sure you of all people don't want to argue with me.
I feel special because i stopped reading the manga? I only got into that because you accused me of being a whining bitch like yourself
Just do the rest of us a favor and either post something meaningful next time that isn't just fucking depressing to read or have a little more willpower and clear out of the forum for good.
And with that this little bitch fest is over. Take it to the flame pit.
Originally Posted by TwisT